WP Go Maps (anciennement WP Google Maps)


L’extension Google Maps et Open Layers Map la plus facile à utiliser (y compris un bloc de cartes) !

Ajoutez une carte Google personnalisée, un bloc de cartes ou un localisateur de magasin à vos publications et/ou pages WordPress rapidement et facilement grâce au code court fourni. Pas de tracas. Pas d’iFrames et super facile à utiliser ! Parfait pour la carte de la page de contact, les itinéraires, les cartes indiquant les zones de livraison et toute autre utilisation à laquelle vous pouvez penser !

Alors que la version gratuite de WP Go Maps vous permet de créer une carte Google avec autant de marqueurs que vous le souhaitez, la version Pro vous autorise à faire bien plus !

Créez des cartes Elementor, des blocs de cartes et des widgets de cartes facilement avec notre intégration bloc de cartes WP Go Maps Elementor, directement prêt à l’emploi !

Vous utilisez l’éditeur classique ? Nous supportons toujours les widgets de carte pour les installations WordPress classiques. Aucun compromis n’est nécessaire, le widget de carte inclut les mêmes fonctionnalités que nos blocs de carte !

La version WP Go Maps Pro vous autorise de créer des cartes Google personnalisées avec des marqueurs de haute qualité contenant des localisations, des descriptions, des images, des catégories, des liens et des itinéraires.

Version « Lite » (gratuite)

  • L’extension Google Maps la plus populaire sur WordPress
  • Choisissez entre Google Maps ou Open Layers Maps
  • Très simple à utiliser, aucun codage nécessaire !
  • Créez autant de marqueurs de carte que vous le souhaitez en saisissant simplement l’adresse.
  • Cartes responsives
  • Bloc de cartes pour Elementor
  • Modifiez vos marqueurs de carte en cliquant sur un bouton
  • Choisissez parmi 9 thèmes de cartes populaires
  • Créez ou ajoutez votre propre thème de carte
  • Faire glisser les marqueurs de la carte à un emplacement précis
  • Ajouter un bloc carte à votre page
  • Support de Google Maps Street View
  • Support des caractères UTF-8
  • Fonctionnalité du widget de carte
  • Fonctionnalité de carte en plein écran
  • Support pour la localisation
  • Choisissez parmi quatre types de cartes Google : carte routière, relief, satellite et hybride.
  • Définissez la largeur, la hauteur et le niveau de zoom de votre carte.
  • Ajoutez des animations à vos marqueurs de carte !
  • Fonctionnalité de localisation des magasins
  • Restreindre la recherche du localisateur de magasin par pays
  • Ajouter des polygones à votre carte
  • Ajouter des polylignes / routes à votre carte
  • Créez une carte en moins de 30 secondes !
  • Clic droit pour ajouter un marqueur à votre carte
  • Aucune publicité et liens
  • Saisie semi-automatique Google Maps
  • Calque de transport en commun Google Maps
  • Définir le niveau de zoom maximum pour votre carte
  • Afficher vos marqueurs de carte à travers votre base de données ou un fichier XML
  • Compatible avec les extensions de cache
  • Compatible avec Cloudfare
  • Dernière version de l’API Google Maps
  • Dernière version de l’API OpenLayers

Version « Pro »

  • Créez plusieurs cartes !
  • Autorisez vos visiteurs/visiteuses à obtenir des itinéraires pour se rendre à vos marqueurs.
  • Ajoutez des descriptions, des liens et des images à vos marqueurs de carte.
  • Ajouter des catégories à vos marqueurs de carte
  • Filtrer les marqueurs par catégorie
  • Composite de plusieurs cartes
  • Blocs de cartes avancés
  • Bloc de cartes de localisation des magasins
  • Bloc d’itinéraires
  • Bloc de fenêtres d’information
  • Bloc de cartes (filtre)
  • Ajoutez différentes icônes de marqueurs ou vos propres icônes pour faire ressortir votre carte !
  • Répertoriez vos marqueurs de carte de quatre manières différentes : liste de base, tableau de base, carrousel, tableau avancé.
  • Autoriser les visiteurs/visiteuses à utiliser leur localisation sur la carte comme point de départ ou d’arrivée de l’itinéraire.
  • Choisissez entre la fenêtre d’information par défaut de Google Maps et la nouvelle fenêtre d’information moderne.
  • Exporter/Importer vos marqueurs dans un fichier CSV pour une modification rapide.
  • Liens des tableaux fusionnés à Google Maps
  • Afficher la localisation de votre visiteur/visiteuse sur la carte
  • Importez des fichiers KML/KMZ sur votre carte
  • Options avancées pour le localisateur de magasins
  • Autoriser les internautes à utiliser leur localisation sur la carte pour le localisateur de magasin
  • Recherche de localisateur de magasins par catégorie
  • Masquer tous les marqueurs de carte jusqu’à ce qu’une recherche de localisation de magasin soit effectuée
  • Déplacer la liste des marqueurs à l’intérieur de la fenêtre de la carte
  • Fonctionnalité de widgets de cartes multiples
  • Ajouter des icônes de marqueurs de carte adaptées pour « Retina »
  • Compatible avec le réseau WordPress
  • Obtenez la version WP Go Maps Pro


Obtenez une copie gratuite de la version Pro de WP Go Maps en échange de la traduction de notre extension !

