Étiquette de l’extension : redis
Redis Object Cache
(165 notes en tout)Une interface d’administration de cache objet persistant propulsé par Redis®¹. Prend en charge Predis, PhpRedis, HHVM, la réplication, le clustering et WP-CLI.
WP Redis
(19 notes en tout)Sauvegardez votre cache d‘objet WP avec Redis, une solution de stockage en mémoire hautement performante.
atec Cache Info
(8 notes en tout)Show all system caches, status and statistics (OPcache, WP-Object-Cache, JIT, APCu, Memcached, Redis, SQLite-Object-Cache).
Cache Warmer
(17 notes en tout)Visits website pages to warm (create) the cache if you have any caching solutions configured.
Cache Master
(16 notes en tout)Cache Master is an extremely lightweight, high-performance cache plugin that speeds up your WordPress sites on the fly. The core of Cache Master is dr …
Blizhost CloudCache Purge – Speed, Security, and Optimization
(0 notes en tout)Automatic Cache Clearing and CloudCache Integration to Boost Speed and Protect Your Site with Enhanced Security.
Redis Page Cache
(6 notes en tout)A Redis-backed full page caching plugin for WordPress, extremely flexible and fast.