Une extension puissante et simple d’utilisation qui crée automatiquement un index spécifique au contexte ou une table des matières (TOC) pour les pages longues (et les types de publication personnalisés). Plus qu’une simple extension de table des matières, cette extension peut également produire un plan de site listant les pages et/ou les catégories sur l’ensemble de votre site.
Conçue à partir de la base et dans l’optique de Wikipédia, la table des matières apparaît par défaut avant le premier titre d’une page. Cela permet à l’auteur/autrice d’insérer un contenu d’introduction qui peut résumer ou présenter le reste de la page. Elle utilise également un système de numérotation unique qui ne se perd pas dans les différences de CSS entre les thèmes.
Cette extension est une excellente assistante pour les sites riches en contenu tels que les configurations orientées vers les systèmes de gestion de contenu. Cela dit, les blogueurs bénéficient également des mêmes avantages lorsqu’ils rédigent de longs articles structurés.
Elle comprend un panneau d’options d’administration dans lequel vous pouvez personnaliser des réglages tels que la position d’affichage, le nombre minimum de titres avant l’affichage d’un index, d’autres affichages, etc. Pour les utilisateurs/utilisatrices chevronné⋅e⋅s, les options avancées permettent d’affiner le comportement de l’application, par exemple en excluant les niveaux de titres indésirables tels que h5 et h6, en désactivant la sortie du fichier CSS inclus, en ajustant le décalage vers le haut, etc. À l’aide de codes courts, vous pouvez modifier le comportement par défaut, par exemple en masquant certaines pages ou même en masquant complètement la table des matières.
Vous préférez inclure l’index dans la colonne latérale ? Allez dans Apparence > Widgets et faites glisser le TOC+ dans la colonne latérale et la position que vous souhaitez.
Les types de publication personnalisé sont pris en charge, mais l’insertion automatique ne fonctionne que si la fonction the_content() a été utilisée par le type de publication personnalisé. Chaque type de message apparaîtra dans le panneau d’options, activez donc ceux que vous voulez.
Collaborer, participer, forker cette extension sur Github.
Codes courts
L’extension a été conçue pour être aussi transparente et indolore que possible et n’a pas exigé que vous insériez un code court pour fonctionner. Cependant, l’utilisation du code court vous permet de contrôler entièrement la position de la table des matières dans votre page. Les codes courts suivants sont disponibles avec cette extension.
Lorsque des attributs sont omis pour les codes courts ci-dessous, ils reprennent les réglages que vous avez définis sous Réglages > TOC+. Les attributs suivants sont détaillés dans l’onglet d’aide.
Permet de générer la table des matières à l’endroit souhaité. Utile pour les sites qui ne nécessitent une table des matières que sur une petite poignée de pages. Prend en charge les attributs suivants :
- « libellé » : texte, titre de la table des matières
- « no_label » : true/false, affiche ou cache le titre
- « contenant (wrapping) » : texte, soit « gauche », soit « droite ».
- « heading_levels » : nombres, permet de sélectionner les niveaux de titres à inclure dans la table des matières. Séparez les niveaux multiples par une virgule. Exemple : inclure les titres 3, 4 et 5 mais exclure les autres avec
. - « class » : texte, saisissez les classes CSS à ajouter au conteneur. Séparez plusieurs classes par un espace.
- « start » : nombre, s’affiche lorsque ce nombre de titres est présent dans le contenu.
Vous permet de désactiver la table des matières pour l’article, la page ou le type de publication personnalisé en cours.
Produit une liste de toutes les pages et catégories de votre site. Vous pouvez l’utiliser sur n’importe quelle publication, page ou même dans un widget texte. Notez que cela n’inclura pas un index des articles, utilisez donc sitemap_posts si vous avez besoin de cette liste.
Permet d’afficher une liste de pages uniquement. Les attributs suivants sont acceptés :
- « heading » : nombre entre 1 et 6, définit le Titre HTML à utiliser
- « label » : texte, titre de la liste
- « no_label » : true/false, affiche ou cache le titre de la liste
- « exclure » : ID des pages ou des catégories que vous souhaitez exclure
- « exclude_tree » : ID de la page ou de la catégorie que vous souhaitez exclure, y compris tous ses descendants.
- « child_of » : « current » ou identifiant de la page parent. La valeur par défaut est 0, ce qui inclut toutes les pages.
Identique à [sitemap_pages]
mais pour les catégories.
