Étiquette de l’extension : checkout field customizer
Checkout Field Manager for WooCommerce
(750 notes en tout)Checkout Field Manager for WooCommerce est la meilleure extension avancée de « gestionnaire de commande » pour personnaliser les champs de commande…
Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce – WooCommerce Checkout Manager
(275 notes en tout)The best WooCommerce checkout manager. Edit, remove or add checkout fields. Customize WooCommerce checkout with this checkout field customizer.
Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce – Checkout Manager
(151 notes en tout)L’éditeur et le gestionnaire de champs de validation de commande WooCommerce aident à gérer les champs de validation de commande dans WooCommerce
Checkout Field Editor and Manager for WooCommerce
(2 notes en tout)A simple WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor and Manager plugin to edit WooCommerce checkout fields, add custom checkout fields and more.
Checkout Field Visibility for WooCommerce
(0 notes en tout)Allows for the hiding of WooCommerce billing and shipping fields, based on the relevant conditional rule set(s) defined.
FEWC – Extra Checkout Fields For WooCommerce
(0 notes en tout)Easily customize your checkout page: add custom fields, enable/disable fields, rearrange their positions, and preview changes in the WP Customizer
Checkout Manager for Woocommerce
(2 notes en tout)Checkout Manager – The most advanced and powerful customization for your checkout page.
Checkout Field Builder (Checkout Field Editor & Manager) for WooCommerce
(0 notes en tout)Checkout Field Builder – The best WooCommerce checkout filed editor & manager plugin to customize checkout fields on your WooCommerce checkout page.