PublishPress Planner dispose de tous les outils nécessaires pour planifier le contenu de WordPress, y compris un calendrier de contenu, un aperçu du contenu, un tableau Kanban, les notifications de contenu et plus.
PublishPress Planner est idéal pour les sites WordPress qui publient et promeuvent des contenus de haute qualité. Notre but est de vous aider à publier du contenu à partir de WordPress. Notre intention est d’intégrer à WordPress des fonctionnalités de type SaaS afin que les utilisateurs/utilistrices n’aient pas besoin d’un service supplémentaire pour planifier leur contenu. Pourquoi utiliser Trello, ClickUp, Notion, CoSchedule ou d’autres produits alors que vous avez déjà WordPress ?
PublishPress Planner Pro
Passer en version Pro de PublishPress Planner
Cette extension est la version gratuite de l’extension PublishPress Planner. La version Pro est dotée de toutes les fonctionnalités dont vous avez besoin pour planifier le contenu de WordPress. Cliquer ici pour acheter la meilleure extension premium de planification de contenu WordPress maintenant !
Calendrier de contenu
Le calendrier de contenu vous donne une vue d’ensemble de votre planification de publication. Cet écran sert à la fois de calendrier marketing et de calendrier éditorial. Vous pouvez facilement voir quand le contenu est planifié et quand il a été publié. Vous pouvez également faire glisser un contenu vers une nouvelle date de publication. Par défaut, vous voyez tous les contenus WordPress que vous avez planifiés pour les prochaines semaines. Si vous avez besoin d’approfondir, vous pouvez filtrer le calendrier en fonction de l’état des publications, des catégories, des utilisateurs/utilisatrices ou des types de publication.
Cliquez ici pour lire la suite sur le calendrier de contenu.
Aperçu du contenu
L’écran « Vue d’ensemble du contenu » accompagne l’écran « Calendrier ». Alors que le calendrier vous permet de voir le contenu organisé par dates, la vue d’ensemble du contenu vous permet d’approfondir et de voir le contenu organisé par état, catégories ou utilisateurs/utilisatrices. Cet organisateur de contenu permet de choisir n’importe quelle donnée de WordPress à afficher dans les colonnes. Dans le coin supérieur droit se trouve un bouton « Imprimer ». Cliquer sur ce bouton pour obtenir une vue d’ensemble imprimable de tous vos contenus planifiés.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur l’aperçu du contenu.
Tableau des contenus
L’écran « Tableau des contenus » est un tableau Kanban que vous pouvez utiliser pour organiser votre contenu. Le « Tableau des contenus » fournit une colonne pour chaque état. Vous pouvez faire glisser/déposer les publications pour changer leur état entre « Brouillon », « En attente de relecture », « Publié », « Planifié », et plus encore.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur le « Tableau des contenus ».
Les notifications vous permettent, à vous et à votre équipe, d’être informés des modifications apportées aux contenus importants. Les utilisateurs et utilisatrices peuvent s’abonner aux notifications pour n’importe quelle publication, soit individuellement, soit en sélectionnant des groupes d’utilisateurs et utilisatrices. PublishPress Planner vous permet de créer de puissants flux de notifications basés sur les types de publications, les catégories, les changements d’état et bien plus encore.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur les notifications du contenu.
Notifications avec Slack
Cette fonctionnalité de PublishPress Planner Pro intègre vos notifications avec Slack. Vous pouvez envoyer des notifications directement à un canal Slack et même répondre sans vous connecter à WordPress.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur les notifications avec Slack.
Notifications de rappel
Cette fonctionnalité de PublishPress Planner Pro vous permet d’envoyer des notifications avant ou après la date de publication d’un contenu. Par exemple, avant la publication, vous pouvez envoyer un rappel aux rédacteurs/redactrices, leur demandant de relire la publication avant d’être publiée. Deux ou trois jours après la publication, vous pouvez envoyer un rappel aux différents membres de l’équipe, leur demandant de promouvoir la publication sur les médias sociaux.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur les notifications de rappel.
Rejoignez PublishPress et obtenez les extensions Pro
Les versions Pro des extensions PublishPress valent bien votre investissement. Les versions Pro ont des fonctionnalités supplémentaires et un support plus rapide. Cliquez ici pour rejoindre PublishPress.
Rejoignez PublishPress et vous aurez accès à ces extensions Pro :
- PublishPress Authors Pro vous permet d’ajouter plusieurs auteurs ou autrices et auteurs ou autrices invités aux publications WordPress.
- PublishPress Blocks Pro a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour créer des sites professionnels avec l’éditeur de blocs WordPress.
