Travelers’ Map vous permet d’afficher vos articles de blog sur une carte dynamique utilisant le module Leaflet et les données d’OpenStreetMap. Cette extension est entièrement gratuite.
See this plugin in action on my hiking blog.
How to use: Get started with Travelers’ Map
Developers documentation
Fonctionnalités de Travelers’ Map
- Géolocalisez vos articles, page ou publications personnalisées sur une carte et choisissez l’icône de son marqueur. Un module de recherche est disponible pour localiser rapidement l’emplacement désiré.
- Ajoutez vos propres images pour personnaliser vos marqueurs.
- Insérez des cartes dynamiques qui affichent vos articles dans vos pages, à l’aide d’un code court. Choisissez les dimensions de votre carte.
- Filtrez les publications que vous voulez afficher sur la carte grâce à leur type, leurs catégories et leurs étiquettes.
- Les marqueurs se regroupent automatiquement sur la carte lorsque la densité est trop élevée, pour éviter qu’ils ne se superposent.
- Personnalisez l’apparence de vos cartes grâce aux fournisseurs de tuiles OpenStreetMap. Par défaut, l’extension utilise la carte « Voyager » gratuite et libre de CARTO.
- Personnalisez le style et le contenu des infobulles de vos marqueurs. Vous pouvez également désactiver le CSS de l’extension si vous préférez intégrer vos propres infobulles.
- L’extension est compatible avec le nouvel éditeur Gutenberg et l’éditeur classique.
- L’extension n’ajoute aucune table dans votre base de donnée.
Les données de géolocalisation de vos publications sont sauvegardés en tant que métadonnées et ne sont pas supprimées quand Travelers’ Map est désactivé ou désinstallé. Cependant, si vous souhaitez désinstaller Travelers’ Map définitivement, une option est disponible pour nettoyer votre base de données de toutes les données ajoutées par l’extension.
Signalement d’un bug et contribution
Le signalement d’un bug pour Travelers’ map sont le bienvenu sur mon dépôt Github. En plus de cela, n’hésitez pas à utiliser Github pour contribuer au développement de l’extension !
Problèmes connus
- Problème mineur avec Elementor : La prévisualisation de la carte dans l’éditeur d’Elementor ne fonctionne pas. Cependant, la carte fonctionne sur la page finale.
Captures d’écran
- Rendez-vous sur la page « Ajouter une nouvelle extension » dans votre administration WordPress.
- Recherchez « Travelers Map »
- Cliquez sur le bouton « Installer »
- Activez l’extension via le menu « Extensions »
Premiers pas
Un guide détaillé est disponible ici : Démarrez avec Travelers’ Map
Est-ce libre de droit et gratuit ?
Oui. Cette extension utilise le module Leaflet pour afficher ses cartes interactive. Les données libres de droit d’OpenStreetMap sont utilisées. Par défaut, cette extension utilise les tuiles Voyager de CARTO, qui demandent une attribution mais sont gratuites.
Toutefois, vous pourriez être amené à payer si vous choisissez un fournisseur de tuile premium.
Comment puis-je trouver des fournisseurs de tuiles gratuits pour personnaliser ma carte ?
Vous devriez visiter la génialissime démo de Leaflet-providers pour trouver votre fournisseur de tuile. Certains demandent de s’enregistrer et de demander une clé API.
Puis-je utiliser Google Maps ?
Non, j’ai décidé de créer Travelers’ Map après le changement dans l’offre tarifaires de Google Maps. De plus, charger des tuiles depuis Google Maps en renseignant l’URL de leurs tuiles dans Leaflet est contre les conditions générales d’utilisation de Google Maps.
Si vous souhaitez utiliser Google Maps (mais franchement, pourquoi ?), vous pouvez utiliser l’extension Novo-Map que j’utilisais auparavant sur mon blog personnel. -
Puis-je ajouter d’autres images pour mes marqueurs ?
Oui, vous pouvez ajouter vos propres marqueurs dans « Travelers’ Map » > « Personnalisez les marqueurs » dans l’administration de WordPress.
Cette extension est-elle disponible seulement en anglais ?
Depuis la version 1.0.0, cette extension est traduite en anglais et en français. Vous pouvez contribuer et [traduire cette extension dans votre langue] ( ! Merci.
Mes miniatures de marqueurs sont lourdes et longues à charger, que puis-je faire ?
Travelers’ map introduit une nouvelle taille de miniature pour ses infobulles, cependant, WordPress ne les régénère pas lorsqu’elles ont été téléversées avant l’activation de l’extension. Pour les régénérer, vous pouvez installer l’extension « Regenerate Thumbnails » d’Alex Mills.
