Étiquette de l’extension : multi
Multi Step Form
(36 notes en tout)Guidez vos clients avec une barre de progression animée. Générez des formulaires dynamiques multi-étapes. Divisez les formulaires les plus longs en petites étapes pour une meilleure utilisation.
Fr Multi Bank Transfer Payment Gateways for WooCommerce
(14 notes en tout)Add multiple bank transfer payment gateways.
cbnet Multi Author Comment Notification
(6 notes en tout)Send comment notification and comment moderation emails to multiple users. Select users individually or by user role, or send emails to arbitrary emai …
LJ Multi Column Archive
(1 notes en tout)LJ Multi Column Archive is a Wordpress plugin/widget that allows you to display your archive list with multiple columns.
Multi Image Upload
(7 notes en tout)This plugin adds a meta box to upload multiple images for posts and pages.
Contact Form Multi by BestWebSoft – Multiple Forms Plugin for Single WordPress Website
(3 notes en tout)Add unlimited number of contact forms to WordPress website.
Coupon Bulker
(2 notes en tout)Coupon generator : Duplicating a single source coupon multiple times & generate multiple codes. Download all codes in CSV format too.
Fr Address Book For Woocommerce
(6 notes en tout)Allow customers to save multiple addresses that they frequently use when placing an order.
WP Steps
(0 notes en tout)WP Steps shows your content step by step. There is no limit how many steps you use. Content can be everything: part of a form, text, more shortcodes, …
Upload Multiple Image
(3 notes en tout)This plugin adds a meta box for multiple images for all posts and pages.
Recent Posts With Authors Widget
(0 notes en tout)Shows a list of recent posts with the author of each post – for multi-author blogs.
Oni Daiko
(0 notes en tout)Shows a list of the latest posts from all blogs under your WordPress Multisite.
Advanced Multiple Image Upload
(1 notes en tout)Plugin to upload multiple images and can delete and edit images. Returns attachement ids and can be used in making custom gallery.
Alex Easiest Contact Form
(0 notes en tout)This plugin allows you to add a contact form from any page in your website and has an option to use recaptcha anti-spam, just a note, this plugin does …
Alex Syntax Highlighter
(1 notes en tout)Alex Syntax Highlighter highlights code in the theme editor for easier understanding. See http://anthony.strangebutfunny.net/my-plugins/syntax-highlig …
Multipurpose CSS3 Animated Buttons
(0 notes en tout)Replace your old fashioned buttons with Multipurpose CSS3 Animated Buttons.
Progy Multistore Inventory Management
(0 notes en tout)Multiple inventories / warehouses / stores management from a single Woocommerce online store. With this lightweight plugin, you can effectively contro …
Multi Stripe by Keys
(0 notes en tout)The ideal tool for all marketplaces, e-commerce or franchise wishing to have a common collection solution with individual payments for each vendor.