Étiquette de l’extension : social sharing plugin
Social Sharing Plugin – Social Warfare
(184 notes en tout)Les plus beaux boutons de partages sociaux conçus pour booster les partages et le trafic de votre site, sans le ralentir.
Advance Social Sharer
(4 notes en tout)Add social button to your wordpress website for share your post to social network such Facebook,LinkedIn,Twitter and Google.
The Advanced Twitter Plugin
(0 notes en tout)Fully customize tweets that readers share using your Tweet button.
Super Share
(1 notes en tout)Super Share wordpress social plugin by MasterBlogster shows the social sharing buttons in a popup box only when reader reaches the end of the article.
My Social Reach
(0 notes en tout)Activate the plugin, and it will automatically add social sharing buttons at the end of the post content automatically.