Puis-je ajouter deux cartes sur la même page ?
Oui, vous pouvez ajouter plusieurs codes courts sur la même page depuis la version 1.5.0.
Puis-je changer le style des infobulles des marqueurs ?
Oui, vous pouvez depuis la version 0.9.0. Pour plus de personnalisation, vous pouvez également désactiver le CSS de l’extension.
Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses
« Travelers' Map » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.
Contributeurs“Travelers' Map” a été traduit dans 3 locales. Remerciez l’équipe de traduction pour ses contributions.
Traduisez « Travelers' Map » dans votre langue.
Le développement vous intéresse ?
Parcourir le code, consulter le SVN dépôt, ou s’inscrire au journal de développement par RSS.
2.3.0 – 09/2024
- Tested up to WP 6.7.1
- Added filters for developer :
- « cttm_available_post_types » and « cttm_available_post_types_objects » filters so you can add private custom post type to the plugin settings (usefull for headless)
- « cttm_hasmarker_tax_args » filter to change hasmarker private taxonomy arguments
- « cttm_loading_message » filter to change the loading message shown below the leaflet tiles
- Added : translations to loading message below leaflet tiles
- Fix : initial markers if there is an error with the thumbnail upload (bug on local with autosigned SSL certificates)
- Fix : Multiple markers infinite loop if the marker data was corrupted in database
2.2.1 – 16/01/2024
Security fix, thanks LVT-tholv2k from patchstack for the vulnerability report
Tested up to WP 6.4.2
2.2.0 – 24/06/2023
Developers Update : New filters to change popovers content
* Added « cttm_add_customfields » filter to add custom HTML to popovers
* Added « cttm_postdata_filter » filter to modify the data sent to the popovers
* Added custom field to popovers HTML
* Fix: Additionnal markers were labelled « Main markers » on page load
* Updated NPM dependencies
* Updated HTML Purifier
2.1.0 – 15/03/2022
Developers update and important fixes (PHP8, WP 5.9 and FSE):
Developers documentation is located here:
Next update will add some filters for developers.
- Added global « cttm_markers » array to the front-end
Marker objects have additional information available in marker.additionalData: postid (int), title (string), multipleMarkersIndex. - Added « cttm_map_loaded » event and global « cttm_map » object in post edition interface.
Developers can now access the map object in the admin « Edit page » area using the « cttm_map » object.
The event « cttm_map_loaded » is triggerring after the map is loaded (same behaviour as in the front-end)
- Fix: Fixed PHP 8 notices on posts without markers, when Travelers Map is enabled.
- Fix: Global functions like initTravelersMap() are now accessible again in the front-end (regression from 2.0.2, since Webpack was introduced and added IIFE around the output).
- Fix: Travelers Map is now working with Full Site Editing themes introduced in WP 5.9 (e.g. Twenty Twenty Two)
2.0.6 – 16/01/2022
- Add featured image « theme support » for custom markers post type, as some themes are enabling this for posts/pages exclusively.
2.0.5 – 07/01/2022
- WP 5.8.3 security update of 07/01/2022 (and older versions security update) made the map bug.
Markers are not loading anymore on the map.
This « emergency » update fixes this issue, please update.
2.0.4 – 22/10/2021
- Fix multiple markers custom thumbnail not showing in popovers.
2.0.3 – 03/10/2021
- Fix the map not showing when the date was not added to the popovers.
2.0.2 – 01/10/2021
- Fix the map not showing when using a caching plugin that minified all the javascript files together.
- Falang compatibility added. Excerpt still need to be entered manually if activated globally.
Dev notes:
* Added NPM and webpack to the projet.
* Added a Javascript bundle file loaded on the front-end. (includes/public/js/dist/travelersmap-bundle.js)
2.0.0 – 26/09/2021
Major update:
* Multiple markers on a single post is now possible.
* Added custom anchor to markers, so the markers popovers can link to an anchor on the post.
* Added only_main_marker global setting to show or not the multiple markers on the maps. The shortcode parameter this_post=true will still show additional markers
* Major code rewriting to enable mutliple markers.
* Code refactoring with the help of @CCR-G on Github (still in progress, will continue in the next versions)
UX improvements:
* Improved initial zoom when loading a single marker
* Added a version number to CSS and JS files to avoid browser caching issues after updates.
* Fixed leaflet map not proprely displayed when loaded in a closed Gutenberg tab.
* 2.0.1 : Fixed multiple markers backoffice map loaded with a big zoom in the middle of nowhere.
1.12.0 – 13/05/2021
UX improvement:
* Added a different error message on the map when no markers are loaded.
* Search in admin panel now automatically add / move the marker in the result location.
