Media Cleaner : nettoyez votre WordPress !


Media Cleaner est une extension puissante qui vous aide à nettoyer votre médiathèque WordPress en supprimant les entrées et les fichiers inutilisés, ainsi qu’en réparant les entrées cassées. Grâce à une fonction de corbeille interne, vous pouvez prévisualiser et confirmer les changements avant de supprimer définitivement quoi que ce soit. De plus, Media Cleaner utilise une analyse intelligente pour assurer la compatibilité avec des extension et des thèmes spécifiques.

Utilisez-le avec Database Cleaner pour une expérience de nettoyage ultime.

Media Cleaner est comme un assassin ninja pour votre médiathèque – il éliminera furtivement tous les médias inutiles et les entrées brisées qui encombrent l’endroit. Assurez-vous simplement d’avoir mis en place une extension de sauvegarde efficace avant de laisser libre cours à ce mauvais garçon.

Pour en savoir plus sur la compatibilité, les fonctionnalités et la version Pro, consultez le tutoriel sur le site web officiel.


Cette extension est compatible avec tous les types de médias, y compris les versions retina et WebP. Il a été testé sur une large plage de versions de WordPress, y compris la dernière version avec Gutenberg, ainsi que sur divers thèmes avec une grande communauté d’utilisateurs/utilisatrices. Il prend également en charge WooCommerce. Pour les utilisateurs ayant des extensions plus complexes pour gérer le contenu de leur site web, la version Pro peut être nécessaire pour une compatibilité optimale. Nous travaillons constamment à l’amélioration de la compatibilité avec d’autres extensions.


Media Cleaner Pro ajoute des fonctionnalités supplémentaires à la version gratuite de Media Cleaner :

  • Analyse du système de fichiers : analyse le répertoire physique /uploads et le compare à la médiathèque.
  • Support supplémentaire pour les extensions complexes, tels que ACF, Metabox, Divi Builder, Fusion Builder (Avada), WPBakery Page Builder, Visual Composer, Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy Builder, Oxygen Builder, Slider Revolution, Justified Image Grid, Avia Framework, et bien d’autres encore !
  • Live Site Scan : analyse la version en ligne de votre site web, ce qui peut améliorer la précision dans certains cas.
  • Support WP-CLI : vous permet d’exécuter l’extension à une vitesse plus élevée ou automatiquement avec un accès direct au serveur (via SSH).

Captures d’écran

  • Media -> Media Cleaner


  1. Téléversez l’extension dans WordPress.
  2. Activez l’extension dans le menu « Extensions » de WordPress.
  3. Allez sur Meow Apps -> Cleaner dans la colonne latérale et cochez les options appropriées.
  4. Allez à Media -> Cleaner.


14 janvier 2025 6 réponses
Why make a free version in the first place if its that level of useless?!Save your time if you don’t want to spend money on this!Out of 700 image files 700 where marked as unused? That it wont work with gallery images which are only attached trough a plugin is one thing but that it even marks futured images as unused is a testament of absolute failure! Is the same as doing it manually strait away and there are better solutions out there for that….
13 janvier 2025 1 réponse
Asks for a positive review in exchange for a discount. This indicates that all reviews of the plugin are fake
7 janvier 2025
A handy tool to clean up unused images that are taking up space, but be careful as images marked as not used in content can be used in other critical areas such as icons for example. If you send images to the trash you can recover images before completely deleting them.
6 janvier 2025
When we switched our CMS over to Wordpress and did a massive revamp of our website, there was a period of rapid image uploading in order to make sure our website looked its best before we went live. Unfortunately, this also massively bloated our database usage since many images were uploaded but were not used for the final version of our site. Media Cleaner was extremely handy for helping us to clear out these unused images and keep our storage needs within our hosts limits.
5 janvier 2025
I am really impress with Media Cleaner. I was able to reduce my storage usage more than half! All unnecessary media files was removed, and now I don’t need to keep optimize or back up this files anymore. This save me a lot of space and even some cost in the process. I definitely will buy the Pro version! Highly recommend it for anyone who look to clean up their media library and save storage.
Lire les 659 avis

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6.8.5 (2024/12/25)

  • Fix: HTML needs to be well-decoded before being sent to DOMDocument.
  • Fix: Avoid an issue related to logos.
  • Info: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎄🎉

6.8.4 (2024/12/06)

  • Add: Support for Spectra.
  • Add: Support for Tutor LMS.
  • Add: Support for Foo Gallery.
  • Info: We are working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to share some love, write a simple and nice review here. Thank you so much! 💖

6.8.3 (2024/11/27)

  • Fix: MetaBox parser was not working properly.
  • Fix: The free version of Media Cleaner was not properly displaying the incompatible plugins.

