Étiquette de l’extension : jquery
Good Old Gallery
(2 notes en tout)Good Old Gallery helps you use galleries on multiple pages and posts, it also uses jQuery plugins for sliding and fading transitions.
Disable jQuery Migrate
(2 notes en tout)A simple plugin to disable loading of jquery-migrate on the frontend due to a XSS vulerability of jQuery Migrate 1.2.1.
Cursor Trail
(3 notes en tout)Add a cursor trail to your website mouse pointer, with custom pointer image, speed/interval adjustment and scheduling.
Paginated Effects Gallery
(7 notes en tout)A simple, light and easy-to-use plugin that adds jQuery pagination to the standard wordpress gallery with cool jquery effects.
Floating NextPrev
(7 notes en tout)Displays icons for navigation between your posts so practical and fast.
Responsive iframe GoogleMap
(0 notes en tout)Responsive friendly free GoogleMap embedder using shortcode.
jQuery Remove Uppercase Accents
(1 notes en tout)Automatically replaces accented characters (currently greek) from elements having their text content uppercase transformed through CSS.
Custom WP CSS & JS
(1 notes en tout)A lightweight plugin to add custom CSS, JS/Javascript to any theme. This plugin also gives you an ability to insert JS in header or footer.
Norman Advanced Archive Widget
(1 notes en tout)Norman Advanced Archive Widget is a free replacement for the standard WordPress archive widget. Lots of customization options to satisfy your needs.
Vertical Center
(5 notes en tout)Easily vertically center any element relative to its container. Fully responsive.
Simple Galleria for WordPress
(1 notes en tout)Simple Galleria for WordPress is a jQuery image gallery based on WordPress native galleries. You just need to associate some photos to your posts and …
jQuery Slider
(3 notes en tout)This is a highly customizable jQuery Slider plugin. You can set its width, height, pagination and other parameters.
Switch jQuery Version
(1 notes en tout)Change your jQuery version and the CDN of jQuery just by onclick!
Sliding Panel
(4 notes en tout)Adds a responsive sliding panel to the top of your WordPress-powered site.
Brozzme Cookie Notification
(4 notes en tout)A simple implementation of the Law on Cookies for WordPress