* Fixed the date in popovers to match with the post date set in the administration. Users from UTC+10 were having a 10 hours lag on the popover’s date.
* Fixed an error in the settings page when using PHP 8
* Updated HTMLPurifier library to latest build
* Added norwegian translation, thanks to user espenmn on Github! Thank you 🙂
1.11.4 – 20/12/2020
- Adressing an issue with some page builders:
When the container of the map is resized after page load, the tiles were not loading properly inside the new container size -> Added a script to recalculate the container size after 1 second. - Fixed the same problem inside the gutenberg editor for some people.
= 1.11.3 – 29/11/2020=
* Added max bounds to south and north of the frontend map so the user can’t leave the map on panning.
* Fixed Travelers’ Map accidentally overriding the « take over editing » modal buttons when multiple editors tried to edit the same post at the same time.
1.11.2 – 07/11/2020
- Fixed apostrophes in custom title and excerpt to break the map.
- Fixed accents and special characters in custom title and excerpt from displaying as html entities in popovers.
- You must save again your broken custom titles and excerpts for the fix to work, sorry for the inconvenience.
1.11.1 – 11/10/2020
- Fixed the map not loading with « disable_clustering » parameter set to true.
1.11.0 – 08/10/2020
Improved popovers customization:
* You can now choose which data you want to show in the popovers. Design will adapt accordingly.
* Added the possibility to show the post’s date in the popovers.
* Added custom title, excerpt and thumbnail for markers’ popovers. You can now change the default data shown in the popovers.
* Updated popovers CSS. If you have a caching plugin, you can clear the cache after the update if you have any problem.
* Old settings are automatically converted into the new settings when updating to 1.11.0.
* Updated Travelers’ Map backend UI on post editing page, now optimized for V2.0 update.
* Changed backend map to center on the current marker on page load.
* Thanks to Rob de Cleen @rdc2701 for his Dutch and Italian translations! 🙂
1.10.0 – 24/07/2020
- Added shortcode parameter « current_query_markers » to show current page query markers only. Ideal to put on the search results page. This will override every other filtering parameters. Please note this is not working with ajax loaded search results.
- Added shortcode parameter « max_cluster_radius » to define the maximum radius that a cluster will cover from the central marker (in pixels). Default is 45. Decreasing will make more, smaller clusters.
- Shortcode Helper page updated with the new parameters.
1.9.2 – 20/06/2020
- Fixed double quotes in popovers’ excerpt from throwing an error and preventing the map to load.
1.9.1 – 17/06/2020
- Added stacking context to the map: map and control elements are not overlapping other plugins elements anymore (like overlays, modal windows…).
- Better English wording (ex: popups are now popovers). Do not hesitate to contact me if some sentences are weird, english is not my native tongue.
- French translation is now fully compatible with WordPress Translate. Plugin « readme » is translated too.
- German translation by Micha Zergiebel is up since 1.9.0, thank you a lot for this!
- New donation link in the settings page.
1.9.0 – Major update – 21/05/2020
New features:
* Added custom taxonomy filtering in shortcodes!
* Added shortcode parameter « disable_clustering » to disable marker clustering. Don’t use this on a map with a lot of markers.
* Added shortcode parameter « open_link_in_new_tab » to open the link in a new tab on click on a marker’s popup (however it’s not recommended, in most cases, you should let the user decide what he/she wants to do).
* Added shortcode parameters « tileurl », « subdomains » and « attribution » to override global plugin settings. This option is advised for advanced users only.
* Added spiderfy for markers clustering: If a clusterGroup appears at the maximum zoom level of the map, clicking on it makes it « spiderfy » so you can see all of its markers. No more problem if your markers are located at the same place.
* Shortcode Helper page updated with new parameters :
* Added a new « Advanced settings » section at the bottom of the page.
* Added « Filter by custom taxonomies section ».
* French translation updated.
* Travelers’ Map now check if the map containers are on the page before initializing the maps. This removes the errors when the shortcode was loaded asynchronously.
For developers:
* Added possibility to initialize the map with initTravelersMap() function. This can be useful if you load the HTML container div asynchronously.
* Updated dependencies: Leaflet V1.6.0 and Leaflet MarkerCluster V1.4.1
* Refactorded some functions and formatted files with Prettier (.js) and Phpfmt (.php)
1.8.1 – 20/02/2020
Added compatibility with WPML (multilingual plugin) :
* Use duplication to copy marker information between posts.
* Shortcode is now showing posts of the current language only.
* Added an option in Travelers’ Map settings (when WPML is activated) to copy all markers from default language posts to their translations (useful if the translations are already created).
French translation updated.
