Étiquette de l’extension : e-downloads
EDD Auto Register
(12 notes en tout)Crée automatiquement un compte utilisateur WP lors de la commande, sur la base de l’adresse de messagerie du client.
Easy Digital Downloads Featured Downloads
(1 notes en tout)Mettez facilement en avant vos téléchargements
Easy Digital Downloads – Blocks
(1 notes en tout)EDD Blocks ajoute un bloc des «Téléchargements» pour le nouvel éditeur de WordPress, aussi appelé Gutenberg.
Easy Digital Downloads – Coming Soon
(4 notes en tout)Allows Coming Soon or Custom Status text instead of normal pricing for downloads in Easy Digital Downloads.
EDD Favorites
(4 notes en tout)Favorite/Unfavorite downloads in Easy Digital Downloads with just 1 click.
EDD Purchase Rewards
(4 notes en tout)Increase sales and build customer loyalty by rewarding customers
EDD Disable Purchase Receipt
(0 notes en tout)Disables the standard purchase receipt sent to the customer
EDD Purchase Gravatars
(1 notes en tout)Displays Gravatars of customers who have purchased your product
EDD Versions
(0 notes en tout)This plugin adds version numbers to your downloadable software products in Easy Digital Downloads.
EDD Add To Cart Redirect
(0 notes en tout)Redirect to any post/page/download when a download has been added the cart.
EDD Invoice Data
(0 notes en tout)This plugin allows you to gather invoice data for any EDD payment gateway.
EDD Service Extended
(0 notes en tout)Easy Digital Download Service Extended adds message section in the user dashboard for conversation.
EDD Prevent Checkout
(0 notes en tout)Prevents customer from being able to checkout until a minimum cart total is reached