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WishList Member: Show All Levels


Have you ever wanted a way to show all the content a member is allowed to access? This plugin gives you a simple shortcode that lists all the pages a user is allowed to access, grouped by level.


  1. Install the plugin
  2. Use the shortcode [wlm_all_authorized_levels] to show all authorized levels for the logged-in user.
  3. See the FAQ for more options.


Can I group pages by their level?

Yes; use [wlm_all_authorized_levels group_by_level="true"] to group by pages by each level and (by default) show each level’s header.

Can I hide the header?

Yes; use [wlm_all_authorized_levels show_header="false"] to hide the header of each level (only works with group_by_level).

Can I ignore specific pages?

Yes; get the IDs of those pages from the WordPress admin page and then add them to the shortcode separated by commas, like this: [wlm_all_authorized_levels pages_to_ignore="151,20"].

You can also use the wlm_authorized_pages_array filter to modify the array; see below for an example.

Can I include specific pages?

Yes, you can include specific pages using the pages_to_include attribute like this: [wlm_all_authorized_levels pages_to_include="151,20"].

You can also use the wlm_authorized_pages_array filter to modify the array:

add_filter( 'wlm_authorized_pages_array', 'tweak_wlm_pages' );
function tweak_wlm_pages( $array ) {
    // add a page
    $array[] = $page_ID_to_add;

    // remove a page
    if ( $false !== ( $key = array_search( $page_ID_to_remove, $array ) ) ) {
        unset( $array[$key] );

    // return the modified array
    return $array;
Can I use a custom template?

Not yet, but there are filters for every part of the output; here’s a list of the available filters:

  • wlm_authorized_post_types: array of post types included in the WP_Query; defaults to array( 'page' )
  • wlm_all_levels_container_open: wraps everything; defaults to <div class="wishlist-member-levels">
  • wlm_all_levels_container_close: defaults to </div>
  • wlm_all_levels_level_wrapper_open: wraps the entire list of items; defaults to <ul>
  • wlm_all_levels_level_wrapper_close: defaults to </ul>
  • wlm_all_levels_item_wrapper_open: wraps each item; defaults to <li (no closing bracket)
  • wlm_all_levels_item_wrapper_close: defaults to </li>
  • wlm_all_levels_item_wrapper_class: defaults to empty; space-separated list of classes to add to each item
  • wlm_all_levels_item_link: defalts to <a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a>; the post ID is available as a parameter to your callback function
  • wlm_no_authorized_levels_message: defaults to <p>Sorry, you are not authorized to access any content. Please <a href="' . admin_url() . '">log in</a>, check your subscription status, or contact us for more information.</p>; shown when a user is not authorized for any WishList levels
  • wlm_no_authorized_content_message: defaults to <p>Sorry, you are not authorized to access any content. Please <a href="' . admin_url() . '">log in</a>, check your subscription status, or contact us for more information.</p>; shown when there are no pages available


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Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« WishList Member: Show All Levels » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • Add filter for post types


  • Add login url to customer message


  • Add messages when no authorized levels or content is available to an end user


  • Update documentation


  • Add filter for modifying the array of pages before WP query


  • Major change: defaults to showing pages in one list rather than grouped by level
  • Old behavior still available with the group_by_level="true" attribute


  • Add filters for customizing the output


  • Add fix for edge case where levels with no protected pages would sometimes cause a white screen of death


  • Use WP_Query to allow for better sorting


  • Fix missing wrapper closing


  • Add support for ignoring specific pages and removing the header


  • Initial plugin