1.8.0 – 17/02/2020
Added compatibility with Polylang (multilingual plugin) :
* New translations for a post are getting the same marker’s informations as original post. This might work for WPML too but I can’t test without a licence, sorry.
* Shortcode is now showing posts of the current language only.
* Added an option in Travelers’ Map settings (when Polylang is activated) to copy all markers from default language posts to their translations (useful if the translations are already created).
French translation updated.
Code formatting
1.7.0 – Major update – 14/12/2019
New features:
* New shortcode parameter « centered_on_this » to show a map zoomed on the current post’s marker, moreover other posts are also displayed on the map.
* New shortcode parameter « post_id » to fetch a post’s marker by its ID. This can be combined with « centered_on_this » parameter to zoom on this ID’s marker but keep the others showing.
* New option added to show a fullscreen button on your maps in the plugin settings.
Minor features and changes:
* Added a dismissible admin notice warning the users to regenerate their thumbnail to speed up their markers’ thumbnails loading.
* Overhaul UX/UI makeover for Shortcode helper page. Settings are now separated in different parts and is optimized for next update.
* Changed default « Initialization max-zoom » to be 15 instead of 18.
* Changed some texts in admin area.
* French translation updated.
New options for developers:
* ‘cttm_map[]’ array is now a global variable. You can now initialize your own leaflet plugins to the maps. More information and tutorial added in the plugin’s documentation.
* Custom event ‘cttm_map_loaded’ is triggered when maps are initialized on the frontend.
1.6.0 – 02/11/2019
- Added shortcode option « Initialization max zoom » to set a default max zoom on map load. The user can still zoom over this limit. This is useful for maps showing only one marker.
- Removed popup when using « this_post=true » to avoid end-user confusion.
- Markers’ thumbnails are now hard cropped to 300*200px to avoid wide images not displaying correctly in markers’ popup. If you had any problem, please regenerate your thumbnail using the awesome plugin « Regenerate Thumbnails ».
- Updated French translation.
1.5.0 – 05/10/2019
- You can now add multiple maps within a single page or post.
- Added a new shortcode parameter « this_post=true » to show a map of the current post marker. Usefull when you want to add a map inside your geolocated posts and pages.
- Updated shortcode helper page with « this_post=true ».
- Code optimization for future updates.
- Added placeholder message in case leaflet is not loading correctly.
- Bugfix: Page no longer scroll to recenter on map after a search.
- Updated French translation.
1.4.0 – 28/08/2019
- Added a new option to disable one finger events for mobile users. This option is still in beta and is not yet warning the user to use two fingers.
- Updated shortcode parameters to accept the maximum and minimum zoom level of the map using ‘maxzoom=’ and ‘minzoom=’.
- Updated shortcode helper page.
- Updated French translation.
1.3.1 – 20/07/2019
- Leaflet search in frontend now zoom-in on search like in the admin area.
- Changed menu label for settings page.
- Fixed translation not showing up on admin menus.
1.3.0 – 19/07/2019
- Community requested: Added an option to enable Leaflet search module in frontend.
- Focus on search box now enable mousewheel zoom on map.
- Fixed errors showing when unchecking an option in settings.
1.2.0 – 17/07/2019
- You can now geolocalize and add markers to pages and custom post types.
- New setting in option page to select on which post type you want to activate markers.
- Updated shortcode parameters to accept post type filter using ‘post_type=’.
- Updated Shortcode Helper page.
- « Delete all plugin data » now delete every marker of every possible public post type, even unchecked ones.
- « Markers » posts can no longer be accessed from URL.
- Bugfix: « Delete current marker » button no longer refresh the page with Classic Editor.
- French translation update.
1.1.0 – 28/06/2019
- Improvement of Travelers’ Map backend UX.
- Changed Leaflet default icon to match with the plugin icons.
- Latitude and longitude are now below the map to avoid confusion.
- Changing Latitude and Longitude manually in the input field now change the marker position on the map.
- New button added to delete current marker data.
- Search input is now open by default to increase visibility.
1.0.0 – 21/06/2019
- Travelers’ Map is now translatable.
- French language added.
0.9.0 – 13/06/2019
- NEW: Popup customization – You can now choose between pre-defined popups.
- You can now show excerpt in popups.
- Popups CSS can be turned off for developers.
- Fixed map not displaying in Internet Explorer…
0.8.2 – 06/06/2019
- Added new default markers on plugin activation.
- « Delete data » button in options page now remove every custom marker too.
- Clarified the « Delete button » description in options page.
- Fixed options not being removed when uninstalling the plugin.
0.8.1 – 04/06/2019
- Fixed error when no custom marker is created
0.8.0 – 02/06/2019
- First version released publicly on