Cette extension n’a pas été testée avec plus de trois mises à jour majeures de WordPress. Elle peut ne plus être maintenue ou supportée et peut avoir des problèmes de compatibilité lorsqu’elle est utilisée avec des versions de WordPress plus récentes.

Newsletter HTML Generator


Newsletter HTML Generator plugin extracts title, teaser (or excerpt), author name, featured image, permalink, shortlink, date from current post and generates full HTML-code of ready to send newsletter based on the templates you provide. You just copy and paste the final HTML-code in your favorite newsletter sending service like Mailchimp, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor, etc.

How does it work?

The plugin makes custom post type « Email Templates ».
1. First, you create as many templates as you need (for example « Mailchimp responsive », « Weekly newsletter », etc). You can get templates from newsletter service or design your own.
1. After that you open any of your regular posts in edit-mode, and choose any Email template you created before. The plugin instantly generates ready-to-send HTML-code using the post’s title, teaser, etc. You also get the plain-text version of your newsletter – just in case.

The plugin doesn’t send newsletter, doesn’t create signup forms, doesn’t segment your subscribers! It only generates ready to send HTML you can use with ANY Email service provider or Email marketing service.

Captures d’écran

  • Example of the email template creating.
  • Example of generating newsletter HTML from blog post.


  1. Upload the plugin’s folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Does plugin send email-newsletters?

No, it doesn’t. It generates ready-to-send HTML-code you can use for any newsletter-sending software or service.

Why should I use this plugin?

Here is the example of context the plugin can help in.
You have a wordpress blog and run newsletter based on posts using some email service provider like Mailchimp.
Every time you create newsletter you have to manually copy and paste title, teaser, image, author name etc from your post to the newsletter service’s editor.
To exclude this manual labor the plugin automatically generates ready-to-send HTML-code from your posts. You can copy it, then go to newsletter service provider, create blank newsletter from scratch and just paste generated HTML-code.
The plugin can also automatically add analytics tracking parameters to your newsletter’s links.

What parts of my posts can be used in newsletters?

Title, teaser (or if you don’t have « read more » tag in post – the excerpt will be used), author name, featured image url, permalink, shortlink, publishing date.


Il n’y a aucun avis pour cette extension.

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Newsletter HTML Generator » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • New feature: Now the plugin generates HTML and plain text versions.


  • New feature: The plugin can also automatically add analytics tracking parameters to your newsletter’s links.


  • Fixed bug in « <!DOCTYPE » tag.


  • Fixed « <!DOCTYPE » tag. Now you can use full-html templates with doctype, head, body, etc. And you can use limited html without doctype, head – just body inner html templates (like used in GetResponse).


  • Added {{{first10words}}} snippet. Useful for inserting to invisible first element, so google will use it as a snippet


  • Fixing left contenteditable tags


  • Fixing incorrect teaser generation
  • Now you can add « contenteditable » atribute to some elements of your HTML-templates. After that you can edit your newsletter right in the preview and get final HTML code.


  • Hurray