- PublishPress Capabilities Pro est l’extension pour gérer les rôles, les droits et les capacités de vos utilisateurs et utilisatrices WordPress.
- PublishPress Checklists Pro vous permet de définir les tâches qui doivent être accomplies avant la publication du contenu.
- PublishPress Future Pro vous permet de planifier les modifications des publications de WordPress.
- PublishPress Permissions Pro est l’extension pour les droits WordPress avancés.
- PublishPress Planner Pro est l’extension pour gérer et planifier le contenu de WordPress.
- PublishPress Revisions Pro vous permet de mettre à jour vos pages publiées avec un travail d’équipe et de précision.
- PublishPress Series Pro vous permet de regrouper du contenu dans une série.
Ensemble, ces extensions constituent une suite d’outils de publication puissants pour WordPress. Si vous avez besoin de créer un flux de travail professionnel dans WordPress, avec modération, révisions, droits et plus encore… alors vous devriez essayer PublishPress.
Comment Planner se compare-t-il aux autres extensions ?
Il existe d’autres options éditoriales pour WordPress, notamment SchedulePress, Nelio Content, Edit Flow, Coschedule et bien d’autres. PublishPress Planner est nettement moins cher que CoSchedule, qui est un service SaaS hébergé. La plupart des gens utilisent Planner gratuitement, alors que Coschedule est payant pour plus d’un utilisateur/utilisatrice. Comparé aux extensions WordPress, Planner se distingue par sa puissance et sa flexibilité. Notre objectif est de vous donner toute la puissance d’un service SaaS, directement au sein de votre site WordPress. PublishPress Planner était à l’origine basé sur l’extension Edit Flow mais a été mis à jour au cours des dernières années.
Rapports de bogues
Les rapports de bogue pour PublishPress Planner sont les bienvenus dans notre dépôt sur GitHub. Veuillez noter que GitHub n’est pas un forum d’assistance et que les problèmes qui ne sont pas correctement qualifiés de bogues seront fermés.
Suivez l’equipe de PublishPress
Captures d’écran
Comment importer à partir d’Edit Flow ?
PublishPress Planner est basé sur l’extension EditFlow. Il est facile pour les utilisateurs/utilisatrices d’Edit Flow d’importer vos données et réglages.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur l’importation Edit Flow.
Les commentaires éditoriaux sont-ils disponibles dans Planner ?
Oui, les commentaires éditoriaux sont une fonctionnalité de PublishPress Planner. Il s’agit d’une fonctionnalité ancienne, mais qui peut toujours être activée via l’écran « Réglages ». Vous pouvez laisser des commentaires sous chaque publication que vous écrivez. Il s’agit d’une conversation privée entre les auteurs/autrices et les éditeurs/éditrices qui vous permet de discuter de ce qui doit être modifié avant la publication.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur les commentaires éditoriaux.
Les champs éditoriaux sont-ils disponibles dans Planner ?
Oui, les champs éditoriaux sont une fonctionnalité de PublishPress Planner. Les champs éditoriaux vous permettent de garder une trace des prérequis importantes pour votre contenu. Il s’agit d’une fonctionnalité ancienne, mais qui peut encore être activée via l’écran « Réglages ». Cette fonctionnalité vous permet de créer des champs et de stocker des informations sur les éléments du contenu. Par défaut, PublishPress Planner propose 4 exemples de métadonnées, mais vous pouvez ajouter les vôtres pour répondre aux besoins de votre équipe.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur les métadonnées éditoriales.
Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses
« PublishPress Planner – Editorial Calendar, Marketing Content, Kanban Board » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.
Contributeurs“PublishPress Planner – Editorial Calendar, Marketing Content, Kanban Board” a été traduit dans 9 locales. Remerciez l’équipe de traduction pour ses contributions.
Le développement vous intéresse ?
Parcourir le code, consulter le SVN dépôt, ou s’inscrire au journal de développement par RSS.
Le format est basé sur les recommandations de Keep a Changelog
et ce projet adhère au Semantic Versioning.
