Étiquette de l’extension : featured image
Auto Featured Image (Auto Post Thumbnail)
(112 notes en tout)Automatically generate the Featured Image from the first image in post or any custom post type only if Featured Image is not set manually.
Quick Featured Images
(236 notes en tout)The time-saving solution for managing tons of featured images within minutes: Set, replace and delete in bulk and set default images for future posts.
Afficher conditionnellement l’image mise en avant sur les pages et articles uniques.
(38 notes en tout)Choisissez si l’image mise en avant doit être affichée lorsque l’article est affiché seul dans une page. Cette extension n’affecte pas les vues des archives.
XO Featured Image Tools
(21 notes en tout)Automatically generate the featured image from the image of the post.
Featured Image with URL
(3 notes en tout)Featured Image with URL allows to use an external URL Images as Featured Image for your post types. Includes support for Product Gallery (WooCommerce) …
Multiple Post Thumbnails
(42 notes en tout)Ajoute plusieurs miniatures à un type de publication. Si vous avez toujours voulu avoir plus d’une image mise en avant dans une publication, cette extension est faite pour vous.
Ultimate Posts Widget
(55 notes en tout)The ultimate widget for displaying posts, custom post types or sticky posts with an array of options.
Easy Add Thumbnail
(52 notes en tout)Automatically sets the featured image to the first image uploaded into the post (any post type with thumbnail support). So easy like that…
Manual Image Crop
(55 notes en tout)Plugin allows you to manually crop all the image sizes registered in your WordPress theme (in particular featured image).
Automatic Featured Images from Videos
(36 notes en tout)If a YouTube or Vimeo video embed exists near the start of a post, we'll automatically set the post's featured image to a thumbnail of the v …
Multiple Featured Images
(28 notes en tout)Enables multiple featured images for all post types (including custom post types and WooCommerce products). Comes with a widget and a handy shortcode …
FSM Custom Featured Image Caption
(22 notes en tout)Allows adding custom captions to the featured images of the posts.
WEN Featured Image
(9 notes en tout)Add featured image column in listings. Add/change/remove featured image directly from the listing page
Featured Image Caption
(27 notes en tout)Easily add and display a caption for the featured image of a post.
Require Featured Image
(16 notes en tout)Requires content you specify to have a featured image set before they can be published.
YITH WooCommerce Featured Video
(31 notes en tout)YITH WooCommerce Featured Video allows you to place a video in the product detail page instead of the featured image.
Add Featured Image Column
(13 notes en tout)This plugin adds a featured image column to any post type which supports featured images. See which posts have a featured image at a glance!
My Eyes Are Up Here
(32 notes en tout)My Eyes Are Up Here vous aide à contrôler la façon dont WordPress génère les miniatures.
Ultimate Post List
(12 notes en tout)Make up custom-tailored preview lists of the contents easily and place them in widget areas and post contents.