Zephyr Project Manager


Zephyr Project Manager est un gestionnaire de projet élégant et facile à utiliser pour WordPress, conçu pour vous aider à gérer tous vos projets et tâches, et à vous acquitter de votre tâche. Il dispose d’une interface utilisateur superbement conçue pour garder vos projets sur les rails. Vous pouvez créer un nombre illimité de projets, tâches et catégories, discuter de tâches et de projets, télécharger des fichiers / pièces jointes, gérer des fichiers depuis la page du gestionnaire de fichiers, afficher la progression du projet à l’aide de graphiques et utiliser le calendrier intégré pour ne nommer que quelques fonctions.

Core Features

Basic Version (Free)


  • Create unlimited projects and customize them to your preference
  • Set the name, start and end dates, description and category for your project
  • Gérez de manière efficace tous vos projets en leur attribuant une priorité.
  • Ability to copy projects and convert projects to tasks
  • Recieve notifications via email of updates and completion
  • Keep everyone informed via the discussion panel, where you can send attachments and messages and the team can respond and view the messages
  • View progress chart of project completion and see progress at a glance
  • Export and import projects to CSV and JSON


  • Create, view, edit and customize as many tasks as you want to
  • Set the name, start and end dates, description, project and assignee for your task
  • Assign tasks to users or teams
  • Gérez de manière efficace toutes vos tâches en leur attribuant une priorité.
  • Mark tasks as complete/incomplete easily and open an overview of the task by clicking on them
  • Create subtasks to break tasks down even more and make tasks even more descriptive and easy to complete
  • Start discussions with other team memeber about the tasks, ask questions, and add attachments
  • Copy tasks and convert tasks to projects
  • Export and import tasks to and from CSV and JSON

Application Android

  • Téléchargez dès maintenant l’application officielle Android pour gérez vos tâches et vos projets où que vous soyez. L’application se synchronise intégralement sur les données de votre site internet et vous tient informé en permanence avec les notifications.

Tableau de bord personnel

  • Chaque utilisateur possède son propre tableau de bord à partir duquel il est en mesure de consulter les projets et les tâches accomplis, ceux en cours et bien plus, le tout en un clin d’oeil.

Conversations & pièces jointes

  • Start discussions on projects or tasks and chat with other members on the progress of tasks
  • Upload, download and view attachments straight to and from your tasks and projects

Notifications par email

  • Recieve email updates on overdue tasks
  • Receive weekly updates
  • Receive updates on activity such as completed tasks, deleted tasks etc.
  • Set your notification preferences and choose which notifications you would like to use

Gestionnaire de fichiers

  • Upload files to tasks and projects and add comments to communicate with other members
  • View all project and task files/attachments in one place and easily manage them
  • Download, view info and delete files from the file manager, easily and effectively


  • Create unlimited categories to keep your projects organized
  • Set the category name description and color to make your projects unique
  • Set the category of your projects and assign multiple categories as well


  • View all your completed and upcoming tasks in the calendar for an easy overview
  • Easily see the work and time required to complete tasks and navigate effectively with the calender
  • Personnalisez le format de la date à votre convenance


  • Progrès
    * Créez des tableaux de progression automatiques pour vos projets et imprimez-les
  • View progress charts for each project and set the status of projects
  • Receive emails on project progress
  • See the progress of projects, including completed tasks, pending tasks and more from the project list, for a comprehensive overview

Équipes &amp, Membres

  • View and manage all the members and teams in one place
  • View team members progress and their work done from a single page
  • Create teams and assign users to your teams
  • Assign tasks to individual members or teams


  • Zephyr Project Manager is highly customizable
  • Paramétrez les détails de votre profil utilisateur : pseudo, avatar, présentation, paramétrage des notifications par email et bien plus
  • Modifiez à votre convenance le jeu de couleurs de l’interface
  • Gérer le champ d’actions de vos utilisateurs et bien plus
  • Vous pouvez me faire parvenir vos demandes de personnalisation du plugin en me contactant sur dylanjkotze@gmail.com 🙂

Prêt pour être traduit dans toutes les langues

  • Zephyr est entièrement internationalisé et peut donc être traduit dans toutes les langues.