  • Anglais – par défaut
  • Russe (Alexandra Bondareva)
  • Allemand
  • Français (Arnaud Thomas)
  • Polonais (Michal Kotnowski)
  • Finlandais (Johanna Joutti)
  • Néerlandais (Jan Wind)
  • Hébreu (Gal Dotan)
  • Danois (Patrick Jepsen)
  • Italien (Tommaso Mori & Massimo Bregani)
  • Croate (Sven Kopun)
  • Grec (Konstantinos Koukoulakis)
  • Roumain (Cosmin Stroe)
  • Espagnol (Carmelo Villegas Cruz)
  • Portugais (Jose Antonio Ribeiro)
  • Portugais brésilien (Roberto Costa)
  • Turc (Suha Karalar)
  • Suédois (Martin Sleipner)
  • Bulgare (Lyubomir Kolev)
  • Indonésien (Neno)
  • Lituanien
  • Tchécoslovaque^

^Le fichier des langues doit être remis à jour


WP Go Maps Lite

WP Go Maps Pro



Captures d’écran

  • La version « Lite » de WP Go Maps.
  • La version « Pro » de WP Go Maps.
  • WP Go Maps version Pro : Les internautes peuvent obtenir des itinéraires vers vos marqueurs de carte
  • WP Go Maps version Pro : Ajouter des marqueurs personnalisés à votre carte Google
  • WP Go Maps version Lite : Page des réglages généraux
  • WP Go Maps version Pro : Page des réglages généraux
  • WP Go Maps version Pro : Page des réglages de la fenêtre d’information
  • WP Go Maps version Pro : Options avancées pour les cartes Google.
  • WP Go Maps version Pro : Options de liste des marqueurs de carte
  • WP Go Maps version Pro : Exporter/Importer vos marqueurs de carte
  • WP Go Maps version Pro : Liste de marqueurs de cartes en carrousel responsive
  • WP Go Maps version Lite : Réglages du localisateur de magasin
  • WP Go Maps version Lite : Carte de localisation des magasins
  • WP Go Maps version Lite : Widget de carte
  • Sélectionnez un thème pour votre carte ou choisissez un thème dans notre bibliothèque de thèmes.


Cette extension fournit 2 blocs.

  • Store Locator WP Go Maps Store Locator block, allowing to separate your store locator from your map
  • Map The easiest to use Google Maps plugin! Create custom Google Maps with high quality markers containing locations, descriptions, images and links. Add your customized map to your WordPress posts and/or pages quickly and easily with the supplied shortcode. No fuss.


Première utilisation de WP Go Maps

Merci d’avoir choisi WP Go Maps ! Afin de créer votre carte Google, il vous suffit d’activer l’extension et de cliquer sur « Cartes » dans votre menu de navigation de gauche.
Une fois la page WP Go Maps chargée, définissez les options de votre carte (hauteur, largeur, type de carte, niveau de zoom, etc.), puis utilisez votre souris pour faire glisser votre carte Google à l’emplacement désiré et appuyez sur le bouton « Enregistrer la carte ».
Copiez et collez le code court dans votre publication ou votre page et WP Go Maps créera automatiquement la carte sur votre page en utilisant les réglages que vous avez choisis ci-dessus.

Ajouter votre premier marqueur de carte

Pour ajouter un marqueur à votre carte Google, faites défiler jusqu’en dessous de la carte dans votre section d’administration et saisissez l’adresse ou l’emplacement GPS dans le champ de saisie de l’adresse. Cliquez sur « Ajouter un marqueur » et WP Go Maps ajoutera votre marqueur à l’adresse que vous avez spécifiée.

Réglage d’un localisateur de magasins sur Google Maps

Afin d’utiliser la fonctionnalité de localisation de magasins de WP Go Maps, il suffit de cliquer sur l’onglet « Localisateur de magasins  » dans la page de création de la carte et de sélectionner « Oui ».


Comment obtenir WP Go Maps Pro ?

Visitez simplement https://www.wpgmaps.com et achetez la version Pro de WP Go Maps. Mises à jour et support gratuits inclus à vie.

J’ai installé l’extension, que faire maintenant ?

