

Tous les thèmes



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Ce thème n’a pas été mis à jour depuis plus de 2 ans. Il peut ne plus être maintenu ou pris en charge, et peut avoir des problèmes de compatibilité lorsqu’il est utilisé avec des versions récentes de WordPress.

Variations de style (4)

  • Version 1.0.3
  • Dernière mise à jour 22 août 2022
  • Installations actives 40+
  • Version de WordPress  6.0
  • Version PHP 7.4

A full site editing block theme for news/magazine/blog sites. Two header layout variations are included via easily switchable patterns. There are four page templates and six post templates including with and without sidebar as well as three long read templates designed especially for longform stories. The design of Categorical is minimal and stays out of the way of your content, giving your posts and articles a clean and easy to read layout. There are patterns for your Latest Posts and Top Stories (sticky posts). Patterns are also included for your post categories making it really simple to build your homepage (or any page) with the categorized block patterns. Each category has two different layouts available as patterns ready to add to your pages, or swap out for a different category. The actual number of patterns available in the page or site editor will depend on how many published post categories your site contains.


Téléchargements par jour

Installations actives : 40+


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Ce thème est disponible dans les langues suivantes : English (US).

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