Ultimate Social Feed Gallery


Ultimate Social Feed Gallery is a flexible wordpress plugin make you can display instagram feed as gallery of images in your website.


Premium | Demo | Documentation | Videos Guides


  • Generate instagram feed gallery from any instagram account
  • Add instagram feed from multiple instagram accounts
  • Instagram feed data limit option, set how many items per gallery you want to display

Ultimate Social Feed Gallery Pro Version

Like Ultimate Social Feed Gallery Free Version? Here’s you can get Ultimate Social Feed Gallery pro version and have more features.

Premium Features:

  • Hourly WP Cron Job to refresh feed data automatically
  • Refresh the instagram feed data manually to keep sync with the instagram account data
  • Clear instagram feed cache when the campaign type is hashtag keyword
  • Display the follow on instagram button on gallery bottom
  • Build in 5 different design layout include Classic, Carousel, Masonry, Highlight, Hashtag
  • Customize instagram gallery display layout, include Columns & Rows, Space Between Images
  • Customize instagram gallery slider display settings, include Show Navigation Arrows, Scroll to Navigate, Slide Switch Speed, Slide Switch Effect

Captures d’écran


  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  2. Upload the plugin folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.
  3. Activate Ultimate Social Feed Gallery from Plugins page.


What is the requirements to use Ultimate Social Feed Gallery?

Minimum Requirements
WordPress version 4.0 or greater.
PHP version 5.4 or greater.

Recommended Requirements

Latest version of WordPress.
PHP 5.4 or greater.


Il n’y a aucun avis pour cette extension.

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Ultimate Social Feed Gallery » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.