Une fois installé et activé, un lien devrait apparaître dans votre colonne de navigation gauche dans la section d’administration de WordPress. Cliquez sur le lien « WP Go Maps » et suivez les instructions qui s’affichent à l’écran.

Comment ajouter une carte Google à ma page ou à ma publication ?

Afin d’afficher votre carte Google personnalisée sur votre page ou votre publication, il suffit de copier le code court fourni et de le coller dans votre page ou votre publication. WP Go Maps configurera automatiquement la carte selon les réglages que vous avez sélectionnés dans la page de modification de la carte.

Comment ajouter un bloc de cartes à ma page ou à ma publication ?

Il est très facile d’ajouter un bloc de carte à votre page ou à votre publication. Il vous suffit d’ajouter un bloc dans l’éditeur normal de page, puis de taper « Carte » et vous devriez voir apparaître l’option de bloc de carte. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter ce tutoriel

Comment ajouter un widget de carte à ma zone de widgets ?

Pour ajouter votre carte à votre zone de widgets, il vous suffit d’aller dans Apparence->Widgets et de faire glisser le widget de carte « WP Go Maps » dans votre colonne latérale. Vous pouvez ensuite modifier le widget de carte pour qu’il affiche la carte correcte.

How can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.


7 février 2025
I had an issue with the license key, resolved with one emailI had issue with Elementor blocking my maps, resolved with one emailThank you Nick and Matthew for your support and assistanceTyron
5 février 2025
Plugin is really simple to use, but setting is up can be a little annoying. I had to have a few goes at installation before it all worked properly. Once the free version was working, I upgraded to Pro which broke the plugin again. Support quickly fixed it and the issue was the website running out of memory. With this issue fixed, it has been working flawlessly. Just keep in mind though that this plugin is pretty performance intensive.
23 janvier 2025
I was really enjoying this plugin until I noticed site performance issues using (pagespeed.web.dev). I struggled for days finding the cause of the performance hit because I didn’t want to disable the plugin. I finally took the dive and sure enough, performance went from 84% to 98%! Very sad I had to delete the plugin. I replaced it with the schema markup in the header of the pages but no map possible. Test it, good just be our site. Good Luck!
22 janvier 2025
The plugin is very user friendly and works well for the most part. I did have some errors with my site when applying categories. The technical support from Matthew has been fast and very good. Thank you!
14 janvier 2025
I’ve been using WP Go Maps very happily for some time and when I experienced a technical issue recently with my license key Matthew Lau helped resolve it very quickly. Superb support Matthew. Many thanks Barbara Brennan
Lire les 2 911 avis

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« WP Go Maps (anciennement WP Google Maps) » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.


“WP Go Maps (anciennement WP Google Maps)” a été traduit dans 23 locales. Remerciez l’équipe de traduction pour ses contributions.

Traduisez « WP Go Maps (anciennement WP Google Maps) » dans votre langue.

Le développement vous intéresse ?

Parcourir le code, consulter le SVN dépôt, ou s’inscrire au journal de développement par RSS.


9.0.44 – 2024-11-19

  • Added global settings JSON serialize filter, for add-ons to utilize
  • Fixed issue where autoloader would fail in some environments where token_get_all would not behave as expected, defaults to only regex based loader

9.0.43 – 2024-10-16

  • Fixed issue where Divi editors would crash if Pro add-on was not fully up to date

9.0.42 – 2024-10-15

  • Fixed issue where map mashup query param would be parsed incorrectly

9.0.41 – 2024-10-14

  • Added support for ‘key’ parameter on some OpenLayers tile servers
  • Added clarification on some of the limitations when using Google Advanced Marker Element render mode
  • Fixed issue where text domain was being loaded to early with WordPress 6.7 (Early)
  • Fixed issue where OpenLayers Geocode Cache Flush was only protected by logged in check, and not a nonce check as well. Security issue. Thanks Joshua Chan (Patchstack)
  • Fixed issue where Divi frontend builder would load our modules mistakenly, when they are not needed
  • Fixed issue where datatables response would be served as an object, instead of an array, on some environments. Solves issues with map lists in some cases
  • Fixed issue where DomDocument would not be loaded in time for map tour to initialize, on some environments
  • Fixed issue where map theme in OpenLayers would mistakenly apply to incorrect canvas layers
  • Fixed issue where title search placeholder supports
  • Fixed issue in marker filter class which would cause data to be refreshed via database in some cases (Performance)
  • Fixed issue with Ajax Table column exclusion which would lead to some columns not being excluded properly when flagged to do so
  • Fixed issue where map settings could not be accessed at all from within the marker instances. To allow more performance optimization in add-ons
  • Fixed issue where bicycle, transport and traffic legacy settings would be updated every time the map loads (Performance)
  • Updated default mapping engine to Google Maps, with a temporary key system to improve first usage
  • Updated nb_NO transslations, thanks to Christian Svendsen