[4.5.1] – 14 Oct 2024
- Update : Add settings to control the maximum number of posts on Content Overview and Board page, #1772
- Update : Prevent Content Board posts from been moved to status user doesn’t have capability to create post in, #1777
- Fixed : Notification Threshold and Channel settings Missing, #1771
- Update : Enable Revisions automatically, #1766
- Update : Optimize meta keys on Content Calendar, Board, and Overview by moving search to ajax, #1768
- Update : Optimize plugin select2 script
- Update : Remove jquery.inputmask.js and replace with custom function
- Update : Update Calendar « Save » and « Save and Edit » to new button style, #1790
- Update : Planner v.4.5.0 Translation Updates-ES-FR-IT, #1764
[4.5.0] – 09 Sep 2024
- Feature : Allow users to show Revisions in the Calendar, Overview and Board page, #1734
- Added : Add « When Taxonomy is updated » to notifications options, #1759
- Added : Allow users to chose the publish date in the « New Post » box, #1743
- Update : Make default headings sortable in Content Overview, #1744
- Fixed : Prevent duplicate call for filters on page load, #1754
- Added : Add « Months » in Notification Published trigger unit, #1584
- Update : Remove the « Editorial Fields » from the filters if empty, #1741
- Fixed : 8.2 issue from Siteground, #1739
- Removed : Remove the statuses message, #1740
- Update : Planner v.4. 4.0 Translation Updates-ES-FR-IT, #1737
[4.4.0] – 13 Aug 2024
- Added : Add modal to Content Calendar and Content Overview screens, #1687
- Remove : Remove « Make Viewable » in Editorial Fields, #1636
- Update : Add Async Notification control back to feature settings, #1726
- Update : Add new filter to abort/prevent notification based on post id or meta data, #1723
- Added : Add 2 new notifications, #1601
- Update : Update Notification metabox, #1664
- Fixed : Calendar Reset Filter not working properly, #1717
- Update : Disable Editorial Comments and Fields for new sites, #1600
- Update : Planner v.4.3.1_Translation Updates-ES-FR-IT, #1716
[4.3.1] – 24 July 2024
- Fixed : Calendar not loading older post on navigation, #1707
- Update : Add « Private » status in Content Board, #1671
- Update : Add Scheduled status option to Content Calendar, Overview and Board status filter, #1644
- Update : Update plugin description, #1612
- Update : Update plugin footer, #1656
- Update : Update Content Board status update notification styles, #1633
- Update : Planner v.4.3.0_Translation Updates-ES-FR-IT, #1708
[4.3.0] – 22 July 2024
- Update : Add Quick Preview and Edit Modals to Content Board Pro, #1585
- Update : Adjust default colors of core statuses to match Statuses plugin, #1670
- Update : Update the filters on Content Calendar to match the Overview and the Board, #1603
- Update : Add a search box to the Calendar, #1560
- Update : Redirect after new install, #1681
- Update : Add the remaining planner capabilities to correct tab in the Capabilities plugin, #1638
- Fixed : Not possible to disable the Notifications feature, #1680
- Update : Disable the Dashboard Widgets by default, #1642
- Fixed : User from Custom Role is not showing in Calendar form, #1674
- Update : Update promo box, #1652
- Update : Only show Posts on the Calendar by default, #1678
- Update : Planner FREE_v.4.2.1 Translation Updates ES-FR-IT, #1669
[4.2.1] – 28 May 2024
- Update : Grant Calendar, Overview and Boards screens access to editors and authors on new installation, #1640
- Update : Tidy up the « Features » screen, #1649
- Update : Small typo after updating card data, #1653
- Update : Update « metadata » name in settings, #1641
- Fixed : Content Overview and Board using english label in meta query filter, #1654
- Update : Register pp_view_content_board with Capabilities, #1639
- Update : Planner v.4.2.0 Translation Updates-ES-FR-IT, #1647
[4.2.0] – 16 May 2024
- Feature : Add a kanban board to display posts by status(Content Board), #1379
- Update : Change « Editorial Metadata » to « Editorial Fields », #1577
- Update : Remove Categories as a default Filters, #1581
- Update : Change Content Overview « Manage Filters » label to « Customize Filters », #1580
- Update : Add a way to find empty data in content overview filters, #1578
- Update : Update filters default date, #1602
- Update : Update content overview filters compare labels, #1582
- Update : Fixed text domain in improved-notifications.php file, #1615
- Update : Made string translatable in Base.php file, #1614
- Update : Planner FREE v.4.1.0 Translation Updates ES-FR-IT, #1586
[4.1.0] – 04 April 2024
- Update : Improve the Content Overview screen with selectable columns, #1538
- Update : Clean up Content Overview Filters, #1558
- Update : Add « New Post » modal to Content Overview, #1557
- Update : Turkish Translation for Planner, #1568
- Update : Planner translation Updates from v4.0.3, #1549
[4.0.3] – 23 Jan 2024
- Fixed : Time no longer showing on the calendar for some statuses, #1533
- Update : Update Content Calendar statuses default color, #1523
- Fixed : Fix missing translation string for calendar “view X more” and “hide the X last items”, #1536
- Fixed : Calendar filters too cramped with the X, #1535
