Étiquette de l’extension : digital downloads
Easy Media Download
(29 notes en tout)Easy Media Download vous permet d’embarquer des boutons de téléchargement sur votre site WordPress. Ajoutez la fonctionnalité de téléchargement de fichiers avec cette extension de téléchargement WordPress.
EDD Auto Register
(12 notes en tout)Crée automatiquement un compte utilisateur WP lors de la commande, sur la base de l’adresse de messagerie du client.
Easy Digital Downloads Featured Downloads
(1 notes en tout)Mettez facilement en avant vos téléchargements
Easy Digital Downloads Free Link
(5 notes en tout)Remplacez le bouton d’ajout au panier par un lien de téléchargement lorsque le produit est gratuit.
Secure Downloads
(10 notes en tout)Easy generate and distribute secure links for file downloads, that can expire, and track every download.
Payhip – Sell Downloads
(8 notes en tout)This plugin will allow you to Sell Downloads directly to your customers. Sell your eBooks, music, videos, design assets, courses, software and more.
Easy Digital Downloads – Blocks
(1 notes en tout)EDD Blocks ajoute un bloc des «Téléchargements» pour le nouvel éditeur de WordPress, aussi appelé Gutenberg.
Easy Digital Downloads – Coming Soon
(4 notes en tout)Allows Coming Soon or Custom Status text instead of normal pricing for downloads in Easy Digital Downloads.
Kinguin API for WooCommerce
(5 notes en tout)Integrate your Woocommerce store with Kinguin marketplace. This tool allows you to import games from Kinguin into your Woocommerce shop.
PayPal Digital Downloads
(7 notes en tout)Start selling digital products on your site in just a few minutes. No Coding Required. Official PayPal Partner.
EDD Favorites
(4 notes en tout)Favorite/Unfavorite downloads in Easy Digital Downloads with just 1 click.
EDD Purchase Rewards
(4 notes en tout)Increase sales and build customer loyalty by rewarding customers
Easy Digital Downloads Product Slider
(2 notes en tout)This plugin will add a responsive product slider to your Easy Digital Downloads site.
IDPay for Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)
(1 notes en tout)After installing and enabling this plugin, your customers can pay through IDPay gateway.
EDD Disable Purchase Receipt
(0 notes en tout)Disables the standard purchase receipt sent to the customer
Checkout Page – Custom checkouts that boost your sales
(0 notes en tout)Sell digital downloads, subscriptions, products & services directly on your site with custom checkouts. Zero coding knowledge required.
Affiliates Manager WP eStore Integration
(0 notes en tout)Process an affiliate commission via Affiliates Manager after a WP eStore checkout