9.0.40 – 2024-06-17

  • Fixed a bug where Google Maps themes would not apply correctly due to changes in the Google Maps API initialization

9.0.39 – 2024-06-13

  • Added quick create context menu to map editor, right click to use, can be disabled in settings (Atlas Novus)
  • Added icons to map editor sidebar to assist with navigating the available options/editors (Atlas Novus)
  • Added Google Maps Marker library inclusion to API script loader
  • Added support for AdvancedMarkerElement module, improving performance slightly. Setting added to control this, defaults to legacy Marker module (beta) (Google Maps)
  • Added notice about low-level user access and the potential risks with custom JS block. Security issue. Thanks Tim Coen (Wordfence)
  • Added increased display length default (10 items) for admin datatables, due to longer sidebar (Atlas Novus)
  • Added new styling for some pro notices throughout the editor and settings (Atlas Novus)
  • Added option to disable WP Engine Governor to prevent killed queries on some installations
  • Added marker settings tab to global settings area
  • Added additional marker functionality supports
  • Added option to use OpenLayers Vector render mode for markers. Considered very experimental and limits marker functionality (Alpha)
  • Added restyled popup notification to map editor (Atlas Novus)
  • Added hu_HU translations, thanks to Attila
  • Fixed issue where addslashes error would be thrown by block onRender method when using block control plugins like Widget Options
  • Fixed issue where use my location reverse geocoder would fail due missing object conversion (OpenLayers)
  • Fixed issue where focus outline would be applied to map elements in some themes (Google Maps)
  • Fixed typo on welcome page (Legacy)
  • Fixed typo in map editor sidebar (Atlas Novus)
  • Moved retina icon settings to markers settings tab
  • Moved marker render modes to markers settings tab
  • Moved marker pull method to markers settings tab
  • Updated PHP requirement to at least 7.0

9.0.38 – 2024-05-08

  • Fixed issue with plugin activation via Ajax, that was preventing some installations from fully completing

9.0.37 – 2024-05-08

  • Added ability to set a different starting zoom level for mobile devices
  • Added zoom slider preview system to map editor
  • Added content shift trigger to OpenLayer info-windows, to repan and resize infowindow correctly
  • Added right click event bubbling to Google Shapes
  • Added marker creation quick tip UI element (Atlas Novus)
  • Added auto-onboarding procedure system. Mapping engine now defaults to OpenLayers for first time users
  • Fixed issue where WooCommerce map ID was not verified when loading settings area
  • Fixed issue where writersblock reset events would not trigger as expected (Atlas Novus)
  • Fixed issue where shortcode attributes were not properly sanitized. Security issue (Atlas Novus). Thanks Thanh Nam Tran
  • Updated es_ES translation files, thanks to Gerard Ayter Codina

9.0.36 – 2024-04-02

  • Removed legacy affiliate linking system, which was causing false security reports in ImunifyAV and similar scanning tools
  • Updated da_DK translations, thanks to Finn Sommer Jensen

9.0.35 – 2024-03-25

  • Added temporary key generator to allow users to try the system before setting up their own keys. Will only function in the admin area, and user must opt-in during installation wizard
  • Fixed issue with Gutenberg classes not properly handling unexpected objects arguments in some installation
  • Fixed issue where classic widget output would not be fully escaped, for users still using classic widgets
  • Fixed issue where legacy template module had some unescaped outputs, does not effect latest versions
  • Fixed issue where some attribute/elements within our installer wizard were not properly escaped
  • Fixed issue where some attribute/elements within our newletter opt-in template were not properly escaped
  • Improved sytem info class to use wpdb class to access the MySQL version number, this prevents false positive error reports by plugin scanners
  • Removed static temporary API key previously bundled with the plugin to improve first time usage
  • Tested with WP 6.5
  • Archived V8 changelogs

9.0.34 – 2024-03-14

  • Fixed issue where some marker fields may contain redirect scripts from code exploited before 9.0.28, specifically defunct image tags and generic script tags. Security issue
  • Fixed issue where marker endpoint would return 500 error code when marker was missing, now returns 404 instead
  • Fixed issue where CanvasLayer would fail to initialize when async Google Maps loader was enabled
  • Improved the bundled CanvasLayer lib module, to allow for recursive delayed loading, with limitations