- Fixed : Settings default to « Features » instead of first tab, #1524
- Fixed : Deprecation issue, #1540
- Fixed : Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array, #1525
- Update : Re-enable Dashboard Widgets, #1505
- Update : Translation Updates Planner, January 2024, #1522
[4.0.2] – 04 Jan 2024
- Fixed : Calendar did not show status colors if PublishPress Statuses plugin is not activated
- Compat: PublishPress Statuses – iframe Install Now button did not work
[4.0.1] – 04 Jan 2024
- Compat: PublishPress Statuses plugin integration
- Update: Add first name and last name to Notification shortcode, #1500
- Update: Make Content Overview default date filters to 1 month back and 1 month ahead, #1503
- Update: Remove javascript from href attributes on components, #1511
- Fixed: User type metadata displaying user id instead of display name in notification, #1515
- Fixed: Invalid use of props on select component in the calendar screen, #1508
- Fixed: Warning on console: Each child in a list should have a unique « key » prop, #1507
- Fixed: Warning on console: ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18, #1506
- Update: Planner FREE V4.0.0 Translation Updates ES-FR-IT, #1512
[3.12.2] – 28 Sept 2023
- Update: Show only users who have written a comment in Editorial Comment User filtter, #1220
- Fixed: « Save as » button contains duplicated text in Safari, #1389
- Fixed: Migration from Edit-Flow not importing Editorial Metadata fields, #1459
- Update: Remove the Dashboard Widgets, #1449
- Update: Add a promo sidebar in the Free version, #1203
- Fixed: Critial Error on the plugin settings page when some features are disabled, #1469
- Update: Move the Notifications Log to a button, #1407
- Fixed: Post without post_date_gmt or post_modified_date_gmt not showing in google calendar export, #1461
- Fixed: Metadata not showing on the Calendar when viewable is enabled, #1216
- Fixed: Content Overview dates filter reset not working, #1378
- Update: Adjust Content Overview Filter and Reset buttons, #1406
- Update: Replace the penguins with normal page headers, #1402
- Update: PLANNER PRO: ES-FR-IT_Transaltions Updates September 2023, #1457
- Update: PLANNER FREE- Translation Updates September 10, 2023, #1458
[3.12.1] – 06 Sept 2023
- Fixed: Editorial comments delete capability issue, #1420
- Feature: Added deleting button on Editorial Comment Page, #1386
- Fixed: Update notification not showing under the Dashboard Updates screen or the Plugins screen, #1454
- Update: Include scheduled post in Export to Calendar, #1372
- Fixed: Issue with « & » in calendar category filter, #1446
- Fixed: Issue with fix_get_sample_permalink method, #1431
- Fixed: Deprecations notice on PHP 8.1, #1414
- Fixed: Double slug on schedule page, #1429
- Fixed: action_parse_query hook generates fatal error, #1410
- Fixed: PublishPress Planner conflect with Series Order, #1424
- Fixed: Planner FREE -ES-FR-IT Translation Updates August 2023, #1439
[3.12.0] – 15 Aug 2023
- Changed: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins;
- Changed: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins;
- Changed: Change min PHP version to 7.2.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute;
- Changed: Change min WP version to 5.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute;
- Changed: Updated internal libraries to latest versions;
- Changed: Refactor some occurrences of « plugins_loaded » replacing it by a new action: « publishpress_planner_loaded » which runs after the requirements and libraries are loaded, but before the plugin is initialized;
[3.11.0] – 20 June 2023
- Changed: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins;
- Changed: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins;
- Changed: Change min PHP version to 7.2.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute;
- Changed: Change min WP version to 5.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute;
- Changed: Updated internal libraries to latest versions;
- Changed: Refactor some occurrences of « plugins_loaded » replacing it by a new action: « plublishpress__loaded » which runs after the requirements and libraries are loaded, but before the plugin is initialized;
[3.10.2] – 29 May 2023
- Fixed: Metadata reorder not working, #1228
- Fixed: Content Overview Date Filter not working for 1 day date range, #1225
- Fixed: Content Overview Modified Date Toggle not working, #1233
- Fixed: Dropdown Select metadata type update, #1214
- Fixed: Tiny typo in metadata settings, #1221
- Update: Add the new « PublishPress Planner » name in the footer, #1215
- Fixed: User profile notification channel setting not updating, #1218
- Update: ES-FR-IT Translation Updates January 2023, #1241
- Update: Italian translation Update December 6, #1217
[3.10.1] – 02 Dec 2022
- Fixed: Fatal Error caused by 3.10.0 update, #1204
[3.10.0] – 01 Dec 2022
- Update: Rename the plugin to « PublishPress Planner », #1077
- Update: Add Metadata top level menu link, #666
- Update: Add a Dropdown Select type to metadata, #564
- Update: Show and Add metadata on the Calendar, #284
- Update: Add Role filter for editorial metadata of User type, #801