Cette fonction vous permet d’afficher un index de tous les publications publiés sur votre site. Par défaut, les articles sont listés par ordre alphabétique en fonction de leur première lettre. Les attributs suivants sont acceptés :
- « order » : texte, soit ASC, soit DESC
- « orderby » : texte, les options les plus courantes sont « title », « date », « ID » et « rand ». Voir WP_Query pour une liste.
- « separate » : true/false (valeur par défaut : true), ne sépare pas les listes par la première lettre si la valeur est false.
Utilisez les classes CSS suivantes pour personnaliser l’apparence de votre liste :
- toc_sitemap_posts_section
- toc_sitemap_posts_letter
- toc_sitemap_posts_list
J’adore, comment puis-je témoigner ma reconnaissance ?
Si vous avez été impressionné par cette extension et que vous souhaitez montrer votre gratitude, plutôt que de m’envoyer un don, faites un don à l’organisation caritative de votre choix.
Je ne demanderai jamais aucune forme de récompense ou de compensation. Aider les autres à atteindre leurs objectifs est pour moi une source de satisfaction 🙂
Captures d’écran
La procédure normale d’installation de l’extension s’applique, c’est-à-dire rechercher table des matières plus
à partir de l’écran de votre extension ou via la méthode manuelle :
- Téléversez le dossier
dans votre répertoire/wp-content/plugins/
. - Activez-la via le menu Extensions dans l’admin WordPress
That’s it! The table of contents will appear on pages with at least four or more headings.
You can change the default settings and more under Settings > TOC+
Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses
« Table of Contents Plus » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.
Contributeurs“Table of Contents Plus” a été traduit dans 24 locales. Remerciez l’équipe de traduction pour ses contributions.
Traduisez « Table of Contents Plus » dans votre langue.
Le développement vous intéresse ?
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- Released: 14 August 2024
- Redo XSS issue reported by wpscan
- Released: 16 June 2024
- Revert ‘Do not output CSS/JS on pages not eligible’ introduced in 2402 as it broke some clever edge cases
- Fixed XSS issue requiring editor or higher privileges for show/hide text (thanks to wpscan)
- Released: 22 February 2024
- Fixed check for shortcode use (#164)
- Released: 21 February 2024
- Added option to generate TOC in REST requests, disabled by default (props ballpumpe)
- Composer improvements (props mohjak)
- Do not output CSS/JS on pages not eligible
- Update POT translation file
- Update links to help
- Released: 7 November 2023
- Bump tested WordPress version to 6.4
- Do not trigger on REST requests (props steffenster)
- Update include mechanism in init.php (props maciejmackowiak)
- Released: 19 September 2023
- Bump tested version to 6.3.1
- Added
property to sitemap_pages shortcode (props flagsoft). This lets you output a listing of child pages for a set parent or « current ». Property is optional and defaults to all pages. - Fixed XSS possibility handling nonce while saving options (thanks to Patchstack)
- Updated WordPress Coding Standard to 3.0
- Released: 9 February 2023
- Added
CSS class to square brackets around show/hide text - Added a filter to the
function (props Raymond Radet) - Refactor using WordPress-Extra coding standard
- Released: 16 December 2022
- Bump tested version to 6.1.1
- When using the TOC+ widget, execute shortcodes beforehand (props endcoreCL)
- When using the TOC+ widget, abort early when no post for edge cases (props jonas-hoebenreich)
- Add start property to toc shortcode to override the minimum number of headings needed to display (props woutervanvliet)
- Add no_numbers property to toc shortcode to disable leading heading indexes (props TedAvery)
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in toc shortcode, class property (thanks to wpscan)
- Fixed XSS vulnerabilities in sitemap_pages and sitemap_categories shortcodes, label property
- Released: 23 June 2021
- Add compatibility with Rank Math SEO
- Bump tested WordPress version to 5.7
- Add PHP coding style
- Adhere to majority of coding tips
- Released: 9 February 2020
- Fixed encoding when using %PAGE_TITLE% or %PAGE_NAME%
- Bump tested WordPress version to 5.3
- Removed all local translations as you can find more up to date ones at
- Removed translators links from readme
- Released: 5 January 2016
- Bump tested WordPress version to 4.4
- Add ‘enable’ and ‘disable’ API functions so a developer can better control the execution.
- Add Brazilian Portuguese translation thanks to Blog de Niterói
- Add Spanish translation thanks to David Saiz
- TOC+ widget now adheres to a blank title if none provided. Thanks to Dirk for the cue.
- Updated jQuery Smooth Scroll 1.5.5 to 1.6.0
- Updated text domain to better support translation packs.
