Juicer.io: Effortlessly embed, curate, and aggregate social media feeds into your website


What you can embed with Juicer? Embed Twitter feed, embed Instagram feed, embed LinkedIn feed, embed Facebook feed and many more!

Searching for a seamless integration to showcase all your social media posts in one place?

Meet Juicer, the top-rated social media aggregator plugin for curating social media feeds on your WordPress website.

Juicer makes it easy to curate, embed, and aggregate a brand’s hashtag and social media posts by simply entering social media account names or hashtags. It automatically retrieves the posts from these feeds and effortlessly embeds them into any of your web pages using a straightforward shortcode.

The social media aggregator ensures seamless updates by automatically synchronizing these feeds whenever you create new posts for your social media accounts. With this automated process, you can be assured that your website will always reflect the latest content from your social media channels. Get ready to level up your brand’s online presence by simply curating, and embedding your Twitter feed, Instagram feed, LinkedIn feed, TikTok feed, Facebook feed, and further social networks.

To use this plugin you must create an account on wp.juicer.io. Then you must create a feed and add social media sources to it.

*** LinkedIn and Twitter embed is available only in Pro version.


  • A beautiful social media feed of your social media content from many networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, RSS, Slack, LinkedIn, Flickr, Vimeo, Hashtags and Yelp.
  • Rassemblez votre contenu par @username ou #hashtag
  • Règles d’installation & amp; des filtres pour éliminer automatiquement les retweets de contenu non désirés et les publications en double.
  • Modérez et supprimez votre contenu de médias sociaux en un clic.
  • Permaliens vers chacun de vos publications de médias sociaux, optimisés pour le référencement.
  • Grille sensible pour les mises en page dynamiques.
  • Défilement infini: chargez plus de contenu simplement en faisant défiler l’écran jusqu’en bas.
  • Approuvez automatiquement tout le contenu généré par vos utilisateurs ou configurez des filtres de modération automatique.
  • CSS personnalisé: personnalisez-le en fonction de votre marque ou de votre site.
  • Analyse avancée: déterminez qui utilise votre flux social et comment il interagit avec celui-ci.

Visit wp.juicer.io for more information

Supported Platforms to Embed Feed:

  • Embed Instagram: Easily create a stunning Instagram feed on your WordPress website with Juicer. Engage your audience with content collected straight from your Instagram profile, and keep your customers up to date on your latest news.
  • Embed Instagram Reels: Take advantage of the latest Instagram trend by showcasing your Instagram Reels on your WP site. You can aggregate Reels based on a specific hashtag, and moderate the video content you share.
  • Embed LinkedIn: (Available with paid subscriptions) Showcase your thought leadership and appeal to your B2B audience with a LinkedIn feed on your blog or business website. Embed all kinds of text, video, and other content straight into your site with Juicer.
  • Embed TikTok: Stay on the cutting edge of the social media market with posts taken straight from TikTok for your WordPress site. You can add as many fast-paced and engaging videos as you like, and show your company’s human side.
  • Embed Twitter: (Available with paid plans): Share news, updates, and information quickly and easily on your own custom social wall. You can post entire Twitter feeds automatically onto your blog and website pages with Juicer’s convenient technology.
  • Embed Facebook: Reach the widest audience online for social media with our Facebook embed for any WP website. Embed your latest posts into your blog, your own custom social media wall, or your business home page.
  • Embed YouTube: Collect more subscribers for your YouTube channel by embedding your best videos automatically onto your WordPress website. The Juicer app will instantly integrate your YouTube videos into an attractive playlist for your audience to enjoy.
  • Embed Tumblr: Share blog posts, content, and more from Tumblr with your own dedicated social feed. Encourage your customers to spend more time on your business website with engaging, informative, and useful posts, specific to your brand.
  • Embed Pinterest: Show your visual side with Pinterest pins placed directly on your blog or social media feed. You can mix and match your various guides, infographics, and collections from Pinterest, to give your customers more content to explore on your site.
  • Embed Slack: Highlight your collaborative content with the Juicer integration for Slack. Ideal for building a community around your business, this integration will help to showcase your latest posts and content straight from your Slack page.
  • Embed Flickr: Running a photography website or a company with a strong focus on visuals? Enhance your website with our Flickr embed. You can pull high-quality photos straight from your Flickr account into any part of your website, including your blog.
  • Embed Vimeo: Share powerful video content on your website homepage or blog with the Vimeo integration for Juicer. You’ll have complete control over which videos you want to include on your video site, and how you want them to look.
  • Embed Yelp: Discover the power of social proof with reviews and testimonials from customers on Yelp displayed on your website. Show customers the trustworthy and credible site of your business with attractive rating scores.
  • Embed Giphy: Have fun with animated GIFs that highlight the personality of your brand, and draw attention to your blogs and social media walls. Juicer works directly with Giphy to give you access to all the animations you need.
  • Embed Soundcloud: Want to share your latest podcasts or musical creations? Leverage Juicer to bring a Soundcloud playlist into your website. You’ll be able to share all of your favorite audio quickly and easily, with no coding.
  • Embed Blog RSS: Highlight your most recent blog posts and encourage customers to sign up for your newsletter subscription with our blog RSS integration. Get more eyes on your most relevant content instantly.
  • Embed Hashtags: Showcase hashtag content from a range of social media channels, to highlight relevant branded tags and industry-focused terms. You can monitor and control all of the content you want to share easily.