9.0.33 – 2024-03-05

  • Added a required include for the Page class which causes issues in some installations
  • Added additional danger zone tool supports
  • Added processing context supports for improved operational context tracking
  • Added additional settings API supports
  • Added ability to set Google Maps API param « loading=async » from the settings area. This will become default in the future (beta)
  • Added ability to defer load all JavaScript assets within the plugin (beta) (Atlas Novus)
  • Fixed issue where ‘wpgmza_google_api_status’ would be localized multiple times
  • Fixed issue where Marker instance would throw fatal error if missing marker was accessed via the REST API
  • Fixed issue where « & » symbols would show up endoded in marker editor, for other key fields
  • Fixed issue where « prevent other API’s » option would always run in admin, affecting other mapping plugins
  • Fixed issue where Meta Box map location editor would not load when plugin was activated, see above
  • Fixed issue where Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) could be stored/served using the Custom CSS block. Thanks to Marco Wotschka & Akbar Kustirama (Wordfence)
  • Fixed issue where Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) could be stored/served using the map shortcode classname attribute. Thanks to Richard Telleng (Wordfence)
  • Improved autoloader to account for issues in some installations
  • Improved shortcode attribute security by escaping attributes further, based on recent security reports

9.0.32 – 2024-01-23

  • Improved the line.js mitigator to include address and title fields, due to a report showcasing these fields containing the some asset. This data is cleared, and runs automatically. Thanks to Hostpoint AG (Pascal)

9.0.31 – 2024-01-17

  • Fixed issue where 9030 mitigation function would falsely trigger WordFence malware scan, due to mitigation of a known bad URL

9.0.30 – 2024-01-16

  • Fixed issue where some marker descriptions would contain a line.js asset due to an earlier exploit. Our code will automatically clear descriptions with these values present
  • Fixed issue where map edit link was vulnerable to an XSS could be executed via the map ID query paramater. Thanks Rafie Muhammad (Patchstack)
  • Fixed issue where ‘mb_encode_numericentity’ would be called even when the function is not available within the environment

9.0.29 – 2024-01-11

  • Fixed issue with autoload tokenizer on some environments
  • Fixed issue where OpenLayers library would point to a source map that does not exist
  • Fixed issue where some non-nullable parameter were passed to internal PHP functions (Phase 1)
  • Fixed issue where map click events in OpenLayers would not respect target, and misfire as a result
  • Fixed issue where « & » symbols would show up encoded in the marker editor
  • Improved redirect store locator search to retain original search query after redirecting
  • Updated ro_RO translation files, minor improvement
  • Updated sv_SE translation files, thanks to Mats Wale
  • Updated sk_SK translation files, thanks to Starlogic
  • Added zh-CN franslation files, thanks to Daniel Tan

9.0.28 – 2023-12-12

  • Fixed issue where PHP 8.3 would throw a deprecated noticed when loading files with DomDocument (ReturnTypeWillChange)
  • Fixed issue where Unauthenticated Persistent XSS could be executed on the REST API by exploiting route/method vulnerabilities. Security issue, thanks to WPScan (Marc)
  • Fixed issue with decoding of already sanitized WP KSES values on CRUD module. As a result some HTML may no longer be valid in marker data, and will be cleaned on next storage.
  • Fixed issue where permission on POST/DELETE methods would not be reaffirmed once the regex route was matched on the REST API
  • Fixed issue where $m reference in legacy-core would cause a conflict with WordPress Calendar Block
  • Tested with WP 6.4

9.0.27 – 2023-10-11

  • Fixed issue where some older versions of PHP would experience issues decoding HTML with the latest update. This resulted in malformed UI for a subset of environments
  • Fixed issue where prepend/append methods are missing from the base DomElement class, which is required for older PHP version

9.0.26 – 2023-10-11

  • Fixed issue where some installations would experience a fatal error due to changed to DomElement base class (Older PHP Builds affected) (Thanks KleinDev)

9.0.25 – 2023-10-11

  • Added option to only use ajax transports for background data (beta)
  • Added option to add Google CSP headers to your site (beta)
  • Added automatic marker creation panel trigger when right clicking on map from default view, or marker list (Atlas Novus)
  • Fixed issue where deprecation notices are shown in PHP 8.2, including dynamic property creation and function changes
  • Fixed issue where some marker fields would be over formatted by HTML entities
  • Fixed issue where any classname could be passed to the Datatable rest endpoint, and might be instantiated. Security issue, thanks to Arūnas Liuiza (Kayak)
  • Improved core code base by refactoring some modules/sections
  • Improved and reworked affiliate link system, driven by a filter
  • Updated fr_FR translation files, minor improvement
  • Removed « Mapnik OSM No Labels » OpenLayers tile server as it is no longer available
  • Removed « Mapnik OSM B&W » OpenLayers tile server as it is no longer available

9.0.24 – 2023-08-30

  • Added dynamic documentation links, which direct users to documentation based on internal build engine
  • Updated all documentation links to point to the correct engine documentation
  • Updated Atlas Novus install ratio to decrease the amount of users who receive the new user interface (Ratio: 25%)