Professional Edition

  • Interface utilisateur de gestion de projet personnalisable
  • Affichage de vos projets en tableau Kanban
  • Prise en charge d’Asana
  • Champs personnalisés
  • Modèles de tâches personnalisées
  • Custom Project Templates
  • Reporting & Statistics
  • Et bien plus…
  • Passer à la version pro dès maintenant

New Features Coming Soon:
* WooCommerce Integration
* Majorly improved Basic and Pro version with lots of new features and improvements
* Editable email templates and more

For more information and documentation, please visit the website

Requêtes de nouvelles fonctionnalités

Je cherche toujours à améliorer le plugin et à ajouter d’autres fonctionnalités utiles. Si certaines fonctionnalités vous manquent ou si vous avez des commentaires, n’hésitez pas à me contacter et je me ferai un plaisir de les ajouter.

Captures d’écran

  • Créez des projets illimités, personnalisés selon vos préférences
  • Projets détaillés
  • Tâches illimitées, avec étoile avec aperçu utile
  • Créez des tâches détaillées pour rester organisé
  • Affichage rapide des informations sur les tâches
  • Editez et gérez facilement des projets
  • Discuter des projets avec d’autres membres
  • Créer des catégories pour classer les projets
  • Changez votre image, nom, description et préférences de notification
  • Gérez et visualisez facilement tous les fichiers téléchargés à partir des discussions
  • Obtenez une vue d’ensemble des tâches à effectuer à l’aide du calendrier
  • Voir ce qui se passe via la page d’activité


  1. Téléchargez les fichiers du plug-in dans le répertoire / wp-content / plugins / nom-plugin ou installez-le via le plug-in WordPress ‘Plugins’ & gt; Écran ‘Ajouter nouveau’ directement.
  2. Activer le plugin via l’écran « Plugins » de votre tableau de bord WordPress
  3. Accédez à l’option Zephyr Project Manager dans la barre latérale pour commencer à utiliser les fonctionnalités du plugin.
  4. À partir de là, vous pouvez créer de nouveaux projets, tâches, fichiers, discussions et bien plus encore.
  5. Consultez la documentation complète ici pour un guide d’utilisation des fonctionnalités.
  6. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à dylanjkotze@gmail.com et je me ferais un plaisir de vous aider.


7 février 2025 1 réponse
We have created our own website specifically built to manage tasks with the zephyr plugin. It beats paying per user as it gets so expensive when your team scales. I’m in the SEO space and find this plugin very helpful in streamlining tasks and projects of new clients. Great work Dylan! sshh dont tell anyone otherwise he will be too busy for me!
25 janvier 2025 1 réponse
After installing the plugin and adding users assigned with only a Zephyr role, they are unable to access Zephyr or anything except Wordpress Media. I was forced to install the User Role Manager and change the permissions of ALL Zephyr roles. Zephyr Manager and Admin roles have access/control to more Wordpress settings and not just Zephyr. This seems too insecure for use.
6 avril 2024 1 réponse
Generally, I have tried all similar solutions for the markets and I always come back to Zephyr. Many thanks to the developer for a truly great product.
25 mars 2024 1 réponse
This Zephyr Project Manager WordPress plugin is the most user-friendly and cost-effective solution for managing company projects and tasks. Setting it up is incredibly easy! I enthusiastically recommend it to anyone!
1 janvier 2024 2 réponses
I have been looking for a reliable project management software for my business and wordpress plugins have all had problems that I could not get fixed by the developers.. After I upgraded to the pro version I instantly ran into a few problems and was frustrated that I had to once again try to get it handled. I emailed Dylan and could not believe how fast he actually got back to me.. He was all over getting me fixed up, and in the end I probably cost him time but he got me going.. If I could give him a 10 star I would and I am grateful to have found this plugin.. Can’t wait to get to work tomorrow! Thanks again Dylan, you are awesome!
25 août 2023 3 réponses
I took the upgrade especially because of the « Frontend Project Manager ». Really disappointed that it does not allow for navigation beyond the dashboard. Just returns 404 error if you attempt to reach sections like « Projects », « Tasks », etc. It means the user « must » sign in to the WP dashboard to get things done Update: I’m adding only 1 more star. The bare bones documentation on this plugin is holding it back in my opinion.
Lire les 98 avis

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Zephyr Project Manager » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.


“Zephyr Project Manager” a été traduit dans 6 locales. Remerciez l’équipe de traduction pour ses contributions.

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Le développement vous intéresse ?

