

Tous les thèmes

Rara Journal

Rara Journal

Thème commercial

Ce thème est gratuit mais offre des mises à niveau commerciales ou un support supplémentaire payants. Voir le support

Rara Journal is a clean and elegant WordPress blog theme. It is perfect for food, storytelling, personal, travel, lifestyle blog, etc. It is responsive and adopts to various screen sizes, ensuring that your content is perfectly displayed to the visitors using tablets and mobile devices. If you are looking for a clean and professional blog theme that compliments your visuals and also provides you ample space for text, Rara Journal is perfect for you. Along with the clean design the theme comes with advance featured Slider to highlight your posts. Check demo at https://rarathemes.com/previews/?theme=rara-journal, read the documentation at https://docs.rarathemes.com/docs/rara-journal/, and get support at https://rarathemes.com/support-ticket/.

Téléchargements par jour

Installations actives : 200+