9.0.23 – 2023-08-15

  • Fixed issue where Block assets were being enqueued when not needed
  • Fixed issue where XML storage path would be localized on the frontend
  • Fixed issue where a call to getConsentPromptHTML would be made early, causing an error to be logged
  • Fixed issue where marker icons would not show when using Elementor and OpenLayers. This was due to a change of style priority in Elementor
  • Fixed issue with dynamic property creation. This has been done partially to reduce warnings, but it is part of a larger process
  • Fixed issue where pricing was incorrect in the pl_PL translation file
  • Fixed issue where some datatable columns may become misaligned at specific screen widths
  • Fixed issue where ‘All’ datatable length selector was not present
  • Fixed issue where sensitive settings data would be deleted instead of hidden when being localized

9.0.22 – 2023-08-08

  • Fixed issue where some environments would report a fatal error due to a trailing comma in a script registration

9.0.21 – 2023-08-08

  • Added ‘wpgmza-get-core-script-dependencies’ filter to allow for more granular dependency control
  • Added conditional loading of the API core when loading block editors, as this would sometimes prevent blocks from loading
  • Fixed issue where OpenLayers geocoding would fail due to an API specification change on Nominatim
  • Fixed various Gutenberg block definition issues, which would cause unexpected visual outputs in the block editor
  • Improved Map Block (Gutenberg) to use the block.json definition, and brought up to specification with V3 block engine
  • Improved Store Locator Block (Gutenberg) to use the block.json definition, and brought up to specification with V3 block engine
  • Improved loading order of block assets
  • Updated legacy Gutenberg blocks to use the new WP Go Maps block category
  • Removed Gutenberg modules from auto-builder, allowing them to be loaded separately

9.0.20 – 2023-08-03

  • Fixed issue where Gutenberg blocks would not initialize properly in WP 6.3 due to script localization changes
  • Fixed issue where Gutenberg block definition were not up to specifications
  • Fixed issue where Store Locator block would trigger a React issue with inspector keys
  • Fixed issue where Gutenberg element classname property was incorrectly defined
  • Fixed issue where Gutenberg inspector dependency was still referencing an old variable instance within WP Core
  • Fixed issue where Google Vertex Context Menu module would sometimes throw an error when Google was not
  • Updated default Gutenberg block name to « Map » for clarity (Legacy)
  • Replaced older documentation links with new links
  • Added more information to the readme file
  • Testé avec WP 6.3

9.0.19 – 2023-04-28

  • Fixed issue where default Google Maps theme may cause initialization issues, preventing the map from loading all markers
  • Fixed issue where default theme JSON was in a no longer supported format, selecting this theme would cause parsing issues

9.0.18 – 2023-03-15

  • Added filter to prevent welcome page activation hook (wpgmza-plugin-core-prevent-welcome-redirect)
  • Improved delayed/async/defer (lazy) script loading substantially, by introducing ‘delayedReloader’ which will gracefully reinitialize plugin core as needed. Tested with LS Cache, Async JS, and Flying Scripts
  • Improved XML path filters to better support UNIX file systems
  • Fixed issue where Google Maps API key was localized in a settings object, causing Google to email account owner about a potential exposed key. We now obscure this, as it is safe to have localized, but caused falsed positive when page was crawled.
  • Fixed issue where Google Maps API would report a callback being required. This is a new requirement from Google, which we now adhere to
  • Fixed issue where OpenLayers maps would not scroll the page when greedy gestures are disabled, now inline with Google Maps implementation
  • Fixed issue where Pro disabled marker fields would be editable when in edit mode, although not stored, confusing to the end user
  • Updated spotlight icon from Google

9.0.17 – 2023-01-11

  • Improved XML directory pathing system, and introduced a new validation system which limits access to only primary directory as specified in the settings area, while preventing traversal or root access
  • Removed realpath XML directory validation, now replaced by a new path validation system

9.0.16 – 2023-01-11

  • Fixed issue where some users reported warning/error being thrown by realpath implementation. Now catches these errors and reverts to default
  • Improved absolute path enforcement and directory traversal implementation from 9.0.15 (Thanks to Rezaduty)

9.0.15 – 2023-01-10

  • Fixed issue where XML directory path allowed directory traversal, absolute paths now enforced, using realpath method (Thanks to Rezaduty)

9.0.14 – 2022-12-14

  • Improved PHP8.1 compatibility by introducing « #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] » to classes which extend without return types
  • Improved overall stability of Gutenberg modules
  • Improved settings area styling (Atlas Novus)
  • Fixed issue where some panel/component layouts would be visible outside of container during initialization
  • Fixed issue where updateOffset would fail on Google Markers in some older installations
  • Fixed issue where styling page had a typo for the phrase « effect » (Atlas Novus)
  • Fixed issue where some (most) translations would include « 1 » before the radius selection unit
  • Fixed issue where remove duplicate would delete duplicates from different maps (Thanks Nicoletta Maia)
  • Fixed issue where shape hit regions would be calculated incorrectly at alternate broswer zoom levels and retina displays (OpenLayers)
  • Fixed issue where some older themes would throw a warning in widget area due to Gutenberg integration
  • Fixed issue where some installations would cause an activation error which could cause some automated test systems to falsely flag the plugin as not compatible with a PHP version (Example: WP Hive)