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  • Fixed vulnerability
  • Updated textdomain loading to fix PHP notice


  • Fixed vulnerabilities


  • Fixed vulnerability


  • Fixed file upload vulnerability
  • Fixed project and task deletion vulnerability


  • Fixed vulnerability with CSV export
  • Tested with WP 6.6


  • Fixed date issue when using some languages
  • Tested with WP 6.5


  • Fixed file upload issue


  • Fixed display if there are no tasks created yet
  • Fixed vulnerability in advanced settings


  • Added breadcrumbs to tasks, subtasks and projects for easier navigation
  • Removed redundant collapse button
  • Added contrast improvements
  • Added ability to set the current user as the default task assignee
  • Added the ability to set the start and due date to the current date by default


  • Fixed vulnerability


  • Added « Default Project Tab » setting to set which tab is initially displayed on the single project page
  • Tested with WP 6.2
  • Fixed project button issue

= 3.3.8
* Added ability to drag and re-order subtasks
* Added ability to download project as PDF
* Added project status label display to the project grid
* Fixed completed status projects

= 3.3.7
* Added « Delete Assigned Tasks » permission
* Added « Delete Assigned Projects » permission

= 3.3.69
* Added option to customize calendar text color
* Made status filter show only users tasks if on My Tasks
* Fixed filename « Untitled » issue on files page
* Fixed calendar date issue

= 3.3.68
* Added ability to filter tasks by status from the tasks page in the backend
* Removed ability to edit your own role as admin from the user edit page

= 3.3.67
* Fixed issue when creating multiple tasks at the same time
* Added ability to set parent task from the new task modal
* Added ability to import iCal files from the Calendar page
* Added « Show calendar due date only » setting to set whether calendar tasks span the full width or only show the end date on the calendar

= 3.3.66
* Added ability to create a task list, with easy navigation
* Added ability to sync ICS file, which is publicly accessible
* Improved accessibility and ARIA compliance
* Added ‘Categories’ field to new task and task edit pages
* Added keyboard shortcuts for faster workflows
* Added new notification option to set whether project assignees receive new task notifications of a task created within a project they are part of
* Fixed local file upload issue
* Added ability to upload multiple files at once using the local file picker

= 3.3.64
* Moved task settings to basic version
* Updated German translations

= 3.3.63
* Added « Blocking Tasks » feature that can be enabled from Zephyr > General Settings
* Added « Hide Completed Tasks in My Tasks » setting in Zephyr > General Settings to hide tasks that are completed
* Various other changes and improvements
* Updated German translations

= 3.3.62
* Added all statuses to calendar status selection

= 3.3.61
* Added task status changed email
* Fixed duplicate setting and view members setting

= 3.3.6
* Improved readability and fixed low contrast text issues
* Added File Icon and Folder Icon settings
* Fixed CSV export issue

= 3.3.59
* Added new extended file picker with the ability to enter external file links as well. Can be enabled from Zephyr > Settings > General > ‘Enable extended file uploader with external link input’.
* Improved file display for folder and documents
* Added setting to change calendar item colors to use category color, status color or priority color

= 3.3.58
* Added new « Edit Assigned Tasks » permission
* Fixed permission issue with non-Zephyr related roles

= 3.3.57
* Added two new permissions: « Edit Statuses » and « Edit Priorities »
* Changed fonts to be loaded locally instead of from Google fonts
* Changed icons and other CDN content to load locally instead
* Fixed issue with direct link to project not allowing opening of popup menu
* Improved loading of unnecessary shortcode and frontend scripts/styles when not needed

= 3.3.56
* Changed style of new project popup
* Made project description field resizable

= 3.3.55
* Fixed projects page error

= 3.3.54
* Updated German translations
* Added subtasks to task list, shown in a hierarchy
* Fixed some styling issues
* Added new setting to allow automatically removing users from tasks when removed from the project, and adding them to project when a task is created in that project

= 3.3.53
* Added new « Allow users to only view categories assigned to them » setting

= 3.3.52
* Updated and improved German translations
* Added translation support for default statuses and priorities
* Fixed translation issues on Welcome page and with Projects plural

= 3.3.5
* Fixed project view description edit issue
* Fixed « My Tasks » showing tasks you created as well as are assigned to
* Fixed undefined has being added to the URL when clicking on some tabs
* Improved styling of project progress chart
* Improved contrast in form label colors and improved readability
* Added task hamburger menu to the task detail page as well
* Changed « Project Assignees » to « Project Managers »
* Added « Members » and « Teams » groups to the project « Member » selection field
* Added improved German translations
* Added new action hook for when project members are removed

= 3.3.4
* Added new « Directly Link to Project » setting under Zephyr > Settings > General settings to skip the project popup and link directly to the detail page
* Added new « Directly Link to Task » setting under Zephyr > Settings > General settings to skip the task popup and link directly to the detail page
* Changed activity viewing permissions so only administrators can see all activity and members can see only their own activity, activity related to tasks and projects they are part of, or activity related to team members

= 3.3.3
* Added new « Create Categories » permission to set who can create categories.
* Added new « View Assigned Project Tasks » permission to set whether a user can view tasks assigned to a project without having to be assigned to each task, and only having to be assigned to the project.
* Fixed « Add New » button shown on the tasks page if they don’t have the permission to create tasks.

