

Tous les thèmes

Ona Architecture

Ona Architecture

Variations de style (8)

C’est un thème-enfant de Ona.

  • Version 1.0.0
  • Dernière mise à jour 7 février 2025
  • Installations actives 1 000+
  • Version de WordPress  5.8
  • Version PHP 5.6

Ona Architecture is a sleek and sophisticated WordPress theme designed specifically for architects, interior designers, design studios, construction firms, and creative professionals in the built environment. This meticulously crafted block-based theme offers a clean, minimalist aesthetic that beautifully showcases architectural projects and portfolios. Winner of the prestigious Anyone Can WP design contest, Ona Architecture combines cutting-edge design with exceptional functionality. The theme features a responsive layout that seamlessly adapts to all devices, ensuring your architectural vision looks stunning on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.


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Installations actives : 1 000+


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Ce thème est disponible dans les langues suivantes : English (US), Español, et Українська.

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