9.0.13 – 2022-11-01

  • Fixed issue where map would not initialize in some AMP environments, even when AMP is disabled, due to prototype overrides
  • Fixed issue where Google Maps API would not load correctly for zn_CN locale users
  • Fixed issue where Upgrader class did not assert validity of the fromVersion, which could lead to errors
  • Fixed issue where Settings class would not properly correct corrupted settings objects
  • Update Atlas Novus install ratio to split based on the day in the month, this should be more consistent
  • Updated all translation files to include missing string definitions
  • Updated all translation definitions to not be « fuzzy »
  • Update it_IT translation file (Thanks to updownbikes)
  • Testé jusqu’à WordPress 6.1

9.0.12 – 2022-10-13

  • Fixed issue where minified library files were being loaded when in developer mode only
  • Fixed issue with CRUD class KSES processing
  • Updated Atlas Novus install ratio probability calculations to use a larger sample range

9.0.11 – 2022-09-20

  • Added various supports for Pro add-on settings
  • Fixed issue with country code module where it was using TLD instead of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
  • Updated internal engine controller to make use of mt_rand() instead of rand(), to improve probability factoring
  • Updated da_DK translation file (Internal Adjustment)

9.0.10 – 2022-08-24

  • Fixed issue where « I agree » GDPR button would not be translated once global settings are saved
  • Fixed issue with Nominatim query params, where some restrictions would not be respected
  • Fixed issue where combined file was preferred over minified file when the servers archive class would extract slower than expected. Introduces delta tolerance
  • Updated Atlas Novus install ratio to increase the amount of users who receive the new user interface temporarily (Ratio: 70%)
  • Tested Borlabs Cookie integration, found to be fully functional after in depth discussion with their team

9.0.9 – 2022-08-11

  • Added Atlas Novus tag to plugin website link
  • Removed internal build swap notice, for the time being

9.0.8 – 2022-08-03

  • Added installer links to API key fields in settings area, to improve API key creation process for returning users
  • Updated all base PO files, source information updated for future improvements
  • Updated branding assets

9.0.7 – 2022-07-27

  • Added button styling to primary installer skip button, to make this option more clear to new users
  • Added installer auto skip system, which will delay the first time setup flow by 1 day automatically for new users
  • Added intelli-panel system to editor, which opens the feature editor if a map does not have any of the specified feature type (Atlas Novus)
  • Added map editor tour system (beta), which leads the user through the first time marker creation process (Atlas Novus)
  • Fixed issue where gallery setting hint was being shown in basic only, incorrectly

9.0.6 – 2022-07-14

  • Added option to dynamically refactor single quote SQL queries within our core. This solves issues in environments where single quote statements are not supported, such as WP Engine
  • Fixed issue where OpenLayers canvas would scale incorrectly on retina displays
  • Fixed issue where OpenLayers canvas would inherit theme max width values, which could lead to misplacement of markers
  • Fixed issue where separated Store Locator search would run even when no request is passed, causing a focus on address field
  • Fixed issue where Store locator was initializing on the first element broadly matched, this could lead to issues when using add-on
  • Fixed issue where DataTables reload would be called early and cause an error to be thrown
  • Fixed issue in ‘isModernComponentStyleAllowed’ method which did not account for Atlas Novus build
  • Fixed issue where Reflection exception would not be handled gracefully where no class name is present (Thanks to Amit Tal)
  • Updated Atlas Novus install ratio to reduce the amount of users who receive the new user interface temporarily (Ratio: 30%)
  • Updated DataTables bundles to 1.12.1 (Excl. Styles)
  • Updated DataTables Responsive bundles to 2.3.0

9.0.5 – 2022-07-06

  • Added ‘is-fullscreen’ class to maps when they enter fullscreen mode, adding control over styling
  • Improved underlying canvas handling on retina displays with OpenLayers
  • Fixed issue where fullscreen height on Safari, with OpenLayers would not be respected
  • Removed calls to $.isNumeric and replaced them with WPGMZA.isNumeric counterpart
  • Removed $.bind calls and replaced them with standard $.on event listeners

9.0.4 – 2022-06-29

  • Fixed issue where enhanced autocomplete may not initialize on some websites

9.0.3 – 2022-06-28

  • Added improvements to enhanced autocomplete module for admin marker creation
  • Fixed issue where enhanced autocomplete would handle referrer bound keys incorrectly
  • Updated de_DE translation file (Internal Adjustment)