= 3.3.2
* REST API improvements and fixes
* Fixed issues with user permissions when creating files
* Fixed project edit permission issue

= 3.3.1
* Fixed issues with task and project creation and editing permissions

= 3.3.0
* Added all user roles to the Zephyr > Permission settings, to allow setting Zephyr permissions for built in roles as well as custom roles
* Fixed mobile app issue
* Styling improvements


  • Tested with WP 6.1


  • Added additional AJAX checks for permissions
  • Added new setting to set who can access Zephyr based on their user role in Zephyr > Settings
  • Added project sorting functionality to sort projects by date created, date due, alphabetically ascending, alphabetically descending and by priority


  • Fixed user member edit issue
  • Fixed datepicker styling
  • Fixed archived project view
  • Fixed blurry text in new project popup
  • Fixed small description field issue in new project popup
  • Prevented accidental removal of your own Zephyr access as an administrator from the access controls


  • Fixed assignee bug on tasks with multiple assignees
  • Fixed timezone issues


  • Fixed file uploads in discussions and messages not sending


  • Fixed ‘No subtasks’ message not removed after creating the first subtask sometimes
  • Fixed issue when creating multiple tasks inside a project at once, assigning not working correctly
  • Added full AJAX authentication, sanitization and validation
  • Added full REST API authentication, sanitization and validation
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities


  • Fixed new subtask option, not working with create tasks capability
  • Improved member project picker by allowing searching, and showing it in a dropdown instead of single toggles
  • Fixed non Zephyr members showing in project member picker
  • Fixed issue with new task button shortcode
  • Fixed importer issues
  • Added the « Require Authentication for REST API Requests » setting
  • Added REST API Authentication functionality


  • Tested with WP 6.0
  • Fixed security issue
  • Updated Italian translations
  • Improved welcome page to only show once, even if not clicking on the get started button, and not showing the Pro option on the welcome page if it is installed simultaneously


  • Tested and stable with PHP 8
  • Fixed register_rest_route warning with permission callback
  • Fixed warning
  • Fixed calendar task display issue with colorless category
  • Fixed calendar filter update issue


  • Various fixes and improvements
  • Tested with WordPress 5.4.2
  • Lots of new features in development and coming soon


  • Maintenance updates and small improvements


  • Added description and start and end date to subtasks to add more information
  • Added project assignees
  • Added ability to archive and unarchive projects
  • Added new permission to allow only project assignees to edit their projects
  • Improved dashboard project charts
  • Fixed projects counting subtasks as completed tasks as well
  • Fixed wrong timezone used for messages in the discussion panel
  • Created new WooCommerce integration available on the website
  • Added ability to set hour and minutes for tasks start and end dates
  • Added ability to drag and change task orders on project pages
  • Lots of other changes and improvements
  • Tested with WP 5.3


  • Added French translations thanks a million to Laureline!
  • Added recurring tasks to calendar
  • Added ability to edit shortcode tasks
  • Improved project category selection in the dashboard
  • Added ‘list’ view type for task list shortcode
  • Added ability to set limit to task list via the shortcode
  • Fixed issue with tasks table not being created on some hosting environments


  • Tested with WordPress 5.2 and fixed PHP notice
  • Added new shortcode: Calendar [zephyr_calendar]
  • Added new shortcode: New Task Button [zephyr_new_task_button]
  • Added new shortcode: Display files [zephyr_files]
  • Added new shortcode: Upload File button [zephyr_file_upload]
  • Added new shortcode: Display activity [zephyr_activity]


  • New Feature: Task recurrence settings to set tasks to recur each day, each week, month or annually
  • Improved calendar display and added more details information and color coding
  • Added full multisite compatibility
  • Lots of performance and optimization enhancements
  • Assign categories to new projects
  • Improved dashboard with user overview
  • Group projects by categories
  • Switch between project list and project grid view
  • Fixed assignees not being selectable from the project quick task creation section
  • Added mentions to discussions and tasks to easily mention users
  • Improved progress section in projects and displays user progress as well
  • Ability to select custom statuses from Project > Progress section
  • Simplified and improved permission settings
  • Ability to drag calendar items


