All Pages In Custommize: see all the pages in the Customize preview


Normally in the Customize preview you are able to see only the pages that are linked.

With All Pages In Customize you will be able to see all the pages.

After activating All Pages In Customize, you will see the panel « All Pages » in Appearance => Custommize.

Expanding the panel « All pages » you have a dropdown list for each post type. Just select the single post or page you wish to see in the customize preview, and you will see it.

How to see a specific page in the customize preview that isn’t included in the site navigation

  • Install All Pages In Customize
  • Go to Appearance => Customize
  • Click on All pages
  • Select the page that you want to see

Captures d’écran

  • Dropdown lists for each post type in the Customize


Il n’y a aucun avis pour cette extension.

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« All Pages In Custommize: see all the pages in the Customize preview » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • Changed: list of posts ordered by alphabetic order
  • Added: integration with Specific Content For Mobile


  • First release