6.8.2 (2024/11/14)

  • Update: Enhanced the UI in many little ways.
  • Update: Don’t show the thumbnails for non-image files.
  • Fix: Better parser for Avada.

6.8.1 (2024/11/04)

  • Add: Check for empty path in repair mode.
  • Add: Introduction tutorial.

6.8.0 (2024/10/17)

  • Fix: Search in References (Cleaner Dashboard).

6.7.9 (2024/09/24)

  • Update: Internal improvements to avoid some errors with low-quality servers such as OVH, GoDaddy, etc.

6.7.8 (2024/08/01)

  • Fix: Elementor parser was not working properly.
  • Add: Video Block support.

6.7.7 (2024/06/28)

  • Fix: Warnings with ACF.
  • Fix: Base folder for the Filesystem Scan.
  • Update: Cleaned the UI a bit more.

6.7.6 (2024/06/05)

  • Update: Better References section.
  • Add: Support for Bricks Builder.
  • Update: Refreshed the UI, updated to the latest common librairies.

6.7.5 (2024/05/24)

  • Fix: Logging system.

6.7.4 (2024/04/27)

  • Update: Updated description for OB cleaning to enhance clarity.
  • Add: Support for Breakdance Builder, extending compatibility.
  • Update: Added shortcode checking for Oxygen Builder.
  • Fix: Updated readme file to comply with the latest WordPress guidelines.

6.7.3 (2024/03/01)

  • Update: Better translations.
  • Update: Safer logs system.

6.7.2 (2024/02/02)

  • Add: « Create Batch » feature for Filesystem scans, streamlining the scanning process.
  • Add: « Delete Permanently » option in trash tab for targeted item management.
  • Add: Tooltip for repair mode to enhance user understanding and interaction.
  • Fix: Option to disable OB Cleaning.
  • Fix: Corrected dashboard media link functionality for subdirectories.
  • Fix: Resolved issues with backslash replacement on multiple occurrences for more accurate processing.

6.7.0 (2024/01/13)

  • Add: New ‘check-live’ argument for WP-CLI.
  • Add: Import and Export of the settings.

6.6.9 (2023/12/05)

  • Add: Expert Mode for advanced users.

6.6.8 (2023/11/18)

  • Add: Support for ACF File Field based on IDs.
  • Add: Repair Mode for Filesystem Scan (use this carefully, still in beta).
  • Update: Much better « References » section in the Dashboard, with additional filters.
  • Update: Various additional enhancements, maybe you’ll notice! 😊
  • Add: Support for Academy LMS.

6.6.7 (2023/09/21)

  • Update: Enhanced the get_references_for_post_id function.
  • Update: Code cleaning.

6.6.6 (2023/09/14)

  • Add: The get_reference_for_media_id and get_references_for_post_id functions are now accessible through the global $wpmc_core variable. Those functions will return where a specific media entry is used, or which media entries are used in a specific post.

6.6.5 (2023/07/25)

  • Update: Better checkboxes.
  • Update: Link to the posts in the References section.
  • Add: Support for Mailpoet.

6.6.4 (2023/05/30)

  • Update: Improved the UI and its elements.

6.6.3 (2023/04/09)

  • Add: New filter to see the found references. This will improve a lot.
  • Fix: Tiny fixes, retrieved the main dashboard, and lighter bundles.
  • Info: The new version of WordPress (6.2) came with what is seemingly a bug with the $wpdb->prepare. There are workaround, and I fixed an issue I was aware of. If you find any others, please kindly report it here.

6.6.0 (2023/02/21)

Fix: Avoid certain errors related to ACF and fields which were created with former versions.

6.5.8 (2023/02/09) =
* Update: Slightly cleaner UI (and it will get better and better).
* Update: Better support for Avada.

6.5.7 (2023/02/01)

  • Fix: Little issue with the nekoFetch.
  • Add: Timer on the Scan button.

6.5.6 (2023/01/30)

  • Update: Optimization and better handling of Divi.

6.5.5 (2023/01/09)

  • Add: Support for Uncode Theme.
  • Add: Reset settings button.
  • Update: Smaller package, better performance.