  • Added Czech language translation with many thanks to Martin Šmíd 🙂
  • Added category selection to new project modal
  • Added category select page to show projects by category


  • Improvements to mobile display
  • Tested with WP 5.1.1
  • Removed logging calls
  • Fixed issue with status column not being created on install on some servers


  • Added the ability to create and set statuses and priorities for tasks and projects individualy
  • Multiple assignees on tasks
  • Improved project progress page with filtering and task progress overview
  • Ability to display unique ID or project ID next to project name
  • Added new shortcode options to show tasks from certain projects or certain users
  • Fixed email issue and added project specific email settings
  • Added user role management settings for administrators
  • Fixed localization POT file issue
  • Fixed JS error for non ES6 browsers


  • Added status color coding to calendar
  • Added project, team, status and assignee filtering to the calendar


  • Custom priorities/statuses with custom name and colors can now be created and used
  • Filtering projects by category has been added
  • Fixed issue with tasks not showing in ‘My Tasks’ if in assigned ‘team’
  • Send email notifications to all assigned ‘team members’ as well
  • Fixed tooltip items for charts not showing
  • Fixed Export to CSV and JSON not working correctly and improved importing
  • Fixed issue with new custom color settings only showing after reload, once saved
  • Added task description to new task email notification
  • Added ability to set custom email ‘from name’ and ‘from email’ for email notifications
  • Fixed issue with multiple lines in comments only showing in one line


  • Added full RTL (right-to-left) support in both free and premium versions
  • Added shortcode functionality to display single projects and tasks in the frontend
  • Added more information to calendar events including assignee names, the project name and the description


  • New Feature: Added task and project priorities
  • Fixed file upload issue on file manager page
  • Fixed Calendar issue and redunant string in the beginning of each task
  • Added localization support for missing strings and calendar
  • Added custom date format and date localization
  • Styling improvements and compatibility issues


  • Improvement: Realtime notifications for new messages, new tasks and new projects created by users
  • Android Mobile App is now available in the Free version
  • Added realtime push notifications to apps
  • Shortcuts for creating new projects and tasks and pressing enter to create tasks or projects when the popup is open
  • Various styling improvemnets


  • Added validation for new tasks to check if start date is earlier than the due date
  • Various styling fixes and improvements
  • Styling fixes for IE browsers


  • Added localization for sidebar menu titles and page titles
  • Fixed issue with project selection not updating after saving more than one task
  • Styling improvements and enhancements


  • Fixed PHP error on Devices page


  • Improvement: Styling overhaul – fixed many small styling issues and revamped the styling with some more modern styling
  • Improvement: Automatically show changes made to task and projects name in the header of the edit page
  • Fix: Added fallback for viewing tasks when there is a JS error
  • Improvemnet: Added notifications sent to Android App
  • Other: Removed the deactivation survey and the Patreon request notice and some other notices to provide less clutter


  • Fix: Fixed issue with tasks loading on Calendar on some pages due to incorrect rest URL
  • Improvement: Added deactivation survey to the plugin to pinpoint if there are any major problems or features that people are needing
  • Improvement: Added missing English strings in the PO file


  • Fix: Calendar task URL leading to incorrect URL in dashboard
  • Fix: Added ‘Task Assigned’ notification preference to Teams & Members edit section
  • Fix: Tasks due this week email being sent if no tasks are due
  • Fix: Added check for the rest URL to see if it is available to fix a Calendar issue


  • Fix: Fixed conflicting AJAX errors when error reporting is active
  • Improvement: Completely internationalized the plugin for localization
  • Improvement: Added loader/spinner for certain AJAX requests to improve the UX
  • Improvement: Changed layout of dashboard to make it easier to use and get data from
  • Improvement: Added team and project link to task modal view
  • Imrpovement: Various small styling changes and improvements
  • Added Spanish Translation with 100% translation


  • Fix: New task email notification is now only sent to assignee
  • Fix: Emails only sent to members that have Zephyr access
  • Fix: Overdue summary email was sent even if there are no overdue tasks
  • Fix: Some browser notifications for overdue tasks were shown to the incorrect user and not the assignee
  • Improvement: Added info section to Zephyr dashboard to show version numbers and indicate if Pro is installed
  • Improvement: Default ‘All Activity’ and ‘Weekly Activity’ to false
  • Improvement: Added notificaiton option for ‘Task Assigned’