- Released: 4 September 2015
- Added Hebrew translation thanks to Ahrale
- Added Japaense translation thanks to シカマル
- Added Greek translation thanks to Dimitrios Kaisaris
- Updated jQuery Smooth Scroll 1.4.10 to 1.5.5
- Supply both minified and unminified CSS and JS files, use minified versions.
- Convert accented characters to ASCII in anchors.
- Bump tested WordPress version to 4.3
- Fixed: PHP notice introduced in WP 4.3
- Fixed: javascript error with $.browser testing for Internet Explorer 7.
- Plugin has moved to GitHub for better collaboration.
- Help needed: preg_match_all failing with bad UTF8 characters producing no TOC. If you can help, please participate in this issue.
- Released: 5 July 2015
- Added Danish translation courtesy of Cupunu
- Simplified the translation duty by moving the help material to the plugin’s website.
- Updated translation file.
- Released: 2 May 2015
- Huge thanks to Jason for an updated Simplified Chinese translation.
- Added collapse property to the toc shortcode. When set to true, this will hide the table of contents when it loads. Example usage: [toc collapse= »true »]
- Added label_show and label_hide properties to the toc shortcode. This lets you change the « show » and « hide » link text when using the shortcode.
- Bump tested WordPress version to 4.2.1.
- Released: 1 August 2014
- Added a human German translation courtesy Ben
- Added « class » attribute to the TOC shortcode to allow for custom CSS classes to be added to the container. Thanks to Joe for suggesting it
- Released: 5 July 2014
- Added Ukrainian translation courtesy Michael Yunat
- Added French translation courtesy Jean-Michel Duriez
- Empty headings are now ignored, as suggested by archon810
- Removed German translation, may have been machine translated, ref
- Fixed: Special chars in TOC+ > Settings > Exclude Headings no longer get mangled on save. Thanks to N-Z for reporting it.
- Released: 18 April 2014
- Bump WordPress support to 3.9
- Fixed: Strip HTML tags from post titles for sitemap_posts so those items do not appear under a < heading. Thanks to Rose for reporting it.
- Fictitious: This release was powered by three blind mice.
- Released: 19 February 2014
- Added German translation courtesy Cord Peter
- Modify toc_get_index API function to also reset minimum number of headings to 0.
- Removing the TOC+ widget from the sidebar no longer requires you to uncheck the ‘Show the table of contents only in the sidebar’ option. It will be reset on removal.
- Delay count of headings until disqualified have been removed. Thanks to Simone di Saintjust for raising it.
- Using the TOC+ widget, you can now limit the display to selected post types. Thanks to Pete Markovic for the idea.
- Updated translation file (extra options added).
- Released: 10 November 2013
- Added third parameter to toc_get_index API function to enable eligibility check (eg apply minimum heading check, is post type enabled, etc). This has been switched off by default and only affects those using the API. Thanks Jonon for your comment.
- Added Dutch translation courtesy Renee
- Apply bullet option to TOC+ widget, thanks to Thomas Pani for the patch.
- Released: 5 August 2013
- Fix javascript issue with minimum jQuery version check (broke smooth scrolling using WordPress 3.6).
- Replaced Slovak translation with a human translated version courtesy Boris Gereg.
- Remove signature from source when using the shortcode but not allowed to print (eg on homepage).
- Add « separate » attribute for sitemap_posts shortcode to not split by letter, thanks DavidMjps for the suggestion.
- Released: 22 March 2013
- New: added Polish translation, curtesy Jakub
- Fixed: an issue in 1303 that ignored headings with the opening tag on the first line and the heading text on a new line. Thanks to richardsng for the quick discovery.
- Released: 21 March 2013
- New: option auto insert after the first heading. Thanks to @thelawnetwork for requesting it.
- New: allow headings to be excluded from the table of contents. This is available both globally under the advanced section of Settings > TOC+ and individually with the TOC shortcode. Check out the help material for examples. Thanks to the many of you that requested it.
- New: advanced option to lowercase all anchors. The default is off.
- New: advanced option to use hyphens rather than underscores in anchors. The default is off.
- New: shortcode to list all posts in alphabetical order grouped by first letter.
- New: added Slovak translation, curtesy Branco Radenovich.
- Add version numbers to CSS/JS files to better support setups that cache these files heavily for timely invalidation. Thanks to boxcarpress for the amendments.
- Add CSS class ‘contracted’ to #toc_container when the table of contents is hidden. Thanks to Sam for suggesting it.
- With smooth scroll enabled, do not use an offset if no admin bar is present and the offset value is default. This means that public users do not have the offset space at the top.
- New help material for developers under the help tab.
