Cette extension n’a pas été testée avec plus de trois mises à jour majeures de WordPress. Elle peut ne plus être maintenue ou supportée et peut avoir des problèmes de compatibilité lorsqu’elle est utilisée avec des versions de WordPress plus récentes.

Drag and Drop Front-End Design Builder


Design Builder that allow live edition in the front end through the Limitless drag and drop system (http://themeforest.net/item/limitless-multipurpose-drag-n-drop-theme/5528738)
With this plugin always when you click in an element, their attributes are opened, avoiding waste of time to find it in a big list.


Our sites:


Arbitrary section


  1. Don`t waste your time
  2. Let your clients more independent

Captures d’écran

  • Attributes opened after a click
  • Console running some logs


  1. Upload it to plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. For both versions 1.7.7 or 2.0 in a local host you need to set $firstMatrix = array_keys($section[0][‘matrix’])[0] instead array_shift(array_keys($arg[‘matrix’])). I don`t know why, if someone knows that, please tell me.

    For the version 1.7.7: Change the both foreach at line 194 in limitless/backend/classes/class_enigma.php for this code:

        foreach ($args as $key => $section) {
        //first matrix referrer on visual_settings.php
        $firstMatrix = array_shift(array_keys($section[0]['matrix']));      
        $firstMatrixFiltered = trim(trim(str_replace(array(' p.', ' p ','.', ' ul ',' li ',' a ',' ,', '   ','  ',','), ' ', str_replace(array('#',' > span','div.',' > a','h2','h1','h4','a.','h3','table','caption','ul li a','ul li','input[type=text]','>li>a'), '',$firstMatrix)), '.'), ' ');
        //$key access the class name
        $code .='<h4 class="engima-styler-title '.$firstMatrixFiltered.'">'.$key.'<i class="angle-downicon- ioa-front-icon"></i> <a href="" class="en-section-reset">'.__('Reset','ioa').'</a> </h4><div class="enigma-styler-section clearfix">';
        foreach ($section as  $key => $arg) {
        $firstMatrix = array_shift(array_keys($arg['matrix']));     
        $firstMatrixFiltered = trim(trim(str_replace(array(' p.', ' p ','.', ' ul ',' li ',' a ',' ,', '   ','  ',','), ' ', str_replace(array('#',' > span','div.',' > a','h2','h1','h4','a.','h3','table','caption','ul li a','ul li','input[type=text]','>li>a'), '',$firstMatrix)), '.'), ' ');
        // $arg['class'] to access the class if I have it no visual_settings        
        // access the first value of matrix array -- array_shift(array_keys($arg['matrix']))
        $code .='<h5 class="sub-styler-title '.$firstMatrixFiltered.'">'.$arg['label'].'<i class="angle-downicon- ioa-front-icon"></i> <a href="" class="en-comp-reset">'.__('Reset','ioa').'</a> </h5><div class="sub-styler-section clearfix">';

    For the version 2.0: Change the both foreach at the line 201 at limitless/backend/deprecated/class_enigma.php

    foreach ($args as $key => $section) {
        //first matrix referrer on visual_settings.php
        $firstMatrix = array_keys($section[0]['matrix'])[0];    
        //$firstMatrix = array_shift(array_keys($section[0]['matrix']));    
        //echo var_dump($section[0]['matrix']);
        //echo $firstMatrix;
        $firstMatrixFiltered = trim(trim(str_replace(array(' p.', ' p ','.', ' ul ',' li ',' a ',' ,', '   ','  ',','), ' ', str_replace(array('#',' > span','div.',' > a','h2','h1','h4','a.','h3','table','caption','ul li a','ul li','input[type=text]','>li>a'), '',$firstMatrix)), '.'), ' ');
        $code .='<div class="en-sub-sec" data-search="'.strtolower($key).'" ><h4 class="engima-styler-title '.$firstMatrixFiltered.'">'.$key.'<a href="" class="en-section-reset">'.__('Reset','ioa').'</a> </h4><div class="enigma-styler-section clearfix">';
    foreach ($section as  $key => $arg) {
        $firstMatrix = array_keys($arg['matrix'])[0];       
        $firstMatrixFiltered = trim(trim(str_replace(array(' p.', ' p ','.', ' ul ',' li ',' a ',' ,', '   ','  ',','), ' ', str_replace(array('#',' > span','div.',' > a','h2','h1','h4','a.','h3','table','caption','ul li a','ul li','input[type=text]','>li>a'), '',$firstMatrix)), '.'), ' ');
        // $arg['class'] to access the class if I have it no visual_settings        
        // access the first value of matrix array -- array_shift(array_keys($arg['matrix']))
        $code .='<div class="en-sub-sec" data-search="'.strtolower($arg['label']).'"><h5 class="sub-styler-title '.$firstMatrixFiltered.'">'.$arg['label'].'<a href="" class="en-comp-reset">'.__('Reset','ioa').'</a> </h5><div class="sub-styler-section clearfix">';
  4. It is done. Use it!!!


What is missing on this plugin?

It helps to get the attribute category, but still doesn`t show the exact element you clicked over it.


Il n’y a aucun avis pour cette extension.

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Drag and Drop Front-End Design Builder » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • Plugin released.