ModuloBox – NextGen Lightbox


ModuloBox – NextGen Lightbox WordPress Plugin

Live demo

ModuloBox is a modular WordPress Lightbox plugin, which allows you to create responsive slideshow in a popup. Show off your favorite media in an elegant and responsive way.
ModuloBox supports images, HTML5 & embed videos (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and Wisitia), iframe and HTML contents. All content types can be mixed together in a same gallery.

Built on top of the latest technologies, ModuloBox is multi-gestures compatible, smooth and performant! Easily navigate with one or several fingers on your smartphone.
Swipe, drag and pinch content naturally like with a native mobile swipeable view.
It also supports navigation with keyboard or mouse wheel to slide or zoom.

ModuloBox mimics the most populars UIs like IOS, Android, Google Drive, etc…
With a well known UI, users will instantly understand how to use the lightbox, and will easily navigate through your galleries.

Easily fine tune your Lightbox with extended and awesome functionalities thanks to a powerful and intuitive options panel.
ModuloBox is the only one lightbox to gather all these possibilities in one unique plugin.

ModuloBox is compatible with the most famous gallery plugins. You will be able to open in ModuloBox your favorite galleries and your Woocommerce products galleries.
It’s also possible to open any custom element from a CSS class name for example.
ModuloBox also comes with a custom justified gallery in order to replace the native WordPress Gallery Shortcode.

Lite Version

The aim of the Lite version is to show off how ModuloBox works and what you can expect from the premium version.
With the Lite version you will be able to create lightbox of image galleries from your WordPress media library.

Premium Version

The premium version of ModuloBox includes all features and 6 months of premium support (from a dedicated ticket system).
The support response time is usually 1 business day from the GMT timezone (+2).

WordPress Features

ModuloBox is certainly the most advanced Lightbox plugin.
It comes with plenty of options easily configurabl thanks to a powerfull options panel.

Main Features:

  • Fully Responsive
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Unlimited colors
  • SVG icons
  • Thumbnails support
  • Multi-touch gestures support
  • Physics Based Animations
  • Automatic SlideShow support (with CountDown timer)
  • FullScreen support
  • HTML5 Browser History support (deep linking)
  • Browser features control (scrollbar, mousewheel, right click prevention)
  • Inactive State detection
  • Smart Resizing
  • Smart Loading
  • HTML Caption (title and description)
  • Google Fonts integration
  • Keyboard and mouse wheel support (navigate and zoom)
  • RTL layout support
  • HTML5 videos (.mp4, .webm, .ogv)
  • Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Wistia
  • iFrame (Google Map, PDF reader, websites, etc…)
  • HTML content (anything you want like a form for example)
  • Autodetect videos and images format
  • Social Sharing (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Blogger, Buffer, Digg, Evernote)
  • Multiple Galleries support
  • Compatible with WordPress single image and Gallery Shortcode
  • Compatible with The Grid plugin
  • Compatible with the Jetpack galleries
  • Compatible with the NextGen galleries
  • Compatible with the Envira galleries plugin
  • Compatible with the Woocommerce product galleries (on single product page)
  • Compatible with the Visual Composer plugin
  • Compatible with Justified Image Grid plugin
  • Compatible with Essential Grid plugin
  • Compatible with Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE Edge, and IE10
  • Includes a custom justified gallery to replace the native WordPress Gallery Shortcode
  • Import/Export settings
  • Automatic Updates
  • Advanced JavaScript API
  • Developer Friendly
  • Multisite Support

Captures d’écran

  • General settings panel
  • Controls settings panel
  • Caption settings panel
  • Thumbnails settings panel
  • Social Sharing settings panel
  • Gallery settings panel


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/modulobox-lite directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the ModuloBox screen to configure the plugin.


What does ModuloBox do, exactly?

ModuloBox is a modular and responsive lightbox plugin, which allows you to create slideshow of images, videos, HTML content and iFrame in a popup.
it works with the native WordPress Shortcode Gallery and single images inserted from your WordPress Media Library.
The premium version is also compatible with the most famous Gallery plugins.

Is ModuloBox compatible with multisites installation?

Yes, ModuloBox can be activated for all your sub-sites, just activate it from your main network site.

Is ModuloBox compatible with all web browsers?

Yes, ModuloBox is compatible with all web browsers. ModuloBox is compatible with Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Opera, Edge, IE11 and IE10.

ModuloBox is not working

Please make sure you have deactivated all other lightbox plugins on your WordPress install.
If your theme have it’s own lightbox, please try to disable it.

ModuloBox is not working with the WordPress Gallery shortcodes

If a 3rd party plugin or your theme modifies the native gallery shortcode then ModuloBox may not work.
Generally, replacing the WordPress gallery shortcode is optional from plugin or theme.


17 décembre 2020
Amazing plugin, worth every penny. It just works out of the box, eg. with NextGen galleries.
11 décembre 2020
I have no idea why this plugin has just a few positive reviews. I have tested about a dozen lightbox plugins and this is by far the best one in terms of features and customizations. Here are a few of the positives: – the plugin properly figures out which images are bundled together in a gallery, unlike some other plugins which let you cycle through all images on the page – the plugin allows zooming, sharing, downloading images, etc – the plugin can replace the WP gallery with its own justified gallery – it is compatible with all kinds of plugins, such as WP GridBuilder, The Grid, etc. It is possible that some of the listed features above are available only in the premium version, but its price is just $20 on CodeCanyon, so it is worth buying it. The only issue I currently have is that unlike other plugins, images linked to their media files pop up in a lightbox with a resolution identical to the resolution they are set on the page, not the full resolution they exist in the library. Not sure if this is an issue on my website only or intended functionality which unfortunately cannot be changed.
26 février 2018 5 réponses
Hi there, If you’re looking for a good and fresh lightbox, ModuloBox is a good option. Even the free version has a lot of feature, and as I can see, the paid version has a lot more (much more!). However, I’m giving only two stars becase it seems that there isn’t any support for the free version available here. With the limitations of the free version, technical support is really needed. I know this is the free version, but this plugin isn’t provided by a person which works on it during her/his spare time. This plugin was developed by a company named Themeone, and as it looks, without time to answers simple questions. So, the plugin has been left on its on look. Let’s see if technical support reacts to this review. Regards, AJ
Lire les 6 avis

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« ModuloBox – NextGen Lightbox » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • 10th January 2025
  • Fixed PHP warnings with PHP 8.4.


  • 17th December 2018
  • Added compatibility with WordPress 5.5.


  • 6th December 2018
  • Added compatibility with Gutenberg Image & Gallery blocks.
  • Fixed multiple instantiation issue (JS)
  • Fixed destroy method (JS)


  • 14th July 2018
  • Fixed a minor JavaScript issue


  • 09th november 2017
  • Fixed an issue with WP Color Picker in v4.9


  • 04th november 2017
  • Fixed flicker issue in backend admin panel
  • Improved Auto Caption feature behaviour


  • 23th september 2017
  • Fixed an issue with sensitive image format detection
  • Fixed an issue with click on link due to double tap prevention


  • 8th june 2017
  • Fixed an issue with Close button event propagation on touch devices
  • Fixed an issue with caption max-width option
  • Fixed an issue with import functionality and typography fields
  • Fixed an issue with json encoding and thumbnail sizes option
  • Added compatibility with Essential Grid plugin


  • 29 may 2017
  • Initial release \o/