9.0.2 – 2022-06-24

  • Added ability to skip installer. Will be reminded 1 day after to complete installation
  • Added improvements to admin marker addition autocomplete system tools
  • Fixed issue where installations running PHP 7.2.X would be unstable in some cases
  • Fixed issue with spelling on support pages
  • Fixed issue with writrsblock reset delegation (Atlas Novus)

9.0.1 – 2022-06-22

  • Added « day one » core patches across all cores
  • Added WritersBlock support logic (Atlas Novus)
  • Added ability to reopen installer (Legacy)
  • Fixed issue with html overlay placement within map container
  • Fixed issue with support forum links
  • Fixed activation order issues with some add-ons
  • Improved upsell locations to better convey value of upgrading (Atlas Novus)
  • Removed Pro 8 stability notices to avoid confusion
  • Removed Advanced Marker panel, moved fields to standard marker panel (Atlas Novus)

9.0.0 – 2022-06-20

  • Added Atlas Novus Internal Engine
  • Added Internal Engine base architecture
  • Added infrastructure to support HTML overrides in a later version
  • Added local file overrides based on engine selection
  • Added ability to switch between internal engine (Atlas Novus or Legacy)
  • Added installer to plugin flow to improve and simplify plugin setup
  • Added Quick Start tool from Google Maps Platform, simplifying API key creation
  • Added tile server preview to OpenLayers installer to simplify setup process
  • Added persistent notice system, allowing dismissable actionable notices to be shown to users as needed
  • Added system information to support areas to help with debugging issues as needed
  • Added streetview event delegation triggers
  • Added additional dimension options for map sizes
  • Added additional developer hooks
  • Added additional JS events
  • Added attribution for lnglat column patch (Thanks to CNick)
  • Added cs_CZ translation file (Thanks to Petr Aubrecht)
  • Added cross version compatibility checks and support
  • Improved OpenLayers gesture handling, should function similarly to Google Maps now
  • Improved Custom Script editors to use CodeMirror with custom theme. Uses bundled WP Core version of CodeMirror
  • Improved shortcode handling to better support extending code
  • Improved shape management by standardizing modules and extension
  • Improved GDPR consent management system
  • Improved info window management system
  • Improved map initialization system
  • Improved « Open by default » info window functionality
  • Improved query variable supports
  • Improved map event management and distributors
  • Improved bounds based event management
  • Improved distance management systems
  • Improved auto pan system for info window in OpenLayers
  • Improved existing developer hooks
  • Improved existing JS events
  • Improved code comments and clarity of primary modules
  • Improved underlying architecture, in support of future development
  • Improved older modules by converting them to the new architecture (Atlas Novus refactor)
  • Improved compatibility core
  • Improved major version migration core
  • Improved map widget
  • Fixed issue where dependencies would be managed incorrectly in edge cases (Thanks to shazahm1)
  • Optimized file sizes (Thanks to lowwebtech)
  • Removed redundant files

  • Atlas Novus

    • Added extensive use of CSS variables
    • Added Styling page to allow component styling
    • Added Internal Viewport Architecture for component management
    • Added comprehensive placement options for components
    • Added fullscreen supports to move viewport into fullscreen mode
    • Added quick add tools to map editor
    • Added OpenLayers theme support, via CSS Filters
    • Added OpenLayers theme editor, via CSS Filters
    • Added dedicated store locator shortcode
    • Added ability to place store locator on a separate page and redirect to a map page when submitted
    • Added Store Locator Gutenberg Block
    • Added Gutenberg custom category
    • Added batch loading support
    • Added SVG icons to user facing elements to reduce dependency on libraries
    • Added point label feature type, allowing you to add text to maps
    • Added color picker, allowing for improved color management
    • Added supports for feature state handling
    • Added capsule module core architecture
    • Added additional file processors to support new components
    • Improved Welcome UI/UX
    • Improved Credits UI/UX
    • Improved Map List UI/UX
    • Improved Map Editor UI/UX
    • Improved feature editor panel UI/UX
    • Improved settings panels reduce time to setup
    • Improved Settings Page UI
    • Improved settings placement/groupings to reduce time to setup
    • Improved all admin datatables
    • Improved all preloaders
    • Improved all admin notices
    • Improved Google Maps theme editor
    • Improved Danger Zone tools
    • Improved Support page
    • Improved Shape drawing tools
    • Improved Gutenberg block supports
    • Improved responsiveness of all map related components
    • Improved error notice reporting
    • Improved front end component UI/UX drastically
    • Improved map placement/alignment system

Pour en savoir plus, veuillez voir le site WP Go Maps