

Tous les thèmes

Gutenify Template Kit

Gutenify Template Kit

Thème commercial

Ce thème est gratuit mais offre des mises à niveau commerciales ou un support supplémentaire payants. Voir le support

  • Version 1.0.8
  • Dernière mise à jour 13 juin 2023
  • Installations actives 100+
  • Version de WordPress  5.9
  • Version PHP 5.6

Gutenify Template Kit is an easy-to-use, multi-purpose Full Site Editing theme. Each website will have its own distinct style by combining numerous blocks with Gutenify Plugins and solid extra blocks. We strive to give each website a distinct look by using powerful typography and straightforward design. The Gutenify Template Kit Theme’s actual efficiency resides in its customizability when used in conjunction with the Gutenify Plugin. The theme uses WordPress 5.9’s Full Site Editing feature, which allows you to customize any component of your site, including colors, fonts, and layout, to fit your needs. The Gutenify Plugin includes a wide range of blocks that will transform your website into a totally unique spectacle when used in conjunction with this theme. Gutenify Template Kit with Gutenify and WooCommerce Plugin will help you develop something unique that you can proudly call yours, whether it’s a small online shop or big enterprise e-commerce site. Official Support Forum: https://gutenify.com/contact/ Demo: https://demo.gutenify.com/gutenify-template-kit/


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Installations actives : 100+


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Ce thème est disponible dans les langues suivantes : English (US).

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