Cette extension n’a pas été testée avec plus de trois mises à jour majeures de WordPress. Elle peut ne plus être maintenue ou supportée et peut avoir des problèmes de compatibilité lorsqu’elle est utilisée avec des versions de WordPress plus récentes.

Trunc Logging – Auditing syslog for WordPress


The Trunc Logging plugin gives you visibility to all the activity inside WordPress. Logins, logouts, failed logins, new posts, new
plugins, etc. Every major activity from WordPress is stored for analysis and forensics purposes.

Tracked actions:

  • Logins
  • Failed logins
  • Posts / pages published
  • Posts / pages trashed
  • Posts / pages removed
  • Plugin installed
  • Plugin activated
  • Themes installed
  • Themes activated

And much more.


Installation is pretty simple.

  1. Log into your WordPress administration panel,
  2. In the sidebar, choose « Plugins » and then « Add New »,
  3. Type « trunc » in the search box,
  4. Install the option with the « By Trunc » at the foot,
  5. Once activated, you will find a new icon in the sidebar with the Trunc logo. Go to the plugin’s dashboard.

Visit the Support Forum to ask questions, suggest new features, or report bugs.


More info here: Trunc WordPress.

What is Logging / syslog?

Every server and application generate logs of their internal activities. WordPress doesn’t do it by default and this plugin provides
this data.

Does your plugin conflict with other security plugins?

It should not conflict with any other plugin.

Will this plugin impact the performance of my website?

It should not. It runs on the backend and only on certain admin actions.

Do the logs get stored to my database?

They are stored to a log file – and optionally sent to a remote syslog server.


19 septembre 2023
I use this across all my WP websites, and non WP sites. I love it because it’s agnostic to the technology, in other words I can log my servers and devices as well, but consolidated in one central logging platform. Great from a visibility standpoint and to help satisfy security requirements.
19 septembre 2023
Maybe a biased review, but I use it on all my sites. Nothing better than having good logging showing all of what is happening inside WordPress.
Lire les 2 avis

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Trunc Logging – Auditing syslog for WordPress » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • Fixing error on the password reset process + proper versions.


  • First version.