- Update: Allow to choose post type where the metadata is displayed, #464
- Update: Notification threshold description, #1179
- Fixed: « User » metadata metabox doesn’t scale well, #563
- Update: A setting to change the name showing in editorial comments, #1162
- Fixed: Rating stars in PublishPress footer are unevenly spaced, #1150
- Update: PublishPress-PRO ES-FR-IT Translation Updates November 4, 2022, #1164
- Update: PublishPress-FREE-TranslationUpdates_FR-IT_November3_2022, #1163
[3.9.0] – 3 Nov 2022
- Update: Add Editorial Comments menu, #319
- Update: Add file upload option to Editorial Comments, #757
- Fixed: Notification User Role Keeps Reverting, #1136
- Fixed: No Save Button on Editorial Comment Setting, #1134
- Fixed: Error on console when accessing Widget, #1135
- Fixed: Fatal error preventing user update, #1152
- Fixed: Editorial Notifications channel not updating when user is updated, #1151
- Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined property warning on notification add/edit screen, #1147
- Fixed: Add editorial comments metabox priority filter, #1084
- Fixed: Extra « General » heading in « Slack » and « Reminders », #1122
- Fixed: Publishpress-v3.8.4-ES-FR-IT_TranslationUpdate-5_October2022, #1133
- Fixed: Press-ES-FR-IT-Translation-Update-September2022, #1124
[3.8.4] – 3 Oct 2022
- Changed: Removed Twig dependency, refactoring the views for using plain PHP templates, #1125;
[3.8.3] – 8 Sep 2022
- Fixed: Custom Status Conflict – PublishPress, #1105
- Update: Show Content Overview Post Types Content Together, #1062
- Update: Change to Content Overview « Start Date » and « End Date » filter, #1064
- Update: Update to Settings tabs #443
- Update: Publishpress-ES-FR-IT-translation-update_August2022, #1104
[3.8.2] – 17 Aug 2022
- Update: Sticky filters on the Calendar, #1088
- Update: Allow users to choose whether or not to show the whole page title, #1089
- Fixed: Double slug on hierarchical page when in draft mode, #1087
- Fixed: Metadata box shows errors if there are no fields, #1085
- Fixed: Problem with html characters on calendar, #1037
- Fixed: Metadata filters don’t work on Content Overview, #1070
- Fixed: Fix calendar time picker time picker, #914
- Update: Stop loading assets on non-PublishPress /wp-admin/ pages, #330
[3.8.1] – 7 Jun 2022
- Fixed: Uncaught Error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in lower php version, #1071
[3.8.0] – 6 Jun 2022
- Update: Improve content overview date filter, #969;
- Update: Move content overview from general settings to it own tab, #971;
- Added: Add support for more taxonomies in content overview screen, #970;
- Added: Add metadata filter option to content overview screen, #935;
- Fixed: Fix all users showing in dropdow on calendar and content overview screen, #1035;
- Fixed: Fix status permissions on calendar, #1038;
- Added: Add publishpress-instance-protection package, #1034;
[3.7.1] – 21 apr 2022
- Fixed: Fix performance, removing automatic deactivation of Edit Flow, replacing it by a simple admin notice, #998;
- Fixed: Fix PHP error on customizer, due to a inline JS script added by mistake out of the head tag, #562;
- Fixed: Fix drag and drop of pending posts, #1015;
- Fixed: Fix integration with The Events Calendar for moving events in the calendar, #1016;
- Fixed: Updated POT file, pt_BR, es_ES, fr_FR and it_IT translations;
- Fixed: Fix warning about WP_User_Query being called with an argument that is deprecated, #1014;
- Fixed: Fix conflict with The Events Calendar query, forcing to display event items in the calendar based on the post_date, #1020;
- Fixed: Removed duplicated
param from the workflow action; - Fixed: Change the action used to trigger post status transition notifications, from
, #940, #671; - Fixed: Fix the nonce check for the bulk actions on the notifications log, #1019;
- Added: Add select field for the custom fields API to the calendar popup, #1010;
- Fixed: Fix performance issue with file i/o usage when trying to disable deprecated plugins on every request, #808;
- Added: Add a search box to content overview screen #972;
- Added: Add filter « publishpress_calendar_data_args » allowing to customize the query of posts on the calendar, #1017;
[3.7.0] – 02 fev 2022
- Fixed: Fix the admin menu Debug Log that was not being displayed, #992;
- Fixed: Fix the fatal error while exporting the calendar as ICS file, #994;
- Fixed: Fix the post type filter in the calendar, #995;
- Fixed: Fix fatal error: [Unknown column ‘following_users’ in ‘where clause’], #982;
- Fixed: Fix drag and drop of custom statuses for reordering, #986;
- Fixed: Fix the time displayed in the calendar items on Safari, #1001;
- Fixed: Fix moving items and date navigation on the calendar in Safari, #1002;
- Fixed: Fix input sanitization in all the modules, HTML and SQL scaping in all the plugin;
- Fixed: Fix an unopened script HTML tag in the editorial metadata module;
- Fixed: Fix metadata in the notifications body for new posts, #574;
- Fixed: Added better feedback on errors while ordering statuses in the admin;
- Fixed: Fix the debug button to only display it for those who has permissions. The debug info were still safe, but the button was displayed, #993;
