Cette extension n’a pas été testée avec plus de trois mises à jour majeures de WordPress. Elle peut ne plus être maintenue ou supportée et peut avoir des problèmes de compatibilité lorsqu’elle est utilisée avec des versions de WordPress plus récentes.

Dottoro Syntax Highlighter


Dottoro Highlighter plugin is based on the Dottoro Syntax Highlighter service that provides professional coloring for CSS, HTML, JavaScript and XML languages.
It supports highlighting CSS, JavaScript and XML blocks embedded into HTML documents, optionally selectable line numbering and buttons for copying and printing code snippets.
It performs a detailed lexical analysis on the source code and attaches different style classes for different language items, thus providing a very flexible way to modify the appearance of the highlighted code.

Using of the Dottoro Highlighter plugin is really simple. Just insert your code snippet in the Visual or HTML view, select it and press the Dr-Highlight button on the toolbar.
You don’t need to embed your source code into an element (such as PRE), just select the whole source that you want to highlight and press the Dr-Highlight button.
Clicking on the Dr-Highlight button pops up a dialog box where you can specify the settings for the highlighted code.
If you need to modify the appearance of a previously highlighted code, click into it then click on the Dr-Highlight button on the toolbar.

The default settings for the Dottoro Highlighter plugin can be set on the preferences page.
For further description, please visit the Dottoro Syntax Highlighter site.

Captures d’écran

  • The first image screenshot-1.jpg shows the default theme.
  • The second image screenshot-2.jpg shows the black theme.


  1. After downloading the Dottoro Highlighter plugin, unpack and upload the folder to the /wpcontent/plugins/ directory on your blog.
  2. Go to the Plugins tab in the WordPress administration panel, find the Dottoro Highlighter plugin on the list and click Activate.
  3. Proceed to the plugin settings page (under Settings > Dottoro Highlighter) to configure your plugin.

If you have any installation problems or configuration issues, please contact us at info@dottoro.com.


Where can I change the color scheme of the soure code?

You can find the ‘Dottoro Highlighter’ submenu under the ‘Settings menu’ of the admin page, where you can change all features.

Can I display source code snippets with different settings on the same page?

Yes, settings can be set for each code snippet separately.


Il n’y a aucun avis pour cette extension.

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Dottoro Syntax Highlighter » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • Initial version
  • WordPress 2.9.1 compatible.
  • Options dialog for TinyMCE
  • Options dialog for quicktags
  • Automatic code generation on Post_Save
  • Theme selection


  • New Look


  • CSS rules update


  • Post saving method update.