Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget adds additional functionality to the Genesis Featured Posts Widget. Specifically it:
- Supports Custom Post Types
- Supports Custom Taxonomies
- Exclude Term by ID field
- Supports Pagination
- Supports Meta Key Values
- Supports Sorting by Meta Key
- Multiple Hooks and Filters for adding additional content
New features include:
- More filters/actions
- Everything in a single class
- Addition of column classes (including option for fifths class) & custom classes
- WP_Query optimization for speed including site transients and term cache updating
- Pushed everything to a framework approach so it can all be removed easily
- HTML5 & Genesis 2.0 updated
- Excerpt length & cutoffs options added
- White labeled naming option
- Added remove displayed posts option (won’t display a post that already exists on the page)
Issues and development will be maintained in the Github repo:
Special Thanks
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the folks at StudioPress & Gary Jones, their themes make my life easier.
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
- Upload the entire `genesis-sandbox-featured-content-widget` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
- Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
- Go Widget Screen
- Drag Widget to desired sidebar
- Fill in widget settings
- Installation Instructions
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
- Upload the entire `genesis-sandbox-featured-content-widget` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
- Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
- Go Widget Screen
- Drag Widget to desired sidebar
- Fill in widget settings
- Why a new version of GFWA?
Well, I bother Nick all the time to change things. He’s busy. I’m busy. So, instead of hassling with the plugin, convincing Nick or whomever, I decided it was time just to create my own.
- What Hooks are available?
- gsfc_before_loop – before the query is formulated
- gsfc_before_post_content – before the content
- gsfc_post_content – standard content output
- gsfc_after_post_content – after content
- gsfc_endwhile – after the endwhile but before the endif
- gsfc_after_loop – after the loop endif
- gsfc_after_loop_reset – after the loop reset
- gsfc_before_list_items – before additional list item loop
- gsfc_list_items – within additional list item loop
- gsfc_after_list_items – after the additional list item loop, where list items are output
- gsfc_category_more – within the archive more link conditional block
- gsfc_taxonomy_more (alias of gsfc_category_more) – within the archive more link conditional block
- gsfc_[TAXONOMY]_more (alias of gsfc_category_more) – within the archive more link conditional block
- gsfc_after_category_more – after the archive more conditional block
- gsfc_after_taxonomy_more (alias of gsfc_after_category_more) – after the archive more conditional block
- gsfc_after_[TAXONOMY]_more (alias of gsfc_after_category_more) – after the archive more conditional block
- gsfc_show_content – create your own custom content block
- gsfc_debug – debug filter, deletes all transients.
- What Filters are available?
- gsfc_widget_name – replace ‘Genesis Sandbox’ by returning a string with a new prefix name
- gsfc_query_args – filter the main query args
- gsfc_exclude_post_types – used to prevent post types from appearing in the post type list in the widget form
- gsfc_exclude_taxonomies – used to prevent taxonomies and related terms from appearing in the terms and taxonomies list in the widget form
- gsfc_extra_post_args – extra post args for the extra posts list
- gsfc_list_items – HTML markup for the list items
- gsfc_form_fields – Add custom fields to widget form
Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses
« Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.
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Le développement vous intéresse ?
Parcourir le code, consulter le SVN dépôt, ou s’inscrire au journal de développement par RSS.
1.2.5 (11/22/2017)
* Fixed disabled checkboxes. Props mbootsman
1.1.8 (07/18/2014)
* Fixed post_info/post_meta issue #26, props BenFurfie.
* Fixed link_title_field issue, #27.
* Fixed conflict with Premise, which is their fault really, #18.
* Fix More from Category Custom Link, #24, #19.
1.1.7 (07/18/2014)
* Fixed include/exclude issue. #28
1.1.6 (07/18/2014)
* Fixed meta_value_numeric to show meta_key input. TY @4WardMotion.
* Fixed image link issue, #22.
1.1.2 (01/12/2013)
* Fixed column classes to ensure they over-ride child theme settings if selected.
1.1.1 (01/12/2013)
* Updated action/filters for consistency. DO NOT upgrade if you have used these hooks/filters without comparing.
1.1.0 (01/12/2013)
* First WordPress Repo Release
1.0.0 (09/04/2013)
* First Public Release