Movable Type and TypePad Importer


Importation d’articles et de commentaires depuis un blog Movable Type ou TypePad.


  1. Upload the movabletype-importer folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activez l’extension via le menu « Extensions » de WordPress.
  3. Go to the Tools -> Import screen, Click on Movable Type and TypePad


3 septembre 2021
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP.
Lire les 4 avis

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  • Testing the plugin up to WordPress 6.4.2
  • Update link references from http to https.


  • Test the plugin up to WordPress 6.2


  • Add support for WordPress 6.1


  • Remove comment_exists check for importing comments. In testing, I found no duplicated comments via this method, and it’s extremely slow on large imports. If this check is needed, then define(‘WP_MT_IMPORT_ALLOW_DUPE_COMMENTS’, false);
  • Disable cache invalidation and both term and comment counting during import, for speed. Re-enable them after import.
  • Disable autocommit during import, commit once every 500 posts and after complete import. Huge speed boost. To force autocommit to be left alone, define(‘WP_MT_IMPORT_FORCE_AUTOCOMMIT’,true);


  • String updates


  • Use BASENAME, if present, as the slug for the post.


  • Add check for WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS


  • Initial release