- Fixed: Improved capability check on diverse functions and modules;
- Fixed: Only load admin assets and the admin menu action if the user has permission for seeing that;
- Fixed: Added nonce check for missed places;
- Fixed: Added cache to the user, author and category searches in the content_overview module;
- Fixed: Fix the capability check for the configure button on editorial metadata metabox. It was only looking for the capability manage_options, which is customizable;
- Fixed: Added a missed capability check before showing search results in the notifications log filters;
- Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about function not defined: esc_array_of_options;
- Fixed: Only look for default capabilities on the calendar module if in the admin;
- Fixed: Only add admin hooks if in the admin;
- Fixed: Fix the delete action for notification log items;
- Added: Add the value of the global constant DISABLE_WP_CRON to the debug info, #987;
- Added: Add the value of the global debug constants WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY, WP_DEBUG_LOGv, and WP_DEBUG to the debug info, #998;
- Changed: Removed not used and deprecated methods in the calendar module: save_post_notify_users, save_post_notify_roles, add_role_to_notify, handle_ajax_drag_and_drop;
- Changed: Improved error handling on Ajax requests on the notifications log;
- Changed: WP version updated to 5.9;
- Changed: Removed not used method remove_object_terms of the calendar module class;
[3.6.3] – 18 Nov 2021
- Fixed: Fix notifications page that tuns the WordPress admin area purple, #966;
- Fixed: Fix « save draft » button has gone, #967;
- Changed: Show the reviews banner on all admin pages;
[3.6.2] – 25 Oct 2021
- Fixed: Can’t edit the post status in the classic editor when WP to Twitter is activated, #958;
- Fixed: Can’t edit the post status in the block editor when Block Editor Colors is activated, #959;
- Fixed: Block editor crashing if we resize the window to a mobile device dimension, #960;
- Added: Add a review request banner, #949;
[3.6.1] – 04 Oct 2021
- Fixed: Add constants to customize priority of main actions: action_init, action_init_after and action_ini_for_admin, #953;
- Fixed: Fix notification body on events triggered by Elementor pages, #951;
- Fixed: Refactor the settings GET var for fixing a compatibility issue with 3rd party plugin;
[3.6.0] – 02 Sep 2021
- Added: Add support for notifications when post is trashed/untrashed posts, #939;
- Added: Add support for notifications when post is updated/saved, #483;
- Added: Add support on Notifications content for different data types in the meta fields, including support to ACF relationship fields for posts, link, taxonomy and user, #924;
- Removed: Remove the deprecated module « Roles ». Please, use PublishPress Capabilities or other plugin for handling user roles, #925;
- Removed: Remove the deprecated module « User Groups », #926;
- Fixed: Stop creating unused user roles on install, #926;
- Fixed: Fixed spacing between fields in the calendar popup, #920;
- Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about not set configuration: duplicated_notification_threshold;
[3.5.1] – 30 Aug 2021
- Fixed: Fix undefined property stdClass::$author, #931;
- Fixed: Notifications don’t trigger for posts created in the frontend, #936;
- Fixed: PHP warnings about not set configuration;
- Fixed: Fix the order and orderby filter in the content overview;
- Added: Add Japanese translation files, #934;
[3.5.0] – 5 Aug 2021
- Added: Add the option to edit and delete editorial comments, #277;
- Added: Add new capabilities to control who can edit or delete editorial comments: pp_delete_editorial_comment, pp_delete_others_editorial_comment, pp_edit_editorial_comment, pp_edit_others_editorial_comment, #277;
- Fixed: Fix long text on the posts attributes in the calendar popup, #917;
[3.4.1] – 19 Jul 2021
- Fixed: Fix the visual feedback for the calendar items drag and drop, #881;
- Fixed: Fix the publishing time field in the calendar form to display the default publishing date, #882;
- Fixed: Fix post creation capability check before allowing to create posts in the calendar, #799;
- Fixed: Fix publishing capability check before allow to create posts with « publish », « future », « private » statuses, #825;
- Fixed: Fix edit other posts capability check before allow to set a different author for the post, #834;
- Fixed: Fix capabilities check before displaying the links in the footer of the items popup on the calendar, #887;
- Fixed: Fix post subscribe capability check before displaying the option to « Notify me » in the item popup on the calendar, #886;
- Fixed: Fix edit posts permission before allowing to move items in the calendar, #891;
- Fixed: Fix PHP warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), #828;
- Fixed: Fix the default selected status in the post creation form on the calendar, #893;
- Fixed: Fix the « load more » behavior and links when the calendar is configured to display « All posts », #897;
- Fixed: Fix the drag and drop behavior in the calendar to trigger WP hooks after updating the post, #895;