Benefits of Juicer Social Media Aggregator

Juicer is a streamlined, straightforward, and powerful tool for social media aggregation. The convenient low-code environment makes it easy for any business owner to create stunning, customized social media walls and feeds for their WordPress websites. Juicer helps businesses make the most out of their social media content with benefits like:

  • Customized Curation: Choose exactly which social media posts you want to showcase on your feed, social walls, and website. You can moderate posts without custom coding, set up automatic moderation filters, and choose whether to allow/disallow user-generated content. You can even use hashtags and meta data to define which content you want to show.
  • Endless Aggregation: With more than 15 social media sources to choose from, including YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, you can connect all of your posts from different environments into one stunning social feed. You’ll be able to easily aggregate both brand-generated and user-generated content from any social channel you like by @Username or #hashtag, and add your own moderation.
  • Design the Perfect Feed: The responsive grid structure of the Juicer application means you can customize your social feed to match the style of your website. There’s infinite scrolling support to help you showcase as much content as you like. Plus, custom CSS is available if you want to dive into the details to make the perfect feed.
  • Analytics: Gain in-depth insights into how people connect and engage with your social media feed using built-in reports and metrics. You’ll be able to track powerful metrics like impressions and engagement, to help guide your marketing strategies, and facilitate opportunities for future growth, all without the need for an extra app.
  • SEO: Juicer takes search engine optimization seriously. Permalinks available for each of your social media posts are optimized for SEO. Additionally, Instagram even allows you to add image alt titles to your photos, helpful for boosting accessibility, and strengthening your positions with the search engines.

Get Quick Support From Us

Having issues with your new social media wall? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Our dedicated team of experts are always on-hand to assist with technical guidance and troubleshooting. If you’re having a hard time with your WordPress plugin, or you want tips on how to set up your social feed correctly, we’re here to offer all the assistance you need.

There are plenty of ways to get in touch. You can contact us directly through our WordPress Plugin support problem, and we’ll work to answer your questions as quickly as possible. Alternatively, you can reach out through our available contact page.

Send Us Feedback & Follow Us on Social!

We’re always looking for ways to improve the Juicer experience. We’d love to hear from you about your interactions with the WordPress plugin, so please reach out with your feedback and reviews. You can get in touch to request new features, and follow Juicer on your social platforms for updates on the latest features, rollouts, and news.

What are the Benefits of Our Pro Plans?

