Extra User Details


Extra User Details is the simple plugin that allows you to add extra fields to the user profile page (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn links etc).

Extra fields can be easily accessed in your templates like a general wordpress author details:

<?php the_author_meta('meta_key'); ?>

Plugin saves fields data in wp_usermeta table. You can add and edit extra fields at plugin options section in backend.


Install it like any other plugin, no special actions required.

  1. Upload extra_user_details folder or just extra_user_details.php file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activez-la via le menu Extensions dans l’admin WordPress
  3. Ready to use. To configure, go to the Users – Extra User Details section


I’ve found a bug! How do I report?

Please contact me here http://vadimk.com/contact/.


26 septembre 2019
This is a simple, but very useful extension. It’s unfortunate that it no longer seems to be maintained and remains confidential. Essential, I couldn’t do without it.
3 septembre 2016
Good plugin. Does what it says. What would make it a great plugin would be the support for the new wordpress REST api. Accessing the user data through the users endpoint a dedicated one would be great. http://v2.wp-api.org/extending/adding/
8 février 2017
Took me a bit to get this out, since there is no help online. I wrote a little function and pasted it into my functions.php: function extra_user_info() { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo 'Your extra user info is' . $current_user->PUT_YOU_ID_HERE ; } add_action ('NAME_OF_HOOK_WHERE_YOU_WANT_IT', 'extra_user_info', 20);
Lire les 10 avis

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Extra User Details » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.


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Le développement vous intéresse ?

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  • Fixed possible error on user password reset.
  • Tested up to WordPress version 6.6.2.


  • Tested up to WordPress version 6.5.5.


  • Fixed vulnurabilities.
  • Tested up to WordPress version 6.2.2.


  • Fixed missing translations.
  • Tested up to WordPress version 5.6.1.

  • Fix settings update didn’t allow to delete all fields.
  • Fix profile update with no fields defined.


  • Restrict updating fields according to access level.
  • Restrict creating duplicate field keys.

  • Fixed typo from the last update that sometimes prevented from updating fields.

  • Fixed security issue related to input filtering. Everyone is encouraged to upgrade.


  • Added translations: Serbian (Latin), Russian.


  • Fixed headers already sent issue.


  • Added translations for Spanish.

If you’re interested in translating plugin into your language, please use contact section.


  • Fixed deprecated functions usage


  • Extra field heading is not shown at user profile edit page if there’s no fields to display (user has no access to any configured field).


  • Fixed bug: access level was not saving until the new field was saved.
  • Fixed random bug: existing extra fields were not displaying in user profile.
  • Fixed some deprecated arguments.


  • Added access level option to restrict some specific fields usage
  • Moved help text to contextual help menu (top right).


  • Added ability to change meta_key for any field.
  • Now order of custom fields can be easily changed by drag and drop.
  • Moved plugin options page to Users tab.
  • Improved user interface.
  • Fixed bug: extra fields disappeared after update.
  • Removed default help text.


  • Improved user interface.
  • Fixed bug with extra user details retrieval.
  • Fixed bug: extra fields values disappeared after update.


  • Version initiale.