Spice Social Share


This plugin allows you to add social share buttons to your posts. The plugin is flexible and easy to use.

Key Features

  • Supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Print share buttons.
  • Typography setting
  • Color setting
  • To find the Typography And Color settings Go to Appearance >> Customize >>Spice Social Share>> Find the respective settings.

External Resources

Font Awesome
Copyright: (c) Dave Gandy
License: https://fontawesome.com/license ( Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License )
Source: https://fontawesome.com

Customizer Sortable
Kirki, Copyright © 2016 Aristeides Stathopoulos
License: MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
Source: https://github.com/aristath/kirki

Customizer Toggle Control
Copyright: (c) 2016 soderlind
License: Under GNU General Public License v2.0
Source: https://github.com/soderlind/class-customizer-toggle-control


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Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

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Le développement vous intéresse ?

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@Version 1.2.2
* Fixed PCP plugin related issues.

@Version 1.2.1
* Fixed Warning deprecated dynamic property creation by adding public variables plugin_url and plugin_path inside the class Spice_Social_Share

@Version 1.2
* Updated Font Awesome library and twitter icon.
* Added WhatsApp and Print icons.

@Version 1.1
* Added name attribute value for social icon button.

@Version 1.0
* Update Tested up to field value.
* Added Description about How to find Typography and Color settings

@Version 0.1
* Initial release