Restaurant Menu and Food Ordering


MotoPress Restaurant Menu is a full-fledged WordPress food ordering system that can be smoothly integrated with your restaurant or cafe website.

It’s an easy-to-manage WordPress food menu plugin that allows you to create a categorized database of the menu offerings with different prices and offer your customers a simple and quick ordering process. For example, it’s a perfect restaurant menu ordering system match for:

  • Pizza ordering system and foodstore.
  • Système de commande de fast-food.
  • Menu de restaurant polyvalent.
  • Any typical food and drinks establishment.

Thanks to the built-in e-commerce capabilities of this WordPress restaurant online ordering plugin, you’ll be able to sell food and drinks online on WordPress (PayPal and Cash on delivery methods are integrated for free).

With the MotoPress WP Restaurant plugin, you can showcase your menus in posts, pages, and sidebars (or widget zones), which makes it easy to make the plugin look perfect in any WordPress theme.

WP food ordering and delivery software

Turn the MotoPress Restaurant Menu plugin into a powerful WP food ordering and delivery software with the following extensions:

  • WordPress Food Delivery plugin – this addon turns on delivery and pickup services for the orders made online by customers.
  • Toppings – this extension will help you create a list of extras available for additional purchase along with the main menu item.
  • Menu cart – it helps you add a shopping cart icon to the navigation menu bar of your website.

Tous les modules pour l’extension Restaurant Menu.

Découvrez tous les outils gratuits de MotoPress Restaurant Menu pour WordPress

  • Responsive online order WordPress designs that allow customers to view the menu and order easily using mobile devices.
  • Complete menu item presentation: title and description, photos, price, detailed nutrition information, attributes (size, bulk, weight), tags (highlights), and the list of ingredients.
  • Vues simplifiée ou détaillée des plats.
  • Categorically-organized lists of meals, food, and drinks; plus child categories with descriptions.
  • Grid and list layouts (from a single one up to 6-column layouts for both).
  • The category and single menu item page (e.g. the desserts category or display the whole list of desserts).
  • Les éléments spécifiques du menu sont mis en évidence par l’extension ou des icônes personnalisées.
  • Les éléments de menu individuels sont affichés sous différentes catégories.
  • Plusieurs possibilités pour trier les plats et catégories.
  • Réglages de devise.
  • Boutons Ajouter au panier et Acheter personnalisables.
  • Taxes et taux de taxes.
  • Easy-to-manage shortcodes and custom post types.
  • La possibilité d’importer et d’exporter des menus entre différentes installations WordPress.

Réglages e-Commerce.

The MotoPress WordPress food ordering plugin will deliver the perfect WordPress restaurant online ordering experience to your customers thanks to these free tools:

  • Les modes de paiement PayPal et contre remboursement sont intégrés gratuitement.
  • Test payments to check how this food and drink menu system works before running it on the live website.
  • Guest shopping and by registered customers.
  • WP restaurant with quick and smooth checkout process.
  • Order statuses to help customers track the status of their purchase (cooking, shipping, shipped).
  • Modèles d’e-mails personnalisables (confirmation, paiements, notifications) à envoyer aux administrateurs des restaurants du site et aux acheteurs.

Grid and List layouts can be added to Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi or any other builder via shortcodes.
Go ahead and create a quick restaurant menu with the MP menu plugin without tech experts, for free!

Proud developers of Restaurant Menu plugin and the biggest set of WordPress Gutenberg Blocks.

Captures d’écran

  • La liste des plats. En administration.
  • Vue en grille et en liste des catégories de menu
  • Vue en grille des plats
  • Vue en liste des plats
  • Vue en simple liste des plats
  • Page des plats


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. You’ll find ‘Restaurant Menu’ on your main WordPress dashboard.


12 juillet 2023
It is simple and works nice for me (to some degree). But I couldn’t add « description » to the menu (just an excerpt) and the documentation is lacking details. But otherwise: OK. 🙂
7 juin 2022
This is a seriously easy and handy plugin that makes your menu look great online. Sure you can dress it up with a little CSS, which is easy by the way, but it looks great straight out of the box. Well done Motopress team.
16 février 2021 1 réponse
Very nice plugin, very usefull. Exactly what I need for my take-away website. And super developper support ! Thanks
12 août 2020 1 réponse
I found this plugin to be really good, I had a small issue (that was my fault) that was answered very quickly. Works as it should. Thank you.
Lire les 14 avis

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Le développement vous intéresse ?

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2.4.4, Apr 11 2023

  • Corrections et améliorations mineures.

2.4.3, Apr 6 2023

  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8.

2.4.2, Nov 1 2021

  • Security – sanitization and escaping.

2.4.1, Oct 1 2021

  • Security – Fixed unescaped data output.

2.4.0, Jun 2 2020

  • Compatibilité améliorée avec PHP 7.4.
  • Compatibilité améliorée avec l’extension WPML.
  • Compatibilité améliorée avec l’outil de santé du site.
  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with Minimum Order Amount on the checkout page.
  • Corrections et améliorations mineures.

2.3.3, Jan 22 2019

  • Ajut de la possibilité de définir un minimum de montant de commande.
  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with PayPal payments not being set as completed.
  • Corrections et améliorations mineures.


  • Version bump.


  • Bug fix: fixed extensions links.


  • Added the ability to add custom titles and descriptions for each payment gateway (PayPal and COD) visible on the checkout page.
  • Renamed « Complete » status to « Payment complete » and « Cooking » to « Processing » to give them more clear and general meaning.


  • Correctif de bogue : localisation.


  • Correctif de bogue : correction du nom de l’extension.


  • Localisation : traduction russe.


  • Correctif de bogue : correction de l’avertissement PHP de chaîne vide.


  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with undefined method ‘is_ajax_enabled’.


  • Adjusted the plugin to send automatic emails with Order details to customers when Cash on delivery option is chosen.
  • Order notes, Phone and Shipping address tags are added to email template.
  • Mise à jour du code de WP Session Manager.


  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with default settings.


  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with price formating.


  • Added the ability to display categories and tags in grid, list or simple list view instead of default post view.


  • Amélioration de la compatibilité avec les passerelles de paiement externes.


  • Output menu sub-categories as links in a list view mode.


  • Bug fix: fixed an issue when plugin overrides default archive template.


  • Bug fix: fixed login form error on the checkout page.


  • Improvement: filters for image sizes added.


  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with User roles.


  • Améliorations de la performance.
  • Amélioration du widget de panier.
  • Amélioration de l’interface utilisateur permettant d’ajouter des éléments de menu au panier.
  • Added the ability to override templates in a theme.
  • Added the ability to set the number of decimal points shown in a displayed price.
  • User roles list is updated and minified.
  • Bug fix: fixed the issue of undelivered emails with « Cash on delivery » method selected.
  • Corrections et améliorations mineures.


  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with empty price.


  • Bug fix: fixed style issue.


  • We improved compatibility with your theme styles in this update. If you still stick to a previous version, simply change the template mode option in the plugin settings.
  • Corrections et améliorations mineures.


  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with empty tags or categries.


  • Added the ability to display menu items in the simplified list view.
  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with menu item view in search results.


  • Correctifs de bogues mineurs.


  • Correctifs de bogues mineurs.


  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with TGM Plugin Activation.


  • Ajout de la possibilité de vendre en ligne.


  • Noms des actions mis à jour.


  • Ajouté la possibilité de sélectionner des catégories dans le menu.


  • Corrections et améliorations mineures.