Étiquette de l’extension : print
Print, PDF, Email by PrintFriendly
(236 notes en tout)Le bouton d’impression, de PDF et d’e-mail n°1. Élégant, complet, personnalisable. Ajoutez un entête personnalisé, un pied de page, et plus encore.
(41 notes en tout)Affiche une version imprimable de la publication/page de votre blog WordPress.
Print My Blog – Plugin WordPress de conversion pour impression, PDF & eBook
(102 notes en tout)Make printing your blog easy and impressive. For you & your visitors. One post or thousands.
Print Bangla News
(2 notes en tout)A large number of Bangladeshi news portal is developed using WordPress CMS. They don't have any developers. This plugin is Made for those, who wa …
Print Anywhere & Create PDFs of Order Receipts, Invoices, Labels & More.
(16 notes en tout)Print Anywhere & Create PDFs of Receipts, Order Invoice, Packing Slip, PDF, Packing List, Shipping Labels, Credit Notes and More for WooCommerce – …
Simple Shipping Labels for WooCommerce
(6 notes en tout)Generate a page of simple shipping labels from WooCommerce orders and print on any continuous feed label printer via browser print dialogue.
Print Labels with Barcodes. Create price tags, product labels, order labels for WooCommerce
(72 notes en tout)Generate & print barcode labels for WooCommerce products and orders. Put various data on labels like price, SKU, name, attributes, customer data, etc
(8 notes en tout)Ready to add merch to your website? Spreadconnect is a Print on Demand Dropshipping plug-in for WooCommerce that’s trusted by over 100,000 creators an …
WP Print Friendly
(2 notes en tout)Extends WordPress' template system to support printer-friendly templates. Works with permalink structures to support nice URLs.
WordPress PDF Templates
(21 notes en tout)This plugin utilises the DOMPDF Library to provide a URL endpoint e.g. /my-post/pdf/ that generates a downloadable PDF file.
Gooten Shipping for WooCommerce
(6 notes en tout)Gooten Shipping allows Gooten partners to assign and display different shipping costs to individual items in a customer’s WooCommerce shopping cart.
(17 notes en tout)VoucherPress is a Wordpress plugin that allows you to give downloadable, printable vouchers/coupons in PDF format away on your site.
Popup Modal
(2 notes en tout)Easily create responsive WYSIWYG modals that popup at your desired frequency and optionally print with a single click.
Print me!
(2 notes en tout)This plugin adds a "Print" button on every post and page (supports custom post types too).
Invoice Payment Gateway For WooCommerce
(4 notes en tout)Add an invoice payment gateway to your WooCommerce website – Give customers the alternative to making immediate payments. Invoice payment gateway for …
Name: Print Button Shortcode
(4 notes en tout)use the [print-button] shortcode where you want a print button.