Want to take your Juicer experience to the next level? Invest in one of our high-value premium plans. Juicer premium plans are available for a range of business types and budgets, so you can find something specific to suit your needs. With Juicer premium plans you can:
* Embed more feeds: Connect more social media accounts to your online feed, so you can share insights from multiple channels in one location.
* Import posts faster: Rapidly import new posts automatically from all of your chosen channels, without having to worry about manual updates.
* Choose more source accounts: Select from a range of source accounts and hashtags for each feed, so you can completely customize your social wall.
* Leverage deeper insights: Learn more about which social posts are really generating the best results for your business with our in-depth insights.
* Remove Juicer Branding: Eliminate the Juicer brand logo so you can focus on showcasing just your own business brand.
* Collaborate: Pull more people into your Juicer account from your social media team to work together on creating the ultimate wall.
* Moderate and filter: Unlock new options for moderating and filtering your posts, so you can showcase only the most valuable content from your social feeds.
* Access our API: Leverage access to our API system to make more granular connections and changes to your social media wall.
* White Labeling: Use our white labeling functionality to create fantastic social media walls and feeds for your customers and clients, all with your own branding.

Captures d’écran

  • Un exemple de Flux Juicer utilisant un modèle fourni
  • Un flux Juicer avec CSS personnalisé
  • Juicer Dashboard Edit avec toutes les fonctionnalités que vous pouvez utiliser.
  • A Juicer feed aggregating YouTube and Instagram
  • A Juicer feed embedded in a hero slider
  • Another Juicer feed with custom CSS


Téléchargez le fichier zip du plug-in, décompressez-le et transférez-le sur votre site wordpress dans le répertoire /wp-includes/plugins.

Sign up via wp.juicer.io and create a feed for free

Une fois que vous avez fait cela, vous pouvez utiliser le shortcode: [juicer name ='YOUR_FEED_NAME'] dans n’importe quel message ou page.

Pour obtenir le nom de votre flux Juicer:

  • Sign into your account on wp.juicer.io
  • Navigate to juicer.io/feeds
  • Cliquez sur « Modifier » sur le flux que vous souhaitez intégrer.
  • You should be taken to a url like https://www.juicer.io/feeds/juicer
  • La partie « juicer » de l’URL est le nom de votre flux.
  • Pour utiliser un code court pour le flux intégré, essayez [juicer name = 'juicer']
  • Assurez-vous de remplacer le nom ci-dessus par le nom de votre flux.

Alternatively, you can add the feed to your template directly if you like using PHP. Here’s an example: <?php juicer_feed('name=juicer'); ?>

Utilisation avancée

Il y a quelques paramètres supplémentaires que vous pouvez ajouter à votre fonction shortcode / php qui vous permettront de limiter le nombre de publications affichées:

peris the number of posts you want to show up on a page. Default is 100

pages is the number of times you want the feed to add more posts as you scroll (This is known as infinite scroll). By default there is no limit to the number of pages, it will keep going until you've seen all the posts in your feed. If you only want it to add more posts once as you scroll, set this to "2" for example.

Ainsi, si vous souhaitez que votre flux ne contienne que 15 articles, vous devez utiliser l’une des méthodes suivantes:

[juicer name='YOUR_FEED_NAME' per='15' pages='1']


<?php juicer_feed('name=juicer&per=15&pages=1'); ?>

Cela affichera 15 publications et garantira que votre flux ne charge aucune publication au-delà de la première page.


Qu’est-ce que Juicer?

Juicer is a service that allows you to create an embeddable feed of all your social media accounts. It’s great for increasing brand awareness and engagement and for providing fresh and interesting content for your website with very little work. It auto updates every day, pulling in any new posts, so your feed will always be fresh with your latest social media posts.

Combien ça coûte?

Juicer est libre pour toujours. Pas vraiment! Il existe un compte payant qui vous offre des fonctionnalités supplémentaires, telles que l’ajout de comptes de médias sociaux, la création de plusieurs flux et l’obtention d’analyses sociales détaillées. Mais si vous voulez juste un flux pour votre site web, c’est gratuit pour toujours!

Je veux seulement que quelques articles apparaissent, pas un énorme flux!

Pas de problème! Nous pouvons gérer cela de différentes manières:

Use our widget: Log on to your Juicer account and click on « Edit » for your feed. Then click on « Feed Settings » and change your « Feed Style » to « Widget ». This specific style shows just a single post at a time, and slides through them. It’s simple and beautiful and perfect for putting in a sidebar or a footer, without taking up as much room as a normal juicer feed.

