Footer Mega Grid Columns – For Legacy / Classic / Old Widget Screen


Important Note : This plugin work better with WordPress older version till 5.7.

It still works with latest version of WordPress 5.8 or above but you need to enable Legacy / Classic / Old Widget Screen. For this you need to add following code in your theme/child theme functions.php file:

function fmgc_theme_setup() {
    remove_theme_support( 'widgets-block-editor' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'fmgc_theme_setup' );


// Disables the block editor from managing widgets.
add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' );

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Is your footer stuck in the default « 1 or 2 columns » that came with your theme?

Footer Mega Grid Columns is a free plugin which allows you to create footer areas in grid depending upon the requirement of your theme.

Footer Mega Grid Columns – Register a footer widget area for your theme and allow you to add and display footer widgets in grid view with multiple columns.

The site footer is a valuable piece of site real estate, often containing important lead generating items such as mailchimp and social. A well designed footer can be a tremendous benefit.

How to display footer grid

Add the following code in your footer.php

<?php if( function_exists('slbd_display_widgets') ) { echo slbd_display_widgets(); } ?>


  • Add a Footer widget ie Footer Mega Grid Columns .
  • Display all widgets in grid 1,2,3,4 etc under Footer Mega Grid Columns.
  • Can be used with most of the themes.
  • Third party widget can be added.

How to install :

Captures d’écran

  • Widget
  • Footer with 3 col
  • Footer with 4 col


  1. Upload the ‘footer-mega-grid-columns’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the « Footer Mega Grid Columns » list plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Check you Widget section for widget name Footer Mega Grid Columns.
  4. Add the following code in your footer.php file under <footer> tag.
 if( function_exists('slbd_display_widgets') ) { echo slbd_display_widgets(); }

How to install :


Is this plugin works with latest version of WordPress ie 5.8 or above

Yes, It will work but for this you need to enable Legacy / Classic / Old Widget Screen. For this you need to add following code in your theme/child theme functions.php file:

remove_theme_support( 'widgets-block-editor' );


// Disables the block editor from managing widgets.
add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' );

Footer is displaying in the full width. How to add in wrap?

Yes. We have added a CSS class – ‘footer-mega-col-wrap’ and given a width 100%. You can take the class in your theme style.css file OR in custom CSS section.
Use like this


22 avril 2023
This is a great plugin. It took me a lot of work though to get my footer precisely the way I want it. Now, I’m afraid to switch themes to test something, in case something happens to my footer. Would be a good idea to add an « Export/Import footer » option to the plugin.
8 juin 2020
Exactly what I’ve been searching for. Easy to use and works well. Good work!
10 novembre 2018 2 réponses
3 h and I can’t find out, wenn I ad a Instagram carousel in mega grid, it shows it only when I also have a content in columns. And if I have content in columns, it show all my instagram picts as well in one raw… why?
2 octobre 2018
i appreciate you to consume my time thanks for share your knowledge.
Lire les 10 avis

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« Footer Mega Grid Columns – For Legacy / Classic / Old Widget Screen » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.


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= 1.4.2 (23 Aug 2024)
* [*] Check compatibility with WordPress version 6.6.1

1.4.1 (07, June 2022)

  • [*] Updated plugin name, readme and added FAQ for better usage.

1.3.3 (11, Feb 2022)

  • [*] Tested up to: 5.9

1.3.2 (15, Nov 2021)

  • [*] Update – Add some text and links in Readme file.

1.3.1 (16, Sep 2021)

  • [*] Tested up to: 5.8.1
  • [*] Updated demo link.

1.3 (18, Aug 2021)

  • [*] Updated all external links
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.

1.2 (31, May 2021)

  • [+] Added new language code.
  • [*] Tested up to: 5.7.2
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.

1.1.3 (12, Dec 2020)

  • [*] Tested up to: 5.6

1.1.2 (14, July 2020)

  • [+] Added getting started page for better user experience.

1.1.1 (28-10-2017)

  • [+] Added support for 5 columns

1.0.1 (31-01-2017)

  • [+] Added ::after and ::before to .footer-mega-col class
  • [+] Added .footer-mega-col-wrap new class under footer-mega-col class


  • Initial release.