Étiquette de l’extension : picture
ImageMagick Engine
(16 notes en tout)Améliorez la qualité des images redimensionnées en remplaçant la bibliothèque GD standard par ImageMagick.
Image Watermark
(184 notes en tout)Image Watermark vous permet de filigraner automatiquement les images téléversées dans la médiathèque de WordPress et de filigraner en masse les images précédemment téléversées.
Easy Watermark
(155 notes en tout)Permet d’ajouter un filigrane aux images automatiquement ou manuellement lors du téléversement.
Simple User Avatar
(19 notes en tout)Simple User Avatar helps users to add or remove their avatar using images from his Media Library.
Easy Media Replace
(8 notes en tout)Replace Images and Media Files in WordPress Easily and Quickly.
NextGEN Scroll Gallery
(21 notes en tout)Awesome free JavaScript gallery. BMo-Design's Mootools Javascript ScrollGallery as a Plugin for the Wordpress NextGEN Gallery.
No Image Link
(7 notes en tout)Defaults the Image Link option to 'none' when adding a picture to a page or post.
Image Watermark Plugin for WordPress, WordPress Watermark Plugin, Add Watermark on WordPress – Ultimate Watermark
(11 notes en tout)Ultimate Watermark is WordPress Image Watermark plugin. It can automatically add watermark to any images as they are uploaded to WordPress media libra …
JJ NextGen JQuery Slider
(4 notes en tout)Allows you to pick a gallery from the 'NextGen Gallery' plugin to use as a 'JQuery Nivo slider'.
Remove Image Links
(13 notes en tout)1) The link field for new images being inserted is blank by default. 2) The link code in existing posts and pages is not deleted but it is not outputt …
NextGEN Gallery Sidebar Widget
(2 notes en tout)A widget to show NextGEN galleries in your sidebar.
Image Widget by Angie Makes
(0 notes en tout)This plugin allows for the addition of a drag / drop image widget to the existing widgets in your Wordpress theme. Easily upload, and link images to t …
JJ NextGen JQuery Carousel
(2 notes en tout)Allows you to pick a gallery from the 'NextGen Gallery' plugin to use as a 'JQuery JCarousel'.
(8 notes en tout)Provides a scrolling field without scrollbars for pictures with huge horizontal dimensions. Especially useful for panorama pictures.
NextGen NivoSlider
(8 notes en tout)The NextGen Nivoslider plugin allows you to create a NivoSlider, using images from your NextGen gallery, with a simple shortcode or widget.
Remove exif and metadata
(5 notes en tout)Automatically remove exif and metadata data after uploading. Just moment supported format: JPG and PNG. Using ImageMagick