Limitez le nombre de publications: si vous souhaitez utiliser un flux Juicer normal, mais que vous ne souhaitez pas qu’il soit trop long, vous pouvez ajouter des attributs supplémentaires au code abrégé ou à la fonction par et pages:

per is the number of posts you want to show up on a page. Default is 100

pages is the number of times you want the feed to add more posts as you scroll (This is known as infinite scroll). By default there is no limit to the number of pages, it will keep going until you've seen all the posts in your feed. If you only want it to add more posts once as you scroll, set this to "2" for example.

Ainsi, si vous souhaitez que votre flux ne contienne que 15 articles, vous devez utiliser l’une des méthodes suivantes:

[juicer name='YOUR_FEED_NAME' per='15' pages='1']


<?php juicer_feed('name=juicer&per=15&pages=1'); ?>

Cela affichera 15 publications et garantira que votre flux ne charge aucune publication au-delà de la première page.

Make sense? If not, Contact Us and we’ll help you out.

Ça ne fonctionne pas pour moi!

Sorry to hear that! Give us a shout on our Contact Page and we’ll help you out!

Assurez-vous si votre site utilise jQuery qu’il utilise au moins la version 1.7.

Assurez-vous que toutes les erreurs Javascript sont résolues.


31 mai 2023 2 réponses
I have finished the Korean translation.I just want to say thank you for developing such a good plugin.And I hope it will be translated into more languages so that many WordPress users can use it conveniently. Embed, curate & aggregate social media feeds into your website using JUICER 한국어 번역을 모두 마쳤습니다.좋은 플러그인을 개발해 주어서 고맙다는 인사를 전하고 싶습니다.그리고 보다 많은 언어로 번역되어 많은 워드프레스 사용자들이 편리하게 사용할 수 있기를 바랍니다.
23 février 2023
JUICER has been so helpful!! We can't live without this platform now, and support has been so friendly and knowledgable getting set up and continuing to use it. We really love the customization options, and setup was so simple / thought through. Way to go guys!!
29 janvier 2018
I do love this app, but am dubious about how much I have to pay per month when I'm just using it as a snazzy portfolio on my site. As gorgeous as it is, i would like to see more customization options, especially with maybe clicking on posts open up the original post, having to click on the tiny 'likes' is awkward. That would make me much happier with the amount im paying for this thing lol.
23 octobre 2017
Thank you! It really works easily, no API hassle needed in Facebook and also Instagram feed easy as nothing! I hope this keeps going on! Definitelly a five star plugin!
Lire les 21 avis

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Juicer.io: Effortlessly embed, curate, and aggregate social media feeds into your website » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • Fixed a bug with Juicer branding.


  • Improved UI design of the admin page.


  • Improved UI design
  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Fixes an issue with loading the juicer-admin-css


  • Improves the accessibility of the embedded feeds.
  • Added a setup guide accessible from the plugin settings page under « Settings/Juicer ».


  • Fixed security vulnerability.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Plugin behaviour is unchanged.


  • Compatibilité avec 1.9


  • Assurez-vous que si les personnes saisissent des attributs de données en code abrégé, elles continueront de fonctionner.


  • Réparation de la fermeture

tag on paid accounts


  • Check for existence of key in args array


  • Ne montrez pas Juicer Branding aux utilisateurs payés


  • Mieux attribuer les attributs de la carte, nettoyer le code, prendre en charge les anciennes versions de php


  • Générer dynamiquement


ul> basé sur ceux passés dans les attributs.


  • Ajout de « après » rappel


  • Correction d’un bug avec le défilement infini


  • S’assurer que le shortcode revient au bon endroit dans la page.


  • Correction d’un bug


  • S’assurer que les scripts Juicer sont appelés en haut de la tête


  • No longer need to specify number of columns. Instead control this in your Juicer feed editor.


  • Js intégré n’inclut plus jQuery, mais WordPress l’a mis en attente dans le thème.


  • Correction d’un bug dans la fonction php de juicer_feed


  • Mise à jour du flux par défaut


  • Version initiale