Advanced Fuzzy Product Search for WooCommerce


The Best Product Search For Your Store. Useful for helping users find product without having to know exactly product they’re looking for or how a product name is spelled

  • Search by fuzzy criteria
    Find a product whose exact name the user does not know. Allows the user to make mistakes in words, break the order, or skip words in the search phrase.

  • Search across a wide range of taxonomies
    Search can be done by Titles, Attributes, Tags, Categories, Description, Short Description, SKUs and even Meta fields.

  • Smart Autocomplete
    Autocomplete, which can be built on the basis of categories, brands, search history or predictions, makes it possible to offer the user popular products even before the start of the search.

  • Ajax search
    Product filtering and displaying results in a browser will be run in the background without full page reload.

  • One-click search box replacement for most themes
    In most cases, it is enough to activate one option, and the plugin will replace your standard search field automatically. This already works for a large number of themes, and we are constantly expanding the list of supported themes.

  • Customizable search field
    A wide range of options is available that allows you to change not only the appearance but also the functionality of the search field.


A download zip archive with Advanced Fuzzy Product Search for WooCommerce
Extract files
Copy the folder with the plugin
Open via FTP folder \wp-content\plugins\
Paste plugin folder into here
Go to admin panel => Plugins => Advanced Fuzzy Product Search for WooCommerce press activate

A download zip archive with plugin
Go to admin panel => Plugins => Add new
Choose the archive with a plugin and upload it
Wait until you get the notification installation went successfully
Press Activate button

Navigate to admin panel => Plugins => Add new
Type \ » Advanced Fuzzy Product Search for WooCommerce »\ in the search field
Choose our plugin from the list and click \ »Install\ »
Wait until you get the notification installation went successfully
Press Activate button


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Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Advanced Fuzzy Product Search for WooCommerce » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.
