Étiquette de l’extension : publish
Improved Save Button
(26 notes en tout)Improve your productivity with this "2-in-1" save button! It saves the post and immediately takes you to your next action.
Publish To Apple News
(25 notes en tout)Enables journalistic outlets already approved by Apple News to send content directly to the app.
Save with keyboard
(31 notes en tout)Save everything in the most natural way by pressing Ctrl+S (or Cmd+S on Mac).
WP Discord Post Plus – Supports Unlimited Channels
(11 notes en tout)WP Discord Post Plus integrates with WordPress and WooCommerce (if installed) to send your new post and orders to discord channels.
Requirements Checklist
(12 notes en tout)Allows admins to require content to be entered before a page/post can be published.
Oasis Workflow
(51 notes en tout)Automate your WordPress Editorial Workflow with Oasis Workflow. Simple, intuitive drag and drop workflow builder to streamline your editorial process.
Save and Close
(13 notes en tout)Adds a Save and Close button to the admin post edit screen which allows you to return to the post listing page after editing.
Publish View
(3 notes en tout)Adds a button so you can save Publish or save Draft and view in one step.
Update from Bottom
(3 notes en tout)Shows two extra buttons (Scroll to top and Publish/Update) in the bottom of the screen when user scrolls near bottom.
WP Math Publisher – wpmathpub
(5 notes en tout)This plugin uses shortcode tags to display mathematical equations within your WordPress posts, pages, and comments.
Bulk Post Status Update
(0 notes en tout)The users can change the status of posts and custom posts to draft and publish them in bulk.
Overwrite Author Name
(2 notes en tout)Overwrite Author to a consistent name when publishing a post.
Force Post Category Selection
(10 notes en tout)This is simple plugin which forces the users to select atleast one category from the list while publishing a new post.
Git it Write – Write posts from GitHub
(6 notes en tout)Publish markdown files present in a GitHub repository as posts to WordPress automatically
Auto Publish Drafts
(0 notes en tout)Automatically publish drafts every 5 minutes silently in the background.
NP posts bulk actions
(1 notes en tout)This plugin allows bulk updating of draft/publish status of posts and custom post type.
Publish Confirm Message
(1 notes en tout)An extra confirmation dialogue for the publish button to avoid accidental publishings.
Force Post Title
(4 notes en tout)This is simple plugin which forces the users to write POST title in Add New Post page.