- Fixed: Make the calendar string « Click to add » translatable, #883;
- Fixed: Fix border of calendar cells on Firefox, #901;
- Fixed: Fix date identified on clicking the calendar cell to create new posts, compensating the timezone, #903;
- Fixed: Fix the post type selection for new posts created on the calendar, #904;
- Fixed: Fix the format of the post date on the calendar popup, #905;
- Fixed: Fix the format of the date on the title of the post form on the calendar, #906;
- Fixed: Fix the JS error that the form in the calendar throws if the user can edit only one post type, #907;
- Fixed: Fix the translation for the private taxonomies: « pp_usergroup », « pp_notify_email », « pp_notify_role » and « pp_notify_user », #908;
- Fixed: Fix the click event over the « Click to add » label;
[3.4.0] – 07 Jul 2021
- Changed: The calendar page has changed and is fully based on React now, #680;
- Changed: Minor improvements to the calendar UI, #680;
- Changed: The « Show ‘n’ more » option in the calendar cells now works independently and shows the number of visible or hidden posts, #680;
- Changed: The title field in the quick create form in the calendar is now focused automatically after the form is showed, #680;
- Added: Added async data loading to the calendar, with faster navigation and filtering without the need to reload the page, #680;
- Added: New quick create posts form in the calendar with specific fields per post type, #680;
- Added: Added the Post ID to the calendar item popup, #680;
- Added: Added the post status to the calendar item popup, #680;
- Added: Added the post publishing date to the calendar item popup, #680;
- Added: Added support to PublishPress Authors’ multiple authors in the calendar, #680;
- Added: Added new fields for setting categories and tags when creating a post in the calendar, #680;
- Added: Added the number of editorial comments of a post in the calendar item popup, #680;
- Added: Type and create new post category or tag right in the quick create posts form in the calendar, #680;
- Added: Added a new button to the calendar navigation controls to refresh the calendar, #680;
- Fixed: Fixed support to PublishPress Authors for assigning guest authors to posts in the calendar, #680;
- Fixed: Fixed the Max visible posts per date setting in the calendar, #680;
- Fixed: Fixed the sorting option in the calendar for correctly sort items by publishing time or post status, #680;
- Fixed: Fixed a bug when dragging and dropping items in the calendar, removing the visual feedback of sorting items in the calendar cell, #680;
- Fixed: Fixed a bug after drag and drop an item in the calendar, showing the correct order of the moved item in the calendar cell, #680;
- Fixed: Fix calendar items ordering when sorted by status or time, #680;
- Fixed: Fix publishing date after publishing a post, using date_floating on custom statuses. Stops auto updating the publishing date with today’s date, #741;
- Fixed: Fix adding or editing an user Role, #872;
- Fixed: Fix the scheduled time for cron events of scheduled posts that are moved to different dates in the calendar, #855;
- Fixed: Allow to publish a post with backdate in the calendar or post edit page, #715;
[3.3.3] – 16 Jun 2021
- Fixed: Fix « Statuses » doesn’t appear with a title in important areas, #846;
- Fixed: Fix links to posts with custom privacy are changed to preview links, #852;
[3.3.2] – 27 May 2021
- Fixed: Fix the icons for statuses, #841;
- Fixed: Fix HTML syntax error in the custom status module for the admin pages;
- Changed: Add new background color for the PublishPress Debug button;
[3.3.1] – 15 Apr 2021
- Fixed: Fix the editorial comments for non-admins, #827;
- Fixed: Check capability « edit_pp_notif_workflows » before displaying the « Active Notifications » list in the post edit page, not displaying it for those who can’t edit notifications;
- Fixed: Fix PHP warning about undefined index « untrashed » after trashing a scheduled post, #831;
[3.3.0] – 18 Mar 2021
- Added: Add filters to customize the available fields in the notifications « shortcode » help text: publishpress_notifications_shortcode_post_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_actor_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_workflow_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_edcomments_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_receiver_fields;
- Fixed: Fix the value of the notification channel for authors identified by the email, #793;
- Fixed: Fixed the admin menu icon restoring the calendar dashicon, #802;
- Fixed: Fixed PHP Fatal error Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function MA_Multiple_Authors::filter_workflow_receiver_post_authors, #814;
- Fixed: Fixed bug on WP 5.7 that breaks the toggle button on accordion of metaboxes, #816;
- Fixed: Fixed PHP notice: array to string conversion in debug.php:87, #813;
- Fixed: Fixed The Upgrade to Pro banner and menu item to show only for the users who can install plugins, #599;
[3.2.0] – 10 Feb 2021
- Added: Add option to rescheduled failed notifications in the notifications log. We only had that option for scheduled notifications, #786;