- Added API function: toc_get_index() lets you retrieve a table of contents to be placed within PHP. Check out the new developer help material for examples.
- Allow anchors to be filterable using toc_url_anchor_target to customise further through code. Check the new developer help material for an example. Thanks to Russell Heimlich for the tip.
- Adjust CSS and JS registration.
- Updated jQuery Smooth Scroll to 1.4.10.
- Fixed: When using the widget, addressed an issue where the index with special characters (such as ‘ and « ) would not link to the correct spot within the content. Thanks to esandman for raising it.
- Fixed: Saving at Settings > TOC+ resets TOC+ widget options. Thanks to Chris for reporting it.
- Released: 17 November 2012
- New: allow %PAGE_TITLE% to be used in the TOC title. Note that this also works in the widget title too. When used, this variable will be replaced with the current page’s title. Thanks to Peter for the request.
- New: new option to hide the TOC initially. Thanks to Jonas, Jonathan, and Doc Germanicus for requesting it.
- New: added ability to customise visited TOC link colour.
- New: option to restrict generation to a URL path match. For example, you can restrict to wiki pages that fall under http://domain/wiki/ by entering /wiki/ into the field. The setting can be found in the advanced options. Thanks to Tux and Justine Smithies for suggesting it.
- Make regular expressions less greedy. That means you can have multiple headings on a single line whereas before you needed to ensure each heading was on their own line. Thanks to drdamour for raising and providing a fix.
- Also make regular expressions match across multiple lines. This means you can have your single heading split across many lines.
- Better accessibility: when using smooth scrolling, allow for focus to follow the target, eg tabbing through will continue from the content block you clicked through to.
- Better performance: as requested by a few, javascript files have been consolidated into one and both javascript and CSS files are now minified.
- ‘Auto’ is now the default width which means it’ll take up the needed amount of space up to 100%. The previous default was a fixed width of 275px.
- Added the ability to exclude entire branches when using [sitemap_pages] and [sitemap_categories] using the exclude_tree attribute. Thanks to Benny Powers for requesting it.
- Wrap index numbers around span tags to enable easier CSS customisation. The spans are have two classes: toc_number and toc_depth_X where X is between 1 and 6. Thanks to Matthias Krok for requesting it.
- Moved the ‘preserve theme bullets’ option into the advanced section.
- Updated and simplified the translation file.
- Fixed: [sitemap_categories] using the wrong label when none was specified. Thanks to brandt-net for raising it. The labels for both [sitemap_pages] and [sitemap_categories] may be removed in a future update as you can insert the title within your content.
- Released: 2 August 2012
- New: advanced option to prevent the output of this plugin’s CSS. This option allows the site owner to incorporate styles in one of their existing style sheets. Thanks to Ivan and Swashata for suggesting it.
- Added Simplified Chinese translation thanks to icedream
- Make more translatable by adding a translation POT file in the languages folder. Translations welcome!
- Adjust multibyte string detection as reported by johnnyvaughan
- Support PHP 5.4.x installations. Thanks to Josh for raising it.
- Fixed: -2 appearing in links when using the TOC+ widget. Thanks to Arturo for raising it.
- Released: 23 July 2012
- New: when smooth scrolling is enabled, allow the top offset to be specified to support more than the WordPress admin bar (such as Twitter Bootstrap). The offset is displayed in the advanced section after you have enabled smooth scrolling. Thanks to Nicolaus for the suggestion.
- Allow 2 headings to be set as the minimum (used to be 3). Thanks to Fran for justifying it.
- Run later in the process so other plugins don’t alter the anchor links (eg Google Analytics for WordPress).
- Do not show a TOC in RSS feeds. Thanks to Swashata for raising it.
- Bump tested version to WordPress 3.5-alpha.
- Added help material about why some headings may not be appearing.
- Added banner image for WordPress repository listing.
- Updated readme.txt with GPLv2 licensing.
- Released: 9 December 2011
- Forgot to update version number.
- Released: 9 December 2011
- New: auto width option added which takes up only the needed amount of horizontal space up to 100%.
- Removed trailing – or _ characters from the anchor to make it more pretty.
- This plugin’s long name has changed from « Table of Contents+ » to « Table of Contents Plus ». The short name remains as « TOC+ ».
- Fixed: when using the TOC shortcode within your content, your post or article would display the TOC on the homepage despite having the exclude from homepage option enabled. If you also used the « more tag », then you may have resulted with an empty TOC box. These are now addressed.
- Fixed: all anchors ending with « -2 » when no headings were repeated. This was caused by plugins and themes that trigger
filter. The counters are now reset everytimethe_content
is run rather than only on initialisation.
