Étiquette de l’extension : adminbar
IndoWP AdminBar On Off
(0 notes en tout)Do you ever feel disturbed when viewing your site there is an overflow admin bar on the up side ? You can enable and disable it on your control panel …
(0 notes en tout)This is a Mac OSX Menubar like WordPres adminbar/toolbar theme, designed for Mac and WordPress lovers.
Adminbar No Customizer
(2 notes en tout)Moves the Customizer link from the Adminbar top level to be a subitem under the site-menu.
adminbar drag & hide
(0 notes en tout)Enhance adminbar usability and customization, adding a handle for drag and a button for hide. Particularly advised for website who has a "work in …
(0 notes en tout)NorthStar is a simple WordPress plugin that allows you to display a message in the admin bar. It includes a few settings that let you customize the me …
Hide Admin Bar or Toolbar
(2 notes en tout)A simple Admin Bar Hide and this plugin is used to hide admin toolbar from website. It will hide that bar when you are logged in and viewing the site.
cubicFUSION Admin Enhancer
(0 notes en tout)This plugin adds useful admin features and resources to help you tweak the wordpress administration.
MIF WP Customizer
(0 notes en tout)Plugin of additional WordPress customization for creation of social network site.