- Added: Added option to the notification workflow for avoiding notifying the user who triggered the action, #778;
- Added: Add the name of blog in the notification log content column, if in a multisite network;
- Fixed: Fix calendar picking up the wrong day, depending on the time and timezone, #572;
- Fixed: Fix styling for the error messages in the notifications log. The error lines were moved to the top of the screen due the « error » CSS class, #765;
- Fixed: Add sanitization and escape variables in some variables, increasing compatibility with WP VIP and more security, #773;
- Fixed: Fix PHP warning « Creating default object from empty value in publishpress-authors.php:772 », correctly assigning the filter « pp_pre_insert_editorial_comment ». (Allows PublishPress Revisions integration), #231;
- Fixed: Fixed timezone information in the calendar subscription and .ics file, #784;
- Fixed: Fixed role selection when adding a new user in a multisite, #788;
[3.1.0] – 20 Jan 2021
- Added: Add shortcodes to the email notifications for the post content, excerpt and post type, #288
- Fixed: Fixed support to PHP 5.6, #772;
[3.0.3] – 11 Jan 2021
- Fixed: Fix fatal error when « editor » or « author » user roles are missed in the site, #767;
- Fixed: Update the list of capabilities in the PublishPress Capabilities plugin;
[3.0.2] – 07 Jan 2021
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: $(html) HTML text after last tag is ignored in the custom-status.js file, #754;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.attr(‘selected’) might use property instead of attribute on custom-status.js, #753;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.attr(‘multiple’) might use property instead of attribute on custom-status.js, #753;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.keydown() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.mouseover() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.mouseout() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.change() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.isArray is deprecated; use Array.isArray on « publishpress/common/libs/select2/js/select2.min.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/content-overview/lib/content-overview.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.change() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/content-overview/lib/content-overview.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/notifications-log/assets/js/admin.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/editorial-metadata/lib/editorial-metadata-configure.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.keyup() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status-configure.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status-configure.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.keydown() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status-configure.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.mousedown() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status-configure.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.focus() event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/common/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.bind() is deprecated on « publishpress/common/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.bind() is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/editorial-comments/lib/editorial-comments.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.bind() is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/improved-notifications/libs/opentip/downloads/opentip-jquery.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix JS warning: event shorthand is deprecated on « publishpress/modules/improved-notifications/assets/js/multiple-select.js », #761;
- Fixed: Fix the post_id passed to the method « get_workflows_related_to_post » that lists the notification workflows related to the post being edited;
- Changed: Removed the user field in the Roles page to avoid break big sites, #750;
- Added: Add capability to control who can view (« pp_view_editorial_metadata ») or edit (« pp_edit_editorial_metadata ») the editorial metadata, deprecating the capability « pp_editorial_metadata_user_can_edit », #758;
[3.0.1] – 24 Nov 2020
- Fixed: Can’t delete users because the plugin redirects to the Notifications Log page, #737;
- Fixed: Fixed the arguments « old_status » and « new_status » for the shortcode « psppno_post », #713;
- Fixed: Fixed the argument « author_ip » for the shortcode « psppno_edcomment », #713;
- Fixed: Fixed the option to always notify users who edited the content, #742;
- Fixed: Fixed bug in the notification filters that was triggering notifications for unselected post types, #743;
- Fixed: Updated the Italian language files;
[3.0.0] – 16 Nov 2020
- Added: Added sortable columns to the Content Overview post list, #709;
- Added: Added post type filter to the Content Overview page, #727;
- Added: Added new filter « publishpress_notifications_schedule_delay_in_seconds », #650;
- Added: Added new filter « publishpress_notifications_scheduled_data », #650
- Added: Added to each notification log the source of the receiver (why is …