- Released: 11 November 2011
- New: option to adjust the font size. Thanks to DJ for the suggestion. The default remains at 95%.
- New: advanced option to select the heading levels (1 to 6) to be included. Thanks to those that hinted about wanting to achieve this.
- New: you can now have the TOC appear in the sidebar via the TOC+ widget. Thanks to Nick Daugherty and DJ for the suggestion.
- The TOC shortcode now supports the heading_levels attribute to allow you to limit the headings you want to appear in the table of contents on a per instance basis. Separate multiple headings with a comma. For example: include headings 3, 4 and 5 but exclude the others with
[toc heading_levels="3,4,5"]
- The TOC shortcode also supports the wrapping attribute with possible values: « left » or « right ». This lets you wrap text next to the table of contents on a per instance basis. Thanks to Phil for the suggestion.
- Better internal numbering system to avoid repeated headings. This means that for non-repeated headings, there is no trailing number in the anchor.
- Consolidated information about shortcodes and their attributes into the help tab.
- Fixed: repeated headings on the same level are no longer broken. For users with international character sets, please report any strange garbage characters in your headings (eg a character ends up being a question mark, square symbol, or diamond). Thanks to Juozas for the assistance.
- Fixed: removed PHP notices on a verbosely configured PHP setup.
- Fixed: suppress TOC frame output when heading count was less than the minimum required.
- Note: when removing the last TOC+ widget, please make sure you disable the « Show the table of contents only in the sidebar » option otherwise your table of contents won’t appear where you’d expect. I will look to address this in the future.
- Released: 12 September 2011
- Adjusted hide action for a smoother transition.
- Apply custom link and hover colours (when selected) to show/hide link in the title.
- Renamed jquery.cookie.min.js to jquery.c.min.js to overcome false positive with mod_security. Mod_security would block requests to this file which would break the ability to save a user’s show/hide preference. In some cases, it has also broken other javascript functionality. Additionally, a better graceful non disruptive fallback is now in place to prevent possible repeat. Thanks goes to Shonie for helping debug the issue.
- Moved ‘visibility option’ into ‘heading text’.
- Fixed: restored smooth scroll effect for Internet Explorer since 1108.2 introduced ‘pathname’ checks.
- Released: 26 August 2011
- New: visibility option to show/hide the table of contents. This option is enabled by default so if you don’t want it, turn it off in the options. Thanks to Wafflecone and Mike for the suggestion.
- New: transparent presentation option added.
- New: custom presentation option with colour wheel for you to select your own background, border, title and link colours.
- TOC display on homepage has been disabled by default as most configurations would not require it there. If you want to enable it, you can do so under a new advanced admin option « Include homepage ».
- Make smooth scrolling less zealous with anchors and be more compatible with other plugins that may use # to initiate custom javascript actions.
- Minor admin cross browser CSS enhancements like background gradients and indents.
- Released: 3 August 2011
- Anchor targets (eg anything after #) are now limited to ASCII characters as some mobile user agents do not accept internationalised characters. This is also a recommendation in the HTML spec. A new advanced admin option has been added to specify the default prefix when no characters qualify.
- Make TOC, Pages and Category labels compatible with UTF-8 characters.
- Support ‘ » \ characters in labels as it was being escaped by WordPress before saving.
- Released: 1 August 2011
- New: option to hide the title on top of the table of contents. Thanks to Andrew for the suggestion.
- New: option to preserve existing theme specified bullet images for unordered list elements.
- New: option to set the width of the table of contents. You can select from a number of common widths, or define your own.
- Allow 3 to be set as the minimum number of headings for auto insertion. The default stays at 4.
- Now accepts heading 1s (h1) within the body of a post, page or custom post type.
- Now creates new span tags for the target rather than the id of the heading.
- Now uses the heading as the anchor target rather than toc_index.
- Adjusted CSS styles for lists to be a little more consistent across themes (eg list-style, margins & paddings).
- Fixed: typo ‘heirarchy’ should be ‘hierarchy’. Also thanks to Andrew.
- Fixed: addressed an issue while saving on networked installs using sub directories. Thanks to Aubrey.
- Fixed: closing of the last list item when deeply nested.
- Released: 10 July 2011
- New: added
shortcode to generate the table of contents at the preferred position. Also useful for sites that only require a TOC on a small handful of pages. - New: smooth scroll effect added to animate to anchor rather than jump. It’s off by default.
- New: appearance options to match your theme a little bit more.
- Released: 1 